Is OP too OP?

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New Member
Jul 29, 2019
Is <your issue here> too overpowered?

This is a statement that comes up over and over on here. For good reason mods are normally balanced with the idea they stand alone. There are a few exceptions but over all this is how the mod maker sees their mod as how it will work with default minecraft.

And these threads bring up good points but are not always done well. So I figured I'd get off my Shoop butt and try and at least drop my own point of view on the subject of OP and maybe help others voice their own issues in a more understandable way.

The first huge issue with stating that something is OP is point of view. This is where many threads lose there focus right in the starting post. Stating why you feel something is OP will go a long way to getting your discussion about it underway.
Example : Man moon rocks are totally OP.​
This does nothing but a statement with no real way to reply and no idea why you believe this.​
Example : Do you think moon rocks are OP? I find that the current mod allows for unlimited creation of whatachmacallits with little more then two rocks and a string. This unbalances the Kitty mod since hard to make whatachmacallits are a core part of its end game item production. Now you can make litter boxes within a few hours of world start.​
This is much better you explain what makes you see this mod as OP allowing people to chime in about there own point of view on the subject with and idea of where your coming from.​
Then next huge issue is that of actually that of you the posters playstyle. Understand there are many many ways to play minecraft more so when you get into modded minecraft. Many different people have a idea of just how to play the game and this brings its own view on goals and pacing. You are perfectly in your right to feel your own playstyle is important but realize that this does not make other peoples playstyle invalid. So it is also important to address what your own playstyle is. This will also understand your reason for saying something is OP.

Example : Man disco suits are crazy OP.​
Again this does nothing to get the ball rolling for a discussion.​
Example : Man disco suits make end game to easy nothing can hurt me and it removes any sort of challenge which for me is the main draw. I like being an unstoppable juggernaut in plaid but there needs to be some sort of risk to keep me interested. And if everyone on my server uses this mod how can I have any meaningful PvP?​
Ah much better you not only explained why you feel it is OP but also given insight into how you play. Others may be able to respond to you not only on the subject of mod in question about might have suggestions on keeping your playstyle interesting.​
The last issue is that of understanding. Many of these sorts of threads turn into a senseless fight between the original poster trying to tell others they are wrong. Please just remember everyones playstyle is valid to themselves. As such it is ok to debate points of view but neither of your is more right then the other. So try and keep and open mind and don't see responses that do not agree with your own as attacks. When it doubt clarify your point of view.

I hope that helps someone.... And as always don't feed the trolls.


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
Lambert, Guswut, and Saice: Always there to spice things up. They are too OP. We should nerf them.
Spoiler (I don't know how to make one):
Jk, for all those people who might think I actually mean that!


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
as always just trying to help.... or at lest bring a smile to someones day.



New Member
Jul 29, 2019
Thanks! Also, to actually be on topic, compared to my OP, I think that the OP should make some OP statements. The word OP is OP. OPs are OP. OPs are OP also.


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
Why is there no mod in which I can be an unstoppable juggernaut in plaid?

DiscoCraft! (Wow, what a unique name.)

*boogies too much---proceeds to be nerfed*
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New Member
Jul 29, 2019
Why is there no mod in which I can be an unstoppable juggernaut in plaid?

DiscoCraft! (Wow, what a unique name.)

*boogies too much---proceeds to be nerfed*

Yeah I wanted to be helpful with out starting any flame wars by using actual mods in the post. So I just pulled stuff out of the air for it.


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
Well you pulled some good air stuff!

DiscoCraft would be such a good mod, adding Disco Balls, Disco Suits, and Elevator Shoes.
Elevator Shoes.

...Elevator Shoes.
Elevator Shoes