JVM Arguments for Modded Minecraft (Updated 12/30/13)

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I'm playing FTB Unleashed 1.1.4 on an older MacBook w/ MacOSX 10.6.8 [2 GHz Intel Core 2 Duo w/ 2GB 667 Mhz DDR2 SDRam] & Java SE 6 v1.6.0_51-b11-456.

Without additional java parameters, my system lags to the point of being frozen for over 10 minutes after 1 - 2 hours of gameplay. With the client side arguments listed here: http://binarymage.com/wiki/doku.php?id=setup:memory my game runs much better when I can get it to load but it also seems to be causing a ticking entity crash when loading (I have been able to get around this by starting a new world, then switching to my saved world).

Launcher console log: http://pastebin.com/Qt2QFudA
Minecraft crash report: http://pastebin.com/fuV2q14k

Any specific recommendations for those of us playing on lesser computers?

I really don't know with a computer with those specs. Honestly, I'm surprised you can load modpacks and play at all. I'll look into it though, it may not be very soon though. I have a lot going on atm.

thanks for providing a real answer Eyamaz

This has been a, stressful, to say the least, week for many of us. There are literally not enough people to handle everything atm, so forgive if an answer is short from a team member.
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This has been a, stressful, to say the least, week for many of us. There are literally not enough people to handle everything atm, so forgive if an answer is short from a team member.

I wasn't aware there was a team. Additionally, if someone is that stressed then maybe they shouldn't answer or give a response. All is forgiven though. Again thanks for taking time to answer my post.
Eyamaz, can I ask you to clarify some of your settings for MultiMC.

Are you stating that I should have "Minimum Memory" set to 1GB and "Maximum Memory" set to 2GB for your settings? Shouldn't I be using somewhere like 2GB minimum, 4GB maximum?
Just 2GB on both. Setting both the same makes it so java doesn't waste processing power on dynamicly resizing the Heap constantly.
I am mostly right now trying to figure out why my FPS instantly TRIPLES just by leaving my base.
Tile entities are basically blocks that do something. Your base is full these, chests ae machines bc engines ect. Minecraft is constantly checking or updating these blocks every tick. Or well something close to that
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Tile entities are basically blocks that do something. Your base is full these, chests ae machines bc engines ect. Minecraft is constantly checking or updating these blocks every tick. Or well something close to that

So .. say a Thermal Expansion Pulverizer... counts as a Tile Entity and could contribute to lag even if it is not being used? Is it possible to have too many tile entities in ONE chunk? Does it help to spread them between chunks or what?
Not sure if there's a hard upper limit for tile entities, I am sure your it's more to due with how good your computer is. I am pretty sure Just placing the pulverizer in the world adds it the list of entities that have to be processed so yeah it could add to the lag.
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I'll expand a bit more since I'm here (ish) now. There are basically two types of blocks in minecraft. SimpleBlocks and TileEntities.

SimpleBlocks are decorative in nature. They are just there for the purpose to make the world pretty. Dirt, smooth stone, and cobblestone are examples.

TileEntities are blocks with purpose. They do something. What that something is depends on what it is programmed to do. Not all TileEntities update every tick, but most of them do depending on what they are programmed to do. Furnaces, pipes, and crops are examples.

The updates for TileEntities are what slow down FPS. From the calculations they need to perform, to special rendering for animations, it all affects your FPS. This is why SSP is broken, imho.

When playing SMP, the calculations are done server side and sent to the client. The client updates based on what the server sends (and it sends the server) and lessens the burden on the main MC thread.

In SSP, the client technically does all the work. Both client and server calculations are done in a single MC thread and slow it down.

Lower end machines should spread TileEntities across chunks to avoid FPS hits, but this creates another problem. Chunk Loading. To keep your production lines running properly, you will need more chunk loaders. This can also strain the main MC thread.
I'll expand a bit more since I'm here (ish) now. There are basically two types of blocks in minecraft. SimpleBlocks and TileEntities.

SimpleBlocks are decorative in nature. They are just there for the purpose to make the world pretty. Dirt, smooth stone, and cobblestone are examples.

TileEntities are blocks with purpose. They do something. What that something is depends on what it is programmed to do. Not all TileEntities update every tick, but most of them do depending on what they are programmed to do. Furnaces, pipes, and crops are examples.

The updates for TileEntities are what slow down FPS. From the calculations they need to perform, to special rendering for animations, it all affects your FPS. This is why SSP is broken, imho.

When playing SMP, the calculations are done server side and sent to the client. The client updates based on what the server sends (and it sends the server) and lessens the burden on the main MC thread.

In SSP, the client technically does all the work. Both client and server calculations are done in a single MC thread and slow it down.

Lower end machines should spread TileEntities across chunks to avoid FPS hits, but this creates another problem. Chunk Loading. To keep your production lines running properly, you will need more chunk loaders. This can also strain the main MC thread.

Okay that is actually crystal clear and makes total sense to me! Thanks for the explanation! :D
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A bit of feedback concerning your argument selection.

I have a dedicated SMP server for the world and my client running on the same machine. I am using your arguments on both the client and the server (16 GB system memory ought to be more than enough for everything). During normal gameplay, the server sits at 1 GB memory and the client at 2 GB in the task manager process view.

This particular world is a 1.6.2 world with Buildcraft, Railcraft, Forestry and IC2 experimental loaded, plus InvTweaks and Rei's Minimap. Now, I don't know if one of the mods causes it, or Minecraft itself, but I discovered that going through a nether portal a lot is memory leaky for whatever reason.

If I do that a lot, the clientside memory will slowly creep upwards, while the server remains unaffected. At pretty much exactly 3 GB, the client starts to stutter. Rarely and a little at first, but then increasingly so, to the point where after 5-10 minutes, the game is unplayable. Restarting the client makes everything run perfectly fine again. However, if I run the client without any arguments at all, then this doesn't happen. I've intentionally forced the memory count up to 4.5 GB, and there was not a single stutter anywhere.

I just thought you might want to know this in your quest to design the perfect argument set.
Hrm. I'll have to play around with them. Do me a favor though and try it without rei's. Someone told me it had a memory leak awhile back, but I don't use it.
I don't really have an issue with the memory leak, I only ran into it once because I was doing something silly during a really long play session. I was more writing this to report the difference in reaction the client showed between your arguments and none at all.

I've also read in the past that Rei's may be leaky, and since the server is unaffected it seems a likely client-side candidate.
The problem I'm trying to figure out right now is an apparent memory leak SOMEWHERE in my client, a leak I can practically trigger at the drop of a hat. The odd thing is.. the trigger for this memory leak is my placing ANY kind of blocks on the map to start building a house. The very moment I start laying a foundation of any kind, or building walls.. even before putting in power or lighting, I my FPS instantly HALVES and my performance really starts slogging.

I'm getting this with MC 1.6.2 .. running less than 2/3rds the mods that are in FTB Unleashed. Really cannot figure it out. Is this a JVM Arguments situation?