- Name: Pierce(IGN: piercegellner)
- Age(if you dont mind saying):13
- Experience with the mods/vanilla MC:I have been playing vanilla minecraft since before 1.2, and started ftb about half a year ago after I heard about it from some friends. With mods I am very familiar with computer craft because I have actually gone through the coding for them and found out how it works and thats why its my favourite, and the other mods i have gone over and have had a bit of time with them and are quiet good at them.
- What do you bring to the table?: I understand most of the mods and how they work and if anyone needs any help with a mod im there to help.
- Anything else that may make us like you: I am a really old fasion styled builder and I hate lag as much as everyone but i like to be lazy sometimes and use turtles to get the job done.
- Proof that you read the rules and this post
: Cod fish smells totally disgusting.
- PS: Just a quick question, are turtle armys aloud?
Added, turtle mining is fine in the mining age.
Still using Gregtech hard mode

Added, sorry for the delay, welcome to the new server