- MC User: xLyfa
- Skype: I can pm you it later if that's cool. Hmu.
- Age: 18 (and 7 months
- Play Style: Typically, I like to start out with Magic, then ease into Tech. Mid - End game, I'm immersed into both.
- Experience with mods: Started MC in 1.4 ish beta, started mods soon after IC2 was first released (quite a while ago!). I am educated with most mods, and I can't play without them anymore.
- About Yourself: As of now, I'm literally only like.. three weeks from graduating highschool. Got a large scholarship to my preferred college. Currently going through intensive psychotherapy. 18/F/USA. Non-judging, compassionate, loving.
- I'd love to help out others with any mod that I have experience with. I'm really chill, if anybody needs to just chat, I'm here. I like to make my builds look nice, I don't leave floating trees scattering the landscape, and I love seeing what other people have built and gaining inspiration from that.