After updating, I started a new world and... I can't drink the Leaves Cider you now get instead of bottled water for those early quests. Right-clicking with the bottle in-hand does nothing.
... and, after cheating in some bottles of water, drinking those has no effect on my thirst meter.
As far as I can tell, it is impossible to start a new game in this update without immediately dying of thirst. This... is a problem
So now torches can go out or something? They also all went out in the dungeon under the base and now it's full of mobs again.. lol
so with the update I can no longer quench my thirst... water bottles don't work, cooked salt water, can't melt snow in frying pans... how are we supposed to get water? What is the path to water, seems like I spend most of my time in this pack just trying to get water.
There's something bugged with thirst right now, which, since it makes the pack unplayable for anyone starting out, is probably going to be a high priority for a hotfix when the author gets wind of it

In the meantime, hold off on updating.
Turns out, you can drink water to replenish thirst, but you need 63 cobblestone so you can build a vat and get a camel pack, or enough stone for a furnace (rotten flesh to leather) and craft your own before the quest reward. (frankly if you want to survive, go the furnace route)
really you like that? lucking into the inscriber plates, then lucking into silicon? They just went from annoying to impossible. Without the stripes pipes, my last resort for cobble gen was drones, but now automating cobble gen is way late game
This modpack is called Blast Off, I think what the creator wants the pack to be called F-Off! What is the point of adding all these mods if nothing is actually craftable?
So it turns out the camel pack I cheated in to see if it actually worked, can't be refilled with water. only the fresh water which requires the vat, then the nether bricks, how are you supposed to stay alive long enough to make water? (and snow in this pack is not exactly a renewable resource)
I don't think we are ever supposed to be able to automate cobble gen. For a pack that disables the ex nihilo ores by removing the sieve, he really doesn't want us to have cobblestone. While you might get lucky enough to land yourself the materials for the pcb so you can automate with drones, the only way I can find in this pack to get cobble that doesn't require massive amounts of galgadorian metal is the flaxbeard mod (a mod based on a metal you have to hand craft one ingot at a time), which you'll need a massive steve's cart tree farm to automate, at which point you should be able to generate about one stack of cobble per hour. Other than that, you might rig some kind of massive assembly to use a mining well for it, since the mining well doesn't require you to sacrifce your children to craft....until someone figures out how and karmarcharger replaces the iron ingots in the recipe with galgadorian-bedrockium alloy
also, while i was standing in my basement, something blew up the top two stories of the shelter and it filled up with zombies.
I am so done with this pack.
To all the people wondering about the fresh water and leaves cider PLEASE READ THIS
Update 1.1.18, it may show up as 1.1.19 on the launcher but when you look in game its 1.1.18....
-Added Mod enhanced Inv
-Moved HQM textures to resourcepack
-Updated Environmine V93
-Updated Falling meteorsmod
-Updated Realistic Pain 1.3.1 fixes memory leak issues
-Updated Mariculture
-Updated Forge version to V 1291
-Updated chickenchunklib,nei etc
-Updated Ruinedbases
-Introduced Ravines
Wither bosses has been buffed like crap do not attempt unless you think you can kill a hardcore enderexpansion ender dragon
-Secondary recipe for Galgorian Eye
-Secondary recipe for Pneumaticraft PCB
-Buildcraft questline added
-Tons of buildcraft recipe changes
-Botania flowers, Sun, Water, night will die after 4 days.
-Infinite water enabled
-Get hydration Via fresh water/ leaves cider DRINKABLE ONLY WHEN YOU ARE HUNGRY, or you can put the fresh water in the camel pack to drink... Leaves cider makes the camel pack dirty so NONONONO PLEASE BE REMINDED FRESH WATER AND LEAVES CIDER ARE STACKABLE IN STACKS OF 64 so if anyone is complaining about how i nerfed camel packs...
-You get hardened ores from crafting flaxbeard smashed ores, the hardened ores can be smelted in the crucible.... still
-furnace recipes for ingots has been enabled :3
- Will add more tmr i cant remember what i added its 12midnight here :c
The update is awaiting upload by admins......because its now LISTED

@CoolSquid The only reason the update is out today! Give him all your love.
With regards to Blacksmith anvil and hammer, you need to spam LEFT CLICK it not press and hold...
ALSO THE VAT RECIPE IS A SECONDARY RECIPE I DIDNT REMOVE THE COPPER RECIPE... why the hate for when i give a secondary recipe??
The only thing you need bedrockium for is a farming station..... so yea......
To get HYDRATION if you cant afford a VAT, do it the Leaves cider way.....
YOU CAN MAKE FLAXBEARD cobblestone farm since infinite water is enabled!!