It starts with a pair of smooth stone generators. Pistons in the back to push the stone blocks forward, the pistons are powered by Redstone Clocks.
In the center lane the Mana Pool and an Orechid to convert the stone into the precious ores. One orechid converts a stone into ore every 4-5 seconds, it will be necessary to add a second flower if the systems gets faster than that.
In the back Stripe Pipes to break the ore blocks. This is also where the speed of the system can be controlled. (Timer upgrades in the gates or using one of the other trigger options, like to only pull when the pipe is empty.)
This simple build just uses Endoflames, 12 flowers on each side with 3 Mana Spreaders feeding into the pool. The Endoflames are fueled by Charcoal (in the "real" build the coal will come from a Steve's Cart tree farm). Each piece of coal lasts 40 seconds per flower or 16 pieces per minute for all 12 flowers. The gate at the coal chest is set to pulse when the Wooden Pipe is empty, this pulls exactly the necessary 16 coal per minute from the chest. The covers at the sides are simply to prevent the coal pieces from getting blown off the platform.
The full-size screenie of the complete generator:
And if somebody wants to test the limits of the build, just put the creative Mana Pool and 4-5 Orechids in the center, then set the Stripe Pipe gates to pulse when the pipe is empty. It goes at least as fast as the BC quarry.