I am thinking of replacing zombie awareness with this...
anyone want to test that and gimme some feedback?
from the website: https://epicsiegemod.wordpress.com/
– Customisable awareness radius for most mobs (does not includes Ghasts & Endermen)
– Creepers can breach through walls
– Blazes spawn in overworld
– Ghasts spawn in overworld
– Ghast fire speed options
– Wither Skeletons spawn in overworld
– Creepers can spawn pre-powered
– Creeper explosions are napalm/fire
– Disable beds (still sets spawn but won’t change time)
– Skeletons snipers
– Endermen can teleport the player they are attacking
– Endermen can act more like Slendermen having side effects on players
– Zombies can infect the players when they die so that a zombie rises from their grave
– Apocalypse mode for Zombies and Slendermen only and no other mobs or animal
– Mobs attack villagers using the same abilities used against you! (Can wipe out villages)
– Chaos mode for a mob free-for-all deathmatch (Mass destruction)
– Fortresses containing large amounts of spawners and loot to find
– Creepers riding other mobs
– End is a frozen asteroid field with Dragon Forts!
– Nether is a hellish version of the overworld
– Attackers can divide themselves up between targets
– Zombies that dig!
– More persistent AI
– Complete customisation of all of the above features
Reminds me of Blood & Bones.