I found some gold in the spires I just wasn't looking in the right place. Thanks for putting up with me, I'll try to be less stupid in the future.You do know you are suppose to go upgrade your bone pick and mine the gold on the spires for gold right? Meteors are secondary means of obtaining ores X_X
Found a way down deep into the dungeons, an enderman and blaze spawner was nearby. I think I can start farming. Too bad there's no Jabba mod, the dolly would have made a good use to transport spawners near the base.
Botania has something for that :3
not really familiar with botania but will check out the book. Thanks!
Yea, it's really endgame in the Botania tree. You have to kill a wither to get a beacon to summon a boss that you have to kill. The boss drops enough to make two spawner movers. I have a six spawner setup at my base and now I get tons of iron and steel from melting armour.
OPen to lan enable cheats xDHello everybody.
This is the first time for me and BlastOff and i'm trying to launch a new game with 1.1.17 version. But i can't use the '/hqm quest' command. It say that i don't have right to use this command. I've got the same problem with 1.1.16 version.
What can i do ?
thanks a lot for you answer.
Hello everybody.
This is the first time for me and BlastOff and i'm trying to launch a new game with 1.1.17 version. But i can't use the '/hqm quest' command. It say that i don't have right to use this command. I've got the same problem with 1.1.16 version.
What can i do ?
thanks a lot for you answer.
After the change that meteors doesn't drop so much stuff anymore, I wondered if there could be a slight ease on iron-use or how to get it.
I know with a working monster-trap you can get stuff to smelt for iron, but that is pretty much alot of luck (find cursed earth/division sigil in a dungeon) or, as just mentioned aboth my post, pretty much endgame of botania, with killing a wither (if you have bad luck, an infernal wither ^^)
The reason I wonder about it, is my current storage of metals. Even after hammering alot of meteors in the "one of each item"-era and smelting quiet alot of iron-stuff I get from my monster-trap it pretty much locks like this:
- about 230 blocks of Copper, tin and aluminum
- about 150 blocks of gold
- 3 blocks of iron
So a few ideas I thought about:
1.) Make the "Fortune"-enchantment weight a bit more in the meteor-hammering.
I agree that "1 of each" for fortune 2+ was a bit much, but maybe something like:
- "Fortune I" -> gives at least something for 90% of the meteors
- "Fortune II" -> like Fortune I, but it gives you 2 items per mining (so 2 metal shards instead of 1, 2 redstone, etc.)
- "Fortune III" -> like Fortune I, but it gives you 3 items per mining
It would still make it not as easy as the "one of each item"-thing, but it would give more into having a good fortune-hammer.
2.) Add another metal as second-recipe for the basic iron-recipes.
Like adding aluminum or maybe aluminum-brass as alternative for iron for recipes like iron-bars, hoppers, etc.
Especially aluminum would fit this role well I think, since this metall is hardly every used. You pretty much need it a bit for tinker's construct but then it reaches pretty fast the point where you have to think about putting it into the trashcan at some point because you hardly have any use for it.
3.) Add the tinker's construct oreberry-bushes somehow (if not already implemented, I didn't find any so I think they're not).
Maybe as a repeatable quest (which should not be 'too' evil but still not too easy to get) or some kind of crafting recipe for them. They're slow and only gives you a nugget of metal, but they could at least give a little "steady income" of a metall you really need. (mainly iron and gold I guess)
And one last thing:
I think the repeatable recipe at the end of "Farming with Steve's Carts" could need a change. At the moment you need 10 blocks of Enhanced Galgadorian Metall for 1 Broken spawner (where you not see which kind you actually get, they all are called "Broken Spawner"). It's alot easier to just go into a dungeon to get broken spawner or finding one of the ghast-spawners and break them.
So either switch the quest completly or - as another alternative to endgame botania - make it actually a bit "more" expensive (like 15 or 20 blocks) but then give a real (vanilla-)spawner to set up.
At the moment I don't think this quest is really attractive besides wanting to have 100% claimed in it.
Thanks! Is there any way as it stands to create source blocks for use with buckets?
It would also melt the frying panPressurized water is a sourceblock for bottles. In my latest version, the water block in the "Saplings" drive is still infinite water source for bottles. It used to heal you in previous versions, but the mod was removed, so now it is replaced with pressurized water and it's infinite for water bottles. Also, what I did for my water is I mined a whole lot of Frezirite and each snow flake put next to a bucket of water in shapeless gives me 4 ice blocks. I then place down the blocks, break them with my hand, and each of them turns into a bucket of water. Beats the poop out of Kawaii stupid frying pan of 3 hours to smelt a snow block. My home frying pan, if placed over lava, would smelt snow in 0.5 seconds...
Read the 1.1.17 change log bro :3Pressurized water is a sourceblock for bottles. In my latest version, the water block in the "Saplings" drive is still infinite water source for bottles. It used to heal you in previous versions, but the mod was removed, so now it is replaced with pressurized water and it's infinite for water bottles. Also, what I did for my water is I mined a whole lot of Frezirite and each snow flake put next to a bucket of water in shapeless gives me 4 ice blocks. I then place down the blocks, break them with my hand, and each of them turns into a bucket of water. Beats the poop out of Kawaii stupid frying pan of 3 hours to smelt a snow block. My home frying pan, if placed over lava, would smelt snow in 0.5 seconds...
Thanks a lotIt says on chat when you start it up to open LAN, enable cheats, then type in /hqm quest to start it
Replied to you in your PMStrange crash has been happening consistently when attempting to open my world. I tried redownloading the pack and loaded a backup but I'm not sure what the issue is. I updated from 1.1.15 to 1.1.17 and now I cannot play. Here's the crash report: http://pastebin.com/H1Y1FiBw