Whitelist Server KoozCraft [Community-based] | [PvE] | [18+] | [Dedicated Server] | [Fresh Map]

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  • MC Username:mcdreamer1
  • Skype ID:jurgenroo
  • Age (18+):42
  • Play Style (tech, magic, etc.):addicted to all of them
  • Experience with mods: played years with all differen ftb modpacks
  • About Yourself: im a minecraft addict lol, but mostly what makes the game so fun is community, sharing and helping each other, its only sad that its not so easy to find or the servers dont last long, im helpfull to others and get along with everybody
  • What ideas/experiences/skills can you contribute to the server?: i know most of the mods, i play mostly 4 - 10 hours a day ,and love to share with people
  • MC Username:mcdreamer1
  • Skype ID:jurgenroo
  • Age (18+):42
  • Play Style (tech, magic, etc.):addicted to all of them
  • Experience with mods: played years with all differen ftb modpacks
  • About Yourself: im a minecraft addict lol, but mostly what makes the game so fun is community, sharing and helping each other, its only sad that its not so easy to find or the servers dont last long, im helpfull to others and get along with everybody
  • What ideas/experiences/skills can you contribute to the server?: i know most of the mods, i play mostly 4 - 10 hours a day ,and love to share with people
  • MC Username: EternalHittMan
  • Skype ID: TheHittMan5
  • Age (18+): 20
  • Play Style (tech, magic, etc.): Industrial
  • Experience with mods: 3 years
  • About Yourself: i like playing with other people, helping them or sharing fun with them everthing about servers with other friendly people appeals to me. if accepted i will be a hard working sharing and helpfull guy.
  • What ideas/experiences/skills can you contribute to the server?: my addiction to being rich, op (:D) and sharing will means that most of the time people can progress quick and mostly have fun
  • MC Username:Old_cheese
  • Skype ID:dean.millard565
  • Age (18+):18
  • Play Style (tech, magic, etc.):Tech allways have been
  • Experience with mods:been modding since early minecraft beta (long time player)
  • About Yourself:love to have everything planned out, major ocd, also love to create lovely small buildings leading into a massive factory
  • What ideas/experiences/skills can you contribute to the server?:have good understanding in most infinity mosd, mainly tech ones
  • MC Username: Full_Denial
  • Skype ID: eastcoastguy1984
  • Age (18+): 31
  • Play Style (tech, magic, etc.): A little bit of everything.
  • Experience with mods: After trying modded Minecraft a couple years ago, I can't play vanilla anymore.
  • About Yourself: I'm always willing to help out others if I am able to. Need mats or help with something, message me and If I can, I will.
  • What ideas/experiences/skills can you contribute to the server?: I'm familer with most of the mods in Infinity. Some of the magic mods I haven't explored fully yet. I'm pretty helpful. I'm the type if you need some mats for a build or something, i'll go mining until I get them etc.
Mc Username: AfflictedGaming
Skype ID: ekoman93
Play Style: i like to play everything and keep it mixed as best as i can but im best at tech
Experience with mods: ive been playing for 8ish years and started playing non stop religiously when ftb monster came out and droped off for a bit because of taking on more responsibilities but ive gotten a lot freeer lately
About Me: im helpful, friendly, and like to play with people when i get the chance. ocd with my machines lol
What ideas/experiences/skills can you contribute to the server?: i always have some idea for a community build or project, and once i have a base established i always aim to automate everything i can from start to finish with AE2 and ive gotten pretty close a few times.
  • MC Username:silverman24300
  • Skype ID: I'll pm you
  • Age (18+):19
  • Play Style (tech, magic, etc.): I like to utilize all mods that I can use to improve my experience
  • Experience with mods: Been playing modded minecraft for about 3 years now
  • About Yourself: Im 19 and from the uk I love games. my favourite games are csgo, bf4 and minecraft. Im friendly as well.
  • What ideas/experiences/skills can you contribute to the server?: I love helping other an I love to build (not sure if Im good at it though). I have a good knowledge of mods so I can help others. If they want it of course
MC Username: BananaBatmann
Skype ID: banananabatmann
Age (18+): 25
Play Style (tech, magic, etc.): Tech and magic combined
Experience with mods: couple years
About Yourself: Live in europe, just finished fallout 4, its pretty good
What ideas/experiences/skills can you contribute to the server?: Knowledge of most of the mods and my jokes