after the update my crashes have become even more frequent especially when i open inventories and when i travel 1/3 of the chunks never load just a void shows. This modpack seems to be falling apart at least for me and my friendWe have updated to 1.0.3.
i don't think its a good idea to update cause powersuit mod in the modpack is for 1.6.2 for some reason and crashes the game same with numina so if you want to update to 1.0.4 disable these two mods or, at least i, won't be able to join though i think i'm not the only one.Update to 1.0.4
We will reimburse you whenee get onI've been told that players inventory wasn't reset in map reset. My inventory disappeared when map reset. The odd thing though is I found a Thaumonicon in a desert temple and I've kept all my research
I will check it out tommarow but whats with the "this multi part was not found on your client"? just wonderingUpdated to 1.0.7.