The FTB authors have said before that they're not going to do any additional updates to the FTB pack and aren't going to create the Ultimate Pack until RedPower releases. That sort of made sense to me a month ago when it was "almost ready", but now I'm thinking it might not get finished until 1.5 or so. Does the FTB team have any sort of cutoff date where they will agree to update the pack to 1.4.5 even without RedPower? I feel like it will hurt the beta testing if you guys refuse to ever go past 1.4.2 or update any other mods for months just because you made a promise to RedPower... if everyone gets sick of waiting and just starts updating the mods on their own then people won't actually be beta testing your pack. Could you guys compromise and say that if RedPower isn't out by mid-January, you'll update the pack without it?