You mean to tell me that you had 7 days, and no desire to improve -- that you felt it was as perfect as possible?
Or, are you saying that you did not have to fight bugs in mods, getting two different mods to update, dealing with incomplete/misleading docs on another mod, dealing with a proof-of-concept mod that, while it works, wants to connect corners even when nothing is visible on the other side of the wall?
Or, did you actually not have to worry about a dynamic map that changed on you while you were building/altering it (Gas seeps; unstable rock falls; lava flows; all these nice things ...) requiring separate testing and altering maps -- and spending as much time on the testing map as possible, because loading the altering map to alter would alter it.
Or, realizing that your chest contents are borked, have to adjust the contents configs, and that means having to re-make and re-fix all the lava leaks and gas veins ...
That would not have been the show stopper it was. I had planned on putting down more coal, because there's very little in the overworld with this pack. I was not counting on the changed coal deposits changing everything else as much as it did.