Whitelist Server Legion Mindcrack - 20 Slot Friendly Community | Now with Mystcraft!

  • This section is now closed. Server owners can remake their threads in the new server section here. If you are looking for a server you can use both this section and the new section for the time being.
  • FTB will be shutting down this forum by the end of July. To participate in our community discussions, please join our Discord! https://ftb.team/discord


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
IGN:___Jones___ ( 3 _ Before and after)
Previous Bans (if any):No
Timezone | Country:EST
Activity Level (Hours per day):4-5 Hrs a day
Able to communicate on Skype: Yes/No (If Yes, preferably, pm me your Skype name) Yes
Additional Information (Optional): Looking for a new server. one I was playing on shut down. Only play on one server at a time so looking for that will stay on for a long time.


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
Previous Bans (if any):None
Timezone | Country:GMT+1 Sweden
Activity Level (Hours per day):from 2-10 depending on what ive got to do irl
Able to communicate on Skype:Yupp
Additional Information (Optional):havent played much server befor, mostly played sp, so it would be fun to accualy play with others :D
IGN: Marathel
Age: 20
Previous Bans (if any): N/A
Timezone | Country: -6 CST | USA
Activity Level (Hours per day): 3-5+
Able to communicate on Skype: Yes
Additional Information (Optional): Been on quite a few servers that start out strong and then shut down within a week of opening, hoping that I will find one that stays open for a long time and has a strong friendly community, and this looks like it may be it.

IGN:___Jones___ ( 3 _ Before and after)
Previous Bans (if any):No
Timezone | Country:EST
Activity Level (Hours per day):4-5 Hrs a day
Able to communicate on Skype: Yes/No (If Yes, preferably, pm me your Skype name) Yes
Additional Information (Optional): Looking for a new server. one I was playing on shut down. Only play on one server at a time so looking for that will stay on for a long time.



New Member
Jul 29, 2019
IGN: Unwashed_Hands
Age: 18
Previous Bans (if any): never been banned
Timezone | Country: Pacific(-8 I think?), USA
Activity Level (Hours per day): Usually 2-4 hours, sometimes on literally all day
Able to communicate on Skype: I have a Skype, never use it and forgot login info. I am willing to make another one though if you'd like! (also will be buying a working headset today or tomorrow, no mic right now!)
Additional Information(Optional): Lonely in my single player world and have never played on a server before and would like to join a group of people that are fun and that I can help build a community with!


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
IGN: WinceMC
Age: 16
Previous Bans (if any): None and it will stay that way
Timezone | Country: Canada: Pacific Time
Activity Level (Hours per day): 1-2 Hours or as much as I can get away with
Able to communicate on Skype: Yes
Additional Information (Optional): Looking for a stable server (the server I'm on atm is crashing every 1/2 hour unfortunately) with a friendly community. Looking forward to trying out the community thing as so far I've been a fairly lone wolf on servers and It's about time that changed. Hope the best for you and your server.
How do you age? I.E. Your attitude towards life, social interactions and perceptions: That is a bit of a tricky question but I'm sure that that is the reason it's here. I try to enjoy every moment of my life although with school it becomes slightly tricky. School is not my favorite place on earth but I try to make the most of it. I'm my free time I generally hang out with friends, play sports (namely hockey) or mess around on the computer. As to specifically how I age I feel that I'm mature for my age and I don't let my hormones and feelings get out of check. My perception of the world is difficult to explain (like a colour) as I have nothing to compare it to. Hopefully this answers your (very broad) question in an adequate fashion.
What are your views on the current situation in Africa and sympathetic people for their cause. Are they hypocrites or genuine? etc. I don't feel I can fairly comment on this without doing fairly extensive research and preferably visiting "Africa". I'm also not quite sure what your referring to when you say the "current situation in Africa" as it seems to me that this could be an number of different things and will very, I'm sure, from place to place.


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
IGN: Unwashed_Hands
Age: 18
Previous Bans (if any): never been banned
Timezone | Country: Pacific(-8 I think?), USA
Activity Level (Hours per day): Usually 2-4 hours, sometimes on literally all day
Able to communicate on Skype: I have a Skype, never use it and forgot login info. I am willing to make another one though if you'd like! (also will be buying a working headset today or tomorrow, no mic right now!)
Additional Information(Optional): Lonely in my single player world and have never played on a server before and would like to join a group of people that are fun and that I can help build a community with!
IGN: WinceMC
Age: 16
Previous Bans (if any): None and it will stay that way
Timezone | Country: Canada: Pacific Time
Activity Level (Hours per day): 1-2 Hours or as much as I can get away with
Able to communicate on Skype: Yes
Additional Information (Optional): Looking for a stable server (the server I'm on atm is crashing every 1/2 hour unfortunately) with a friendly community. Looking forward to trying out the community thing as so far I've been a fairly lone wolf on servers and It's about time that changed. Hope the best for you and your server.
How do you age? I.E. Your attitude towards life, social interactions and perceptions: That is a bit of a tricky question but I'm sure that that is the reason it's here. I try to enjoy every moment of my life although with school it becomes slightly tricky. School is not my favorite place on earth but I try to make the most of it. I'm my free time I generally hang out with friends, play sports (namely hockey) or mess around on the computer. As to specifically how I age I feel that I'm mature for my age and I don't let my hormones and feelings get out of check. My perception of the world is difficult to explain (like a colour) as I have nothing to compare it to. Hopefully this answers your (very broad) question in an adequate fashion.
What are your views on the current situation in Africa and sympathetic people for their cause. Are they hypocrites or genuine? etc. I don't feel I can fairly comment on this without doing fairly extensive research and preferably visiting "Africa". I'm also not quite sure what your referring to when you say the "current situation in Africa" as it seems to me that this could be an number of different things and will very, I'm sure, from place to place.



New Member
Jul 29, 2019
IGN: FrozenFirebat
Age: 26
Previous Bans (if any): none
Timezone | Country: PST
Activity Level (Hours per day): between 2 and 6 hours a day
Able to communicate on Skype: Yes/No (If Yes, preferably, pm me your Skype name) yes
Additional Information (Optional): Looking for a community driven shard


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
IGN: Kazerius
Age: 24
Previous Bans (if any): None
Timezone | Country: EST, United States
Activity Level (Hours per day): Normally 8+
Able to communicate on Skype: Yes/No (If Yes, preferably, pm me your Skype name) Not preferably, but I can learn to I guess.
Additional Information (Optional): Currently in a server I like, lag/connection is getting horrible so I'm starting a search now incase it gets that bad.
IGN: FrozenFirebat
Age: 26
Previous Bans (if any): none
Timezone | Country: PST
Activity Level (Hours per day): between 2 and 6 hours a day
Able to communicate on Skype: Yes/No (If Yes, preferably, pm me your Skype name) yes
Additional Information (Optional): Looking for a community driven shard



New Member
Jul 29, 2019
IGN: Dexinstent
Age: 13
Previous Bans (if any): I've been banned by two servers around Beta 1.4. A admin on the server thought I was duplicating diamonds. We talked lots and I accepted that he was worried so I let him ban me. They created a new server so I tried joining and it worked. I told the admin that banned me to ban me once again to be fair and to keep integrity.
Timezone | Country: I currently live in Canada, eh. I live in the Northern American Eastern Time Zone.
Activity Level (Hours per day): On school days, usually 5pm until 9pm. On weekdays or breaks, I have the whole day free.
Able to communicate on Skype: Yes/No (If Yes, preferably, pm me your Skype name) Yes, I have a skype.
Additional Information (Optional): I'm looking for a FTB Mindcrack server too play on because I'm lonely as hell :)
How do you age? I.E. Your attitude towards life, social interactions and perceptions: Well my first reaction to this question is that it's broad but I'll try to answer to my fullest extent. I'm currently occupied with school which isn't the most amazing place. Every Friday, I go to a church too meet up with some pretty cool people. We go out to eat and have fun. We usually go bowling. On Sundays, I go to church from around 11am to 2-4pm. Then back on Monday, I start school until Friday. My attitude toward life is just enjoy what you can enjoy. If something brings you down, I just remember there are lots of other people in the world that have a much more harder life than you.
What are your views on the current situation in Africa and sympathetic people for their cause. Are they hypocrites or genuine? etc. Once again this question is far beyond my tiny mind but I'll answer. I feel that only a couple of people are actually genuine because in third world countries, it's easy to avoid things like AIDS but again in third world countries, you have more than enough to live off and you have more freedom. Another answer is that in third world countries, a lot of people are just getting dumb. YOLO and SWAG are some examples of things that are just... wrong.
Thanks for reading


Edit: My application seems far off so I was wondering if you say no to an application. I tried looking on the thread but you've accepted to every application.


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
Previous Bans (if any):None
Timezone | Country: EST
Activity Level (Hours per day): ~5 hours daily
Able to communicate on Skype: Yes
Additional Information (Optional): Minecraft/FTB fan. Looking to play on this server and adventure/build. Thanks!


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
Previous Bans (if any):None
Timezone | Country: EST
Activity Level (Hours per day): ~5 hours daily
Able to communicate on Skype: Yes
Additional Information (Optional): Minecraft/FTB fan. Looking to play on this server and adventure/build. Thanks!


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
IGN: SmallButBeast
Age: 15
Previous Bans (if any): None (Never Have Never Will)
Timezone | Country: EST (Canada)
Activity Level (Hours per day): 1-2 on average (maybe less until Febuary 1st i have Exams till then)
Able to communicate on Skype: Yes/No (If Yes, preferably, pm me your Skype name) Yes but not alot and only upon previous consent
Additional Information (Optional): I have been using feed the beast for a decent 7 months now, and i have used all of the included mods for as long as i can remember (except redpower, i have never been into it until now) and am more than happy to share my knowledge


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
Previous Bans (if any):null
Timezone | Country:+2 GMT Estonia
Activity Level (Hours per day):2-5
Able to communicate on Skype: Yes/No (If Yes, preferably, pm me your Skype name)Yes
Additional Information (Optional):My name is Dax,I live in Estonia.I love playing minecraft and most FTB, I want to join this server because I want to meet new friends and become a good player!


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
Previous Bans (if any):null
Timezone | Country:+2 GMT Estonia
Activity Level (Hours per day):2-5
Able to communicate on Skype: Yes/No (If Yes, preferably, pm me your Skype name)Yes
Additional Information (Optional):My name is Dax,I live in Estonia.I love playing minecraft and most FTB, I want to join this server because I want to meet new friends and become a good player!



New Member
Jul 29, 2019
IGN : FreshVibes
Age : 19.
Previous Bans (if any) : None.
Timezone | Country : Pacific Time - United States
Activity Level (Hours per day) : Weekdays can range from 3-5 hours, if anything it's more. Weekends would be about 6 with breaks of course, lol.
Able to communicate on Skype : Of course! Just PM me and I'll be glad to give you my skype.
Additional Information (Optional) : Looking for an active server to play on. Haven't had too much experience with FTB, but it would be great play and learn with others and making friends. I was just recently playing on another mindcrack server, but the lag is just too much to put up with.. So I'm looking for a server that has no lag or at least lag that's bearable. Also, it would be great to join a mindcrack community since I've never really been in an actual minecraft/FTB community.


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
IGN : FreshVibes
Age : 19.
Previous Bans (if any) : None.
Timezone | Country : Pacific Time - United States
Activity Level (Hours per day) : Weekdays can range from 3-5 hours, if anything it's more. Weekends would be about 6 with breaks of course, lol.
Able to communicate on Skype : Of course! Just PM me and I'll be glad to give you my skype.
Additional Information (Optional) : Looking for an active server to play on. Haven't had too much experience with FTB, but it would be great play and learn with others and making friends. I was just recently playing on another mindcrack server, but the lag is just too much to put up with.. So I'm looking for a server that has no lag or at least lag that's bearable. Also, it would be great to join a mindcrack community since I've never really been in an actual minecraft/FTB community.



New Member
Jul 29, 2019
IGN: Jimthebear2
Age: 17
Previous Bans (if any): None, this will be my first server!
Timezone | Country: (UTC-05:00)| United States of America
Activity Level (Hours per day): 1-4 Hours ( A lot on the weekends, and a little during the week)
Able to communicate on Skype: Yes/No (If Yes, preferably, pm me your Skype name): Yes, but I would not like to video chat.
Additional Information (Optional) (So close to not having to fill this out!):
If you are below 18, the following questions are compulsory
How do you age? I.E. Your attitude towards life, social interactions and perceptions.
This is really open ended, but I like these types of questions. I really like to talk to my friends and just mess around. Most of my time is spent studying, but in my free time I either play Minecraft or play some music. I play in my school's band and marching band, like a band geek. I can play the clarinet, saxophone and guitar. I am not really that atheltic, but music is my passion. My view on life is very optimistic, when I think of the big picture. I have seen the poverty first hand in some third world countries and feel grateful for what I have. That does not mean that I don't have my own "spoiled brat moments" from time to time. I want to join this server with 3 other friends. My friend KaitoGaius has agreed, but my other two aren't sure yet.
What are your views on the current situation in Africa and sympathetic people for their cause. Are they hypocrites or genuine? etc.
Honestly I am not sure what to think about the situation in Africa. I am not very well informed on the problems of the specific country, but can relate to the general views on sympathetic people for causes in third world countries. I am sure that most of them are genuine. I have met mother Teresa and her attitude on life made me think that all people have sympathy in their hearts. These people might be different. but overall they should be sympathetic. Again I don't have much knowledge on the specific situation.

Ha, my ban thing sounded like this would be the first server I would be banned on. Don't worry i won't do anything bad ;)


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
IGN: Kaitogaius
Age: 17
Previous Bans (if any): none
Timezone | Country: (UTC-05:00)| United States of America
Activity Level (Hours per day): varies on weekdays, 1-5 hours on weekends
Able to communicate on Skype: Yes/No (If Yes, preferably, pm me your Skype name): No
Additional Information (Optional)
If you are below 18, the following questions are compulsory
How do you age? I.E. Your attitude towards life, social interactions and perceptions.
I would like to say, if it is modest of me that as I age I develop into a more empathetic person. I try to approach any situation with a calm attitude and be open to other's ideas, beliefs and opinions. As I am not perfect I try to learn from my mistakes in life and fix my problems. I enjoy both time spent alone or with my friends. I am a big fan of video games ranging from minecraft, FPS and RPG. I am active in a sport, I swim on a team and this helps me build my body while also learning about interacting with others to accomplish goals. I hope to join this server with a couple of friends, of whom jimthebear2 has applied as well, as playing with friends is always more fun.
What are your views on the current situation in Africa and sympathetic people for their cause. Are they hypocrites or genuine? etc.My heart goes out to anyone suffering in the world regardless of location, or if they are hypocrites. However I do not believe that the Africans are hypocritical in their cause,as they are another country that is fighting to gain access to the needs we all deserve. Now I do not believe that I can say that I have been active in supporting any cause for Africa or even say I can understand the hardships they endure but I pray that they can abolish the dictatorships and other government body that prevents them from their goals.


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
IGN: Jimthebear2
Age: 17
Previous Bans (if any): None, this will be my first server!
Timezone | Country: (UTC-05:00)| United States of America
Activity Level (Hours per day): 1-4 Hours ( A lot on the weekends, and a little during the week)
Able to communicate on Skype: Yes/No (If Yes, preferably, pm me your Skype name): Yes, but I would not like to video chat.
Additional Information (Optional) (So close to not having to fill this out!):
If you are below 18, the following questions are compulsory
How do you age? I.E. Your attitude towards life, social interactions and perceptions.
This is really open ended, but I like these types of questions. I really like to talk to my friends and just mess around. Most of my time is spent studying, but in my free time I either play Minecraft or play some music. I play in my school's band and marching band, like a band geek. I can play the clarinet, saxophone and guitar. I am not really that atheltic, but music is my passion. My view on life is very optimistic, when I think of the big picture. I have seen the poverty first hand in some third world countries and feel grateful for what I have. That does not mean that I don't have my own "spoiled brat moments" from time to time. I want to join this server with 3 other friends. My friend KaitoGaius has agreed, but my other two aren't sure yet.
What are your views on the current situation in Africa and sympathetic people for their cause. Are they hypocrites or genuine? etc.
Honestly I am not sure what to think about the situation in Africa. I am not very well informed on the problems of the specific country, but can relate to the general views on sympathetic people for causes in third world countries. I am sure that most of them are genuine. I have met mother Teresa and her attitude on life made me think that all people have sympathy in their hearts. These people might be different. but overall they should be sympathetic. Again I don't have much knowledge on the specific situation.

Ha, my ban thing sounded like this would be the first server I would be banned on. Don't worry i won't do anything bad ;)
IGN: Kaitogaius
Age: 17
Previous Bans (if any): none
Timezone | Country: (UTC-05:00)| United States of America
Activity Level (Hours per day): varies on weekdays, 1-5 hours on weekends
Able to communicate on Skype: Yes/No (If Yes, preferably, pm me your Skype name): No
Additional Information (Optional)
If you are below 18, the following questions are compulsory
How do you age? I.E. Your attitude towards life, social interactions and perceptions.
I would like to say, if it is modest of me that as I age I develop into a more empathetic person. I try to approach any situation with a calm attitude and be open to other's ideas, beliefs and opinions. As I am not perfect I try to learn from my mistakes in life and fix my problems. I enjoy both time spent alone or with my friends. I am a big fan of video games ranging from minecraft, FPS and RPG. I am active in a sport, I swim on a team and this helps me build my body while also learning about interacting with others to accomplish goals. I hope to join this server with a couple of friends, of whom jimthebear2 has applied as well, as playing with friends is always more fun.
What are your views on the current situation in Africa and sympathetic people for their cause. Are they hypocrites or genuine? etc.My heart goes out to anyone suffering in the world regardless of location, or if they are hypocrites. However I do not believe that the Africans are hypocritical in their cause,as they are another country that is fighting to gain access to the needs we all deserve. Now I do not believe that I can say that I have been active in supporting any cause for Africa or even say I can understand the hardships they endure but I pray that they can abolish the dictatorships and other government body that prevents them from their goals.
