I'm really surprised Forge Essentials does not have a node to set this to true. Have you looked thru all the Perms in forge essentials? IE Items list.txt ect...I don't have the Journey Map Mod installed since players just disabled it anyway so looking at mine won't find the node.
EDIT: Ahhh, just give them the /tp perm, then they can use Journey Map's TP feature.
Here are most the Nodes....(I haven't tested this but it should work.)
fe.teleport.tp should be all you need for them to use it.....
The command would be
/p group {JourneyMapUsers} allow fe.teleport.tp
fe.teleport.back # (default: true)
fe.teleport.back.ondeath # (default: true) Allow returning to the last death location with back-command
fe.teleport.back.ontp # (default: true) Allow returning to the last location before teleport with back-command
fe.teleport.bed # (default: true)
fe.teleport.bed.others # (OP only: true) Allow teleporting to other player's bed location
fe.teleport.cooldown # (OP only: 0) Allow bypassing teleport cooldown
fe.teleport.crossdim # (default: true) Allow teleporting across dimensions
fe.teleport.from # (default: true) Allow being teleported from a certain location / dimension
fe.teleport.home # (default: true) Allow usage of /home
fe.teleport.home.other # (OP only: true) Allow setting other players home location
fe.teleport.home.set # (default: true) Allow setting of home location
fe.teleport.jump # (OP only: true)
fe.teleport.jump.tool # (OP only: true) Allow jumping with a tool (default compass)
fe.teleport.personalwarp # (OP only: true)
fe.teleport.personalwarp.delete # (OP only: true) Allow deleting personal warps
fe.teleport.personalwarp.max # (OP only: false) Maximal personal warp count
fe.teleport.personalwarp.set # (OP only: true) Allow setting personal warps
fe.teleport.portal # (OP only: true)
fe.teleport.spawn # (default: true)
fe.teleport.spawn.others # (OP only: true) Allow setting other player's spawn
fe.teleport.to # (default: true) Allow being teleported to a certain location / dimension
fe.teleport.top # (default: true)
fe.teleport.top.others # (OP only: true)
fe.teleport.tp # (OP only: true)
fe.teleport.tpa # (default: true)
fe.teleport.tpa.here # (default: true) Allow teleporting other players to your own location (inversed TPA)
fe.teleport.tpa.loc # (OP only: true) Allow teleporting other players to any location
fe.teleport.tpa.sendrequest # (default: true) Allow sending teleport-to requests
fe.teleport.tpa.timeout # (default: 20) Amount of sec a user has to accept a TPA request
fe.teleport.tpahere.sendrequest # (default: true) Allow sending teleport-here requests