speaking of 2x2 doors, I love how these look:
MFFS Containment Field with glass viewer camo upgrade
MFFS Containment Field with glass viewer camo upgrade
Trust me, I don't even plan this out consciously.
The problem is that my doors are ALWAYS 2x2. Always. I like them that way. Obviously, if I want my base to be symmetrical, the rest of the base needs to be evenly spaced on either side of the door, like in the picture.
That tends to lead to everything being even.
This is my base from my server - I'm in the middle of manually updating to 1.5 (Xycraft + ChickenChunks bug is killing me...), so it won't be finished on the server, but I do have the world downloaded and may finish it up in SSP.
The whole thing is built from warded glass and stone, the floors are all 3 blocks thick to acommodate lights and still prevent random people dropping in by digging under and up - I'd originally intended to have the whole base colour coded\access restricted and have player detectors for people to click on and open up whichever areas they had access to, but I never got that far, unfortunately.
Mystcraft?How you get oil ocean...
here's my vote for having liquid glowstone only float up to a certain height level, creating floating clouds of liquid glowstone.But you know what'd be cool?
Liquid Glowstone oceans.
Which the solidify.here's my vote for having liquid glowstone only float up to a certain height level, creating floating clouds of liquid glowstone.
How you get oil ocean...
They don't have the best appearance, for techy bases, but I really like Twilight Forest's reappearing blocks.I loathe that Minecraft limits doors to being either 2x1 or 2x2. That's just too small to be a proper door for a building of any significant size. That's why I've fallen in love with the Secret Rooms mod, which (via the camo gate) allows construction of doors of almost any size and shape. A camo gate is also far easier to set up than a frame door and is both more compact and more flexible than piston-based doors.
I'm also a huge fan of the ghost block, which I use to place invisible access points & shortcuts all throughout my base.
About the reactor:Here's my base, I didn't feature some of the more boring parts, Like all the industrial greg tech map,
And i don't have any thaumcraft things coz' i dunno how to use it
I seriously need advice and coaching
SCREENSHOTS: (In no particular order)
The reactor setup, She's an idlin' on the safest setup i can dream up, Jarate cooling cells and thorium rods (Are the helium coolers the best? I forget)
I'm not making much power because i can't be around to tend to it all day, There's already enough energy to suit my needs, And if i'm lucky, Lightning strikes will hit and i can get my IDSU filled up for free
Lightning rods, Quantum linked to the main power grid, Still no bites
Wall O-Stuff, Because i cant have all my tools on me 247
The suits on the wall are (Left to right) My modular power suit, Invisible on that rack for some reason, My everyday stuff, (engie overalls, Long fall boots, Ultimate jetpack, Solar hat) And my quantum-gravi suit
Also, If you look to the right of the screen you'll see the energy bridge, It's a pain in the ass and i need someone's help to fix it
About the reactor:
http://www.talonfiremage.pwp.blueyo...9xa56zr94uw73ajosl8jp6849numh92mkhpnrkysyetq8 gives the same power as your setup does and doesn't need external cooling.
http://www.talonfiremage.pwp.blueyo...cm1hqdzjuqot2b2e2e867ovsvrn4k1v1atnc6crir9r0g makes way more power than your setup and is still 100% safe. It also doesn't need the GT freezer, because it doesn't need coolant cells.
Edit: Or use http://www.talonfiremage.pwp.blueyo...deblov48zqb1j29tssmrdu120n6jypx8hkdkbuxyyin7k for higher efficiency (put less EU/t).
About the lightning rods:
Make one long line of metal posts up to the sky limit, this will significantly improve power output. Use the search function, this was discussed with some good insight a few months ago.
About the Wall O-Stuff:
Which item from which mod is it, that lets you hang your tools on the wall?
(Yay, posted this time. Last try I got a cloudflare error and had to retype my post...)
just use a converter setup with MFFS