Current Servers:
Direwolf20 1.6.4 (recommended) Classic server (no port)
CHeck for New server info Visit our new website here!
Our rules are simple:
- No Griefing
- Don't be a jerk
- Don't advertise other servers
- Quarries and other OP mining tools in our 2 mining worlds only
- No spamming chat
- No Duping
- No cheating
- No lag machines
- No AFK Machines of any kind
- Don't harass staff
- Enjoy the server!
- We use voting point to purchase items on our website in the KHOM Shop
- Our Donation shop has a variety of Global Ranks, and kits good on any KHOM server
- We also have Monthly Packages you can purchase
- We use towny to protect your land and items, here's a tutorial here
- We are still hiring staff from those who play on our new servers, so come join us!
Owner, KHOM
Facebook Page
Direwolf20 1.6.4 Spawn
Edited 3/24/2015 - Added new server/website information and banners
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