Whitelist Server < Legion Mindcrack > Community Focused Survival -- 100% Grief-Free

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New Member
Jul 29, 2019
8 GB RAM, USA Phoenix
24/7 Uptime
PvP - Only Consensual
Survival - Hard Difficulty
Mindcrack v8.01
Server IP:
Map Resetted on 28th January
*Our server strives to ensure a friendly and mature community. Our current players are all willing to help and engage in friendly conversation. Our Feed the Beast server ensures that you will absolutely encounter no griefing and we are very welcoming. Multiplayer isn't fun without friends. Joining a new server can be daunting as you are one lonely person in a vast pool of players. Over here our players have all congregated into main towns, socialise and join them or create your own!
Our server is completely vanilla and have no plugins nor any item bans.
*Pure legit survival is our game in Feed the Beast. With a community centric focus (you can lone wolf it out if that's your desire), the following rules are enforced:
NO Griefing
NO modified client
NO transparent texture packs
NO exploits or duping.
Have a good attitude
*The community age group is above 18, with a minimum requirement of 14. Conduct yourself in a manner that's appropriate and respectful and you are very welcomed on our server. It is also a preferred for you to register on our forums and post your introduction after whitelisting.
Previous Bans (if any):
Timezone | Country:
Activity Level (Hours per day):
Skype User:
Additional Information:
IGN: CorruptedBauer
Timezone | Country: U.S. central time
Activity Level (Hours per day): weekday: 1-2 hours or so, weekend: 2,3,maybe 4 hours
Able to communicate on Skype: Yes/No: yes soon once i re-install it on my new computer
Additional Information (Optional): i have been with minecraft since beta, feed the beast since it's start, I have great knowledge with redstone, and am always willing to help others with projects. i plan to build big, but hidden and underground, for cool lighting purposes and effects, and i'm always dedicated to anything that i start.
Willing to donate towards monthly fees? yes I would donate if i have the extra money too, but if i don't then no. so sometimes.
IGN: ziwakwa
Age: 18
Timezone | Country: Finland GMT+3
Activity Level (Hours per day): at least 3 hours usually more
Able to communicate on Skype: Yes/No yes but i don't have microphone yet =/
Additional Information (Optional): i have been playing minecraft since beta 1.8 and i am pretty good builder in my opinion.
Willing to donate towards monthly fees?: no I can't because my parents wont let me
IGN: haavardsjef
Age: 22
Timezone | Country: Central European Time / Norway
Activity Level (Hours per day): 3-6
Able to communicate on Skype: Yes/No (If Yes, preferably, pm me your Skype name) Yes
Additional Information (Optional): I have been playing Minecraft since the early Alpha-days, and I'm pretty skilled in FTB
Willing to donate towards monthly fees? (Optional): 2GB costs $20 USD/month. Well it depends if I like the server or not
IGN: Pure_Talent_HD
Timezone | Country: eastern standard time | USA
Activity Level (Hours per day):4-10 (weekends all the time)
Able to communicate on Skype: Yes
Additional Information (Optional):Been playing minecraft since alpha. Been playing tekkit for about 6 months. Owned a sever called Talent Craft 40+ people online.
Willing to donate towards monthly fees? (Optional): Should be able to soon.
IGN: Johngazm
Age: 17
Timezone | Country: EST | USA
Activity Level (Hours per day): 1-3
Able to communicate on Skype: Yes (It's Johngazm. I don't care who adds me.)
Additional Information (Optional): I'm sort of new to Technic typed mod packs. My friends tried explaining it to me, but they were horrible at it, so I was hoping I could learn about it. I watched some Mindcrack videos on it too.
Willing to donate towards monthly fees? (Optional): I have a job, but no bills to pay, so maybe.
IGN: Shmurrr
Timezone | Country:Central | United States of 'Merica
Activity Level (Hours per day): about 3 to 5
Able to communicate on Skype: Yes/No (If Yes, preferably, pm me your Skype name) Yes, I will PM you the name if whitelisted
IGN: czared
Age: 16
Timezone | Country: GMT +5 United States
Activity Level (Hours per day): Vary between when I have work and now that it's winter snowboarding
Able to communicate on Skype: Yes/No (If Yes, preferably, pm me your Skype name) Yes I can I'll pm you my skype is I get accepted
Additional Information (Optional): I have played through tekkit multiple times so i know IC2 and buildcraft and other such mods nearly inside and out, but I'd like to try out mods.
Willing to donate towards monthly fees? (Optional): If I like then server I'll chip in some money. It'll have to wait though since I lost my wallet and had to cancel my credit card. It takes a week or two for a new one to be sent too me.
All the above have been whitelisted. Server just booted up at 7.30 AM GMT+8.

Shmurrr you're abit too young sorry.
IGN: alex2002012
Age: 17
Timezone | Country: ireland gtm 0
Activity Level (Hours per day):4 to 5 hours daily
Able to communicate on Skype: my mic is broken when i get a new one i will chat
Additional Information (Optional): i watch the mindcrackers and play a single player of there mod pack so i know most of the mods
Willing to donate towards monthly fees? (Optional): 2GB costs $20 USD/month i just started a par time job and may be able to donate soon
IGN: Ahikiyu
Age: 18
Timezone | Country: GMT/USA
Activity Level (Hours per day): 12+
Able to communicate on Skype: Yes
Additional Information (Optional): I've played minecraft for awhile now including tekkit/other mods.
Willing to donate towards monthly fees? (Optional): Yes, If all the bills are payed.
This app is for 2 people
IGN: AutisticPanther / DiamondRanger
Age: 14/13
Timezone | Country: PST / Cali
Activity Level (Hours per day): 3-5

Able to communicate on Skype: Yes/No (If Yes, preferably, pm me your Skype name) Yes
Additional Information (Optional): I am fun
IGN: ArbitraryID
Age: 19
Timezone | Country: Canada GMT -8
Activity Level (Hours per day): 1 or 2
Able to communicate on Skype: Yes, I will PM my skype only if I get whitelisted for security reasons
Additional Information (Optional): I know BuildCraft, Redpower2, and Equivalent Exchange v2
Willing to donate towards monthly fees? (Optional): Yes, a little. I have paypal.
IGN: Spartan_D34
Age: 17
Timezone | Country: CST USA
Activity Level (Hours per day): 3-4
Able to communicate on Skype: Yes/No yes
Additional Information (Optional): i play minecraft and Halo
Willing to donate towards monthly fees? (Optional): yes
IGN: AiM_17
Age: 16
Timezone | Country: USA
Activity Level (Hours per day): More than 3
Able to communicate on Skype: Yes/No (If Yes, preferably, pm me your Skype name) I have Skype, it is private though, I can add you but no sharing it :p
Additional Information (Optional): I have applied for soooooo many servers and none have answered, I hope this is one I will be accepted into.
Willing to donate towards monthly fees? (Optional): 2GB costs $20 USD/month: If I like the server (which it sounds like I will) then sure.
IGN: dsoud030
Age: 18
Timezone | Country: -8 Eastern United States
Activity Level (Hours per day): Anywhere from 2-20 Hours a day, no lie.
Able to communicate on Skype: Yes/No (If Yes, preferably, pm me your Skype name) Yes, my skype name is wtf.names.suck
Additional Information (Optional): I'm just a chill and laid back guy and I enjoy playing minecraft. I am pretty good with all the mods, and have built many different things within the mod pack. I basically need a server to play on, for one to enjoy the game with others, and also to show off my builds. Basically I want a place to go to play the game, simple as that.
Willing to donate towards monthly fees? (Optional): 2GB costs $20 USD/month Sure if I have the money at the time.
Timezone | Country: US
Activity Level (Hours per day):1-8 depends on how busy I am.
Able to communicate on Skype: Yes/No (If Yes, preferably, pm me your Skype name) Yes
Additional Information (Optional):
Willing to donate towards monthly fees? (Optional): 2GB costs $20 USD/month Yeah I wouldn't mind donating.[DOUBLEPOST=1357188205][/DOUBLEPOST]Just saw whitelist is on hold. I'll bookmark this thread and check on it when its open again.
I know you're on hold at the moment, but this sounds like it could be what I'm looking for. Let me know if you end up getting some free slots.

IGN: krasoft
Age: 22
Timezone | Country: Ontario, Canada
Activity Level (Hours per day): 3-4
Able to communicate on Skype: Yes. Love to be on a Teamspeak server the moment I log in.
Additional Information (Optional): Software Engineer. Work full-time and would like to play with mature folks who aren't interested in begging for every little thing and generally making a nuisance out of everyone's stuff.
Willing to donate towards monthly fees? If the server has no lag, and a nice community, I'll definitely toss a few bucks for every month I play.