Whitelist Server =[KabooseCraft]= || Direwolf20 pack || Whitelist || 14 slot || Norway || CLOSED

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IGN: Stankfinger92
Age: 20
Reason for Joining: Trying to find a small friendly group for a FTB server after having zero luck in the new Tekkit.
Have you been banned: Never that I am aware of
Reason for ban(If u were banned that is): N/a
Additional Info you can put(Optional): I've played a lot of Tekkit, technic, and a bit of FTB. Mostly I only play with friends like my good friend Zero Fategod who has been there through my fun times in tekkit and we both compliment each other in our building designs.
Reason for Joining: To play with my buddy Stankfinger92
Have you been banned: Yes
Reason for ban(If u were banned that is): For a misunderstanding. The server had looting but not griefing. I was out and about one hay when I found a 4X5 wooden shack with a computer on the door. believing that no one lived in such a small shack I "Griefed" (looted) the computer. which resulted in me being banned for like 7 minute.
Additional Info you can put(Optional):I'v played Tekkit for about a year and am well versed in the workings of most mods. The buddy stated above convinced me to try FTB.
Reason for Joining:I just wanna join
Have you been banned:Nah

IGN: datafox
Age: 17 but mature for my age
Reason for Joining: I've been searching for a good server to play at after I couldn't stand my old server still being Tekkit, even though it's not updated anymore as ForgeBukkit broke in a Minecraft update. I've recently been playing Direwolf20 pack a lot, and I can say that it's my favorite mod pack up to date, so it's obvious that I'm seeking for a server with said pack. Also, the server is located in UK, and it's Norwegian, so as a Finn I shouldn't have much lag or other network problems. To put it simply, I need a new server to kill all my spare time, and this server looks perfect.
Have you been banned: Nope, I got kicked once though because one of the mods took "damn" as a very offensive swear word.
Additional Info you can put(Optional): I'm a friendly Minecraft player with lots of mod and multiplayer experience. I am fairly social and good with different kinds of personalities. I normally help other people but don't ask or accept help if I don't really need it, as I like to do everything myself. Also, I don't like talking that much, so if I do get accepted I won't probably use mumble that much. I like being social and my English is good, but I'm just not a person to talk. Especially in foreign languages, as I stutter a lot. I think that's all.
Reason for Joining: Need a nice peaceful server to have fun in and advance in technology
Have you been banned:No
Reason for ban(If u were banned that is):
Additional Info you can put(Optional):I am very experienced in all the mods, especially Redpower, Computercraft, and Industrialcraft.
Reason for Joining:like to play on servers w less ppl and that is a nice community to get to know new people
Have you been banned:no
Reason for ban(If u were banned that is):
Additional Info you can put(Optional):shy and will help with alot of things if ppl ask
What the hell just happened to the server. Kicked me out and throws end of stream.

EDIT: Nevermind, it's fixed. DO NOT throw stuff into portals xD
only one responded to the whiteliste inntake on the server. i have now removed the others and a new draw for members will be 18.jan so stay tuned
IGN: gk40000
Age: 18
Reason for Joining: Have been looking for a small and nice server
Have you been banned: Nope never
Additional Info you can put(Optional): Been playing MC since indev and with mods since the first mod came out
Reason for Joining: Looking for a small server to have fun in.
Have you been banned: NO
Reason for ban(If u were banned that is):
Additional Info you can put(Optional): NONE
IGN: Schjarmer
Reason fr joining: i want to play on a server witch dont give me lag+ want to have fun with other ftb players
banned: no way
I know it has been 10 days and if you think I didnt login for 10 days it is acceptable you unwhitelisted mebut I was busy last week
so can you add me back to whitelist
IGN: Unknownelf
Age: 27
Reason for Joining: smp is just not cutting it :P
Have you been banned: no
Additional Info you can put(Optional): i'd like to build shared machine rooms/areas like dw20 did on Forgecraft. Or i'd like to help anyone setting something like that up
IGN: xGIllas
Age: 14
Reason for Joining: Beacouse i searching for good community and good server where i can play :)
Have you been banned: no
Reason for ban(If u were banned that is): N/A
Additional Info you can put(Optional): I like build new systems structures and i love design
IGN: MrDexter
Age: 18
Reason for Joining: I have played alot MindCrack and wanted to try Direwolf, so when i was looking for servers i saw this one, and it looked like a pretty good server that i wanna check out! I just wanna build and make new friends on the server.
Have you been banned: Never seen a reason not to be loyal.
Reason for ban(If u were banned that is):
Additional Info you can put(Optional): I'm 18 years old, coming from Oppland, Norway. I'm a nice guy and you won't see me doing or saying anything i shouldn't Looking forward to see you all in game! :D
Age: 25
Reason for Joining: Looking for a relaxed server. Særdeles digg om den er norsk også.
Have you been banned: No
Reason for ban(If u were banned that is):
Additional Info you can put(Optional): Bor i Oslo, er fra Kristiansund.
IGN: Makin91
Age: 21
Reason for Joining: Ive been watching the direwolf20 vidoes like you said and ive been looking for the same thing ever since.
Have you been banned: no.
Additional Info you can put(Optional): i'm from Norway. i recently finished my military service and have alot of free time. i tend to spend it on my own minecraft server. but its gotten inactive right now. its hosted by creeperhost aswell, so i know they deliver.
i will try and get on irc and talk to you there!:)