Keybounce's Overly Cluttered D... Den?

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So this gap has been spent with several things:

0. Somehow, I failed to post the episode where I got killed by a skeleton after moving into my new island. That will be rectified with this post.
1. Several short sessions that weren't intended to be of interest for recording, and were not.
2. A complete derp trying to build a cobblegen. Derp'd so badly the server stopped working properly and had to be rolled back. This was so entertaining to the others on the server that they gave me a single-block cobblegen machine. It's currently on off (but it did give me a stack-and-a-half to get started with.)
3. Learning how to stream, and getting a streaming setup set up on a mac. (Yes, it's harder than it sounds).

So I told Lightwave that I did not like the corner island, and wanted to move to an edge island. So I did. Here is my first session in the new, central edge island.

Much of the island design is better than the corner islands.

Much. Not all. The corners are far, far safer against unwanted mob spawns.

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Major background noise from a dying headset in this episode.
At the moment, the headset is back to "behaving", and I'm in the need of a new, better headset.
Newest videos: My 164 Jampack entry (second attempt, actually), and a beta-test playthrough of "Reasonable Realism" by Draco.

Plundered land (currently on episode 7):Watch on YouTube

This is supposed to be making the portal to the nether. All the prep world should be done ... what could possibly go wrong?

Reasonable Realism, episode 1: Watch on Youtube

This is initial exploration and wood gathering, a starting shelter, and farm. Expect "fun" in episode 2.

Reasonable Realism is a collection of 4 mods: Harder Underground, Harder Wildlife, Harder Ores, and Expanded Industry.
Harder Underground features stone that is unstable and can collapse if not supported, and volitile, flammable gas that can fill large underground chambers and make breathing hard. Plus, things like smoke from fire and lava, etc.

Harder Ores makes ores rarer, in very large motherlode and veins, with varying "thickness" / "density". Ores take longer to mine, and generally drop nuggets at a time instead of ingots at a time. For starting iron, limonite is added as a low yield, easy to find "surface" iron in rivers, beaches, swamps, and jungles. Additionally, two methods of prospecting are added, as well as the ability to "pan" for gold and other resources via sluces and water. A low-tech grinder for (slow) ore doubling is added.

Harder Wildlife gives animals and trees the ability to die from old age, animals the ability to breed on their own, and tree saplings the chance to auto-plant. Breeding animals takes significantly more food than before; most animal drops are significantly upped. A goat is added (as a sheep substitute) in mesa biomes, and a Kmodo Dragon is currently being worked on as second animal in mesas and deserts.

Expanded industry adds a single block minecart loading/unloading station, an advanced hopper that can output to all 4 sides, and an early, wooden hopper that has 1/4th the capacity and can only output down.
Jampacked 2 contest entry: "The Langoliers".


This map starts you inside a room, with a computer terminal, and a nice looking build of some building made almost entirely of wool, a large grassy area, animals, white wool off to the edge, etc. Plus a sign: "In case of Langoliers emergency, break glass and run to the tree".

Oh, and a computer terminal. What is that screen saying? Well, it's asking for a yes or no. What harm can come from saying yes?

World 1 is short lived. World 2 is "revenge of the map breaker".

Episode 1:

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Episode 2. Can all those mobs be turned into resources? What kind of tools can we make with wood? If only I could mine that cobblestone wall, I could make a furnace. Hey, why is there a cobblestone wall? There's a hidden room there -- what did the map maker hide in there?

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Episode three:

The quest line! From Saplings, to TiC. Bees, "CobbleStone Generator", etc.

... All I need is Lava. That requires smelting. Smelting requires Cobble. Cobble requires water and lava. ... How do you bootstrap this loop again?

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Episode 4.

Lighting up the house. Setting up a farm. Getting farm animals. Some quest progression.

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Things to note:
1. One week left for judging. Fun and games are over, time to get serious. There will be significant amounts of off-camera stuff now.
2. Thunderstorms can set fire (lightning) to wool. So everything will be moved onto the grass.
Episode 5.

This episode has me sieving, barreling clay, getting iron, buckets, and setting things up inside the house, lighting the house and roof, setting up industry, etc. Several achievements and a few quests.

After all, the wool ground is flammable, I don't want to be relying on it. So, it's inside the house for safety. It is safe, right? No missed lighting?

Food is no longer a problem; I have more types and quantities than I'll ever need. Carrying all those food items ... I need a lunch bag. It's just paper, right?

How much of that dirt ground will I have to chew up? I need paper for the next stage, and that comes from dirt.

Ending with getting the grout for the Smeltery.

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Episode 6.
Since my bees are not actually pollinating anything, lets see if I can get butterflies from botany soil. ... Ok, how about getting the smeltery going ... Perhaps some fishing for another food source to finish the spice of life demands ...

I have the beginnings of automation going on, I think I've found the best place for the smeltery, my farms are going into overkill, so how bad can a skeleton be in the rain, in a pool? Why are the endermen having a party inside my house? Who let this green guy come in, and why is he complementing me on my house?

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Episode 7.
Start with fixing creeper damage, and dealing with endermen. Ending with a smeltery. In between, searching for the dark spot. Followed by proper lighting. Proper. Don't worry, it's all taken care of, there can't possibly be another dark spot ...

This is my first time making my own smeltery, instead of using someone else's in SMP. I've got an instruction book, plenty of bricks ... how hard can it be?

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Episode 8.

This is an attempt to get into forestry. And, I reveal the limits of my understanding of the smeltery.

... why can't I hurt myself to make blood? How do you manage the lava tank as it gets taller? Why doesn't bronze work? Ok, I have bronze, what's with the induction smelter? Ok, I've got invar, realized that there's 4 different induction smelters, finally made the first, and ... how do you make RF?

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Episode 9

In this episode, I am working on powering forestry machines (legit, without using that creative cell left behind), and making beehives ... sadly, that quest line is broken in the judging alpha (it is fixed in the release beta you can download). I end with a disastrous attempt at Ancient Warfare ... barely solving it at episode end. See next episode where I try to *do* something with it.

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10th and final episode of my playthrough:

Things to note, that I did not know of at the time:
1. Although you need a large amount of food to make a food bundle to hire the NPC's, they have an ongoing food upkeep cost.
2. Although you need tools to make a fish farm / crop farm / etc., the NPC's need to be given a tool to tell them to use those farms.

I did not get any farther than this.

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Now it's time for RotaryCraft, and Realistic Fluids Overhaul

Rotarycraft has a number of things for working with water, including HydroKinetic Engines that provide power from water flowing down from source blocks. It assumes vanilla water mechanics.

Realistic Fluids Overhaul is a mod that gives finite, flowing water. Source blocks will turn into flowing, and will flow down.

Rotarycraft has pumps. Pumps can toss water back up to a holding tank.

Can all of these be combined together to make a working hydro engine?

Part 1 -- Last week -- my first attempt to merge these together (was a live stream, sorry it's washed out):
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Part 2 -- This weekend -- my second, better attempt to merge these together (Just local recording/editing):
(Short summary: Closer, closer, closer, "not that close" (daffy duck voice)
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Reika has opened a dev/testing server (whitelist/invite only), for testing all his mods, and their interactions with many common mods.

So lets see what I can do with this.

First, this is episode 3. Episodes 1 and 2 are in the youtube playlist, but they are really not that interesting.

What sets this pack apart: Each person is going to need a 5K by 5K area for the biomes and exploration needed to progress. That's a huge area. Several bugs and issues came up during the recording and play of the first two, and even now there is an issue with villagers being "mostly harmless" (or was it mostly worthless?)

But, for your viewing enjoyment, we present:
* A rainbow forest trip ... with multiple deaths (so much for being safe :)
* A server spawn structure, that is a nexus for people to work together ... as long as you either have a base, or a pickaxe. What, you respawned with no tools and no base yet?
* And a lot of discussion about Open Computers.
* Oh yes -- Reika has a really vicious "DM" streak. Do not play D&D with him. Just listen to his laugh.

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[p]Play on the Dev Server, episode 4[/p]

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[p]There's exploration, both of the continent, and of some Rainbow Forests. Chopping down a rainbow tree makes balls of light, and Reika cautions me about not attacking them. I finally find a jungle biome, and it's next to a Rainbow forest -- and then I discover that jungles are *not* required after all (baaaah).[/p]

[p]Oh, and I see a tree with cobwebs on it. Silly me, I think that's a source of string, for bows or fishing rods. Everyone else on the server knows what hits me before I do :)[/p]
Dev server episode 5, finally

This episode is long; it could have easily been broken into two.

Starts with a look at the location I'll call home base, and an update on what (was, then) the latest update to the server behavior. Then, the biomes around me, the continent as a whole so far, and guesses as to it's size.

Next: Tinkers' Construct. Basically, none of the tutorials I've seen / instructions I've read have accurately described the behavior of stonebound nor the behavior of the tool parts on large tools. Early game, where iron mining level (stone/flint/bone/etc.) tech is all you have, stone turns out to be really, really good -- enough that free bonemeal from the white dye trees turns out to be a worthless material in comparison.

Then: I show off a giant natural berry bush, guarded by a pylon that is also guarding a cave entrance. Lets see what's in there, "live", on camera.

Next, a look at overkill abuse of dye trees. And I do mean overkill, abuse. When bonemeal is a worthless material, what does cheap ChromatiCraft blue trees that drop all the lapis lazuli you can want mean? Either I can make all the 9x9's that I want, or I can make all the fortune 3 tools that I want. Did Direwolf ever figure out how to pronounce that?

Rainbow forests multiply mob drops. 4 bodies per chicken. Since chickens provide more compost, I show off what will, at some point in the future, become a compost farm.

Now, at what should have been an episode break, I go into Agricraft. I had a little introduction to it, so I show off what I've learned as I make massive cotton seeds for string and wool production -- for backpacks. The only early-game tech I have access to, to expand inventory capacity.

Finally, a look at some types of white-ish stone, in different lighting, to get some feedback from viewers as to what looks good.

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NB: This episode took over a week to finish filming. During this time, V11 got a massive performance boost -- many players with disconnected ChromatiCraft networks do not scale well, and the Thaumcraft <-> ChromatiCraft bridge (no, I don't understand it, and I'm not at that tech yet) turned out to be a performance disaster. Both of these will be improved for 11. See, we testers suffer so you don't have to.
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Dev server episode 6

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I start with a quick look at feedback I've gotten on the two white stones I was asking about last episode. Then, I safety fence my ravine while other players are talking. Next, I look at some TiC abuse, and make a mattock that is a combination axe / shovel / hoe / iron sword all in one (help save room on the hotbar). Oh, and since I have all the dye trees, all my tools get fortune 3 for free :-).

Next, I look at the tech mods, and the tech tree in this pack. Quick summary: An induction smelter (Iron, tin, copper, redstone, gold, and an engine) is needed for anything higher-tech than a backpack. Invar is needed to make a TiC smeltery, and both Invar and Railcraft steel are needed to make a RoC blast furnace. So, "casting" does not refer to casting metals; it refers to the magic mods that I'll be using. I plan to trade magic stuff for tech stuff.

Next, the tutorial for Botania. Somehow, I thought it would be 10 minutes ... way, way off. (The section is skipable, and it's been double-speeded.).

Finally, some conclusions. Botania seems to be all about automating resource production. It has generators, distribution, storage, and consumption by production devices. In short, it looks like a tech mod with a magic "skin" on it.

So, I can paint with all the colors of the (light, flowers (both kinds), painted woods/stones/etc., etc.). Should make for a fun time for the artistic decorator in me.

Just wait until I get to the smooth opal blocks ... Color is based on the x/y/z location.

(Does anyone know of a mod that would let me paint with wind?)
Dev server episode 7 is a "less interesting" episode. Reika's comments during development are probably the most interesting thing -- he has gotten Botania mana spreaders to shoot through World Rifts, with the mana shots being recolored by the rifts, and being "owned" by the rifts, so the mana spreaders can keep firing. Complete with an "OMG, what did I do" moment when they just get "fat!".

Beyond that? I show off a problem in my safety fence, fix it, and then survey where to start digging to dig safely down into the ravine.

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Episode 8 is more interesting.
Going down into the ravine, for fun and profit.
Looking to see what the inner ravine looks like, and if it's big enough to make a base out of.
Laggy server. Collecting stones and ores.
Learning more about TiC, stonebound, and tool durability.

And realizing: Slime parts really look nice once I understand them. What is "slimy" anyways?

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Episode 9:
I attempt to show off the Nexus. Where I have died to the void once before. Where I know of, and want to show, flaws in the fencing.

Where my recorder wasn't running.

We then have fun with Portal Guns, and Builder manages to die from a fall with powered armor that should have protected him.

We also see what happens when chicken eggs and magnets come together. And, when dueling magnets make returning items challenging.

But I manage to make some trades. A stack of feathers for an induction smelter (I forgot to ask for an engine as well), and 4 stacks of raw chicken bodies for a moonworm queen and a stack of torchberry refills.

Other highlights: More examples of why I don't like rope ladders; glowing saplings; EyeDeck's armor that gives off light, server-side -- even when AtomicStryker didn't make dynamic lights server side because of lag (someone else did...).

Do I finally get to show off the last millennium nexus? Sadly, that got moved to next episode because of length.

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