Now I am scared to reply to a post......dont want to violate some rulr !!!!
As i said, i thought my best shot at a solution would be on the computercraft forum, but despite registering, i still cant reply to or make any posts.........dont know how i am meant to interact without this facility......any help please ?
Secondly how do i contact Mikeymoo ???
Thanks for all the help so far.....
Mikeymoo has a couple of threads on these forums. You could try replying to one of those. I don't know how often he checks them though. I think he is more active on the computercraft forum
By the way, I am about to ask you a potentially patronising question but I mean it sincerely,
Are you logged in? I don't think computercraft forums remember your session for very long.
You probably are I'm, but if you haven't been logged in take comfort from the fact that I have just realised why that is why I am not allowed to reply to topics. (I don't go there often though).
If you are logged in to the computercraft forum try replying to the thread I linked to you in an earlier post. If you have some code that isn't working and you don't know why, you can reply to that topic with a brief description of the problem and include your code. You can have a link to it or put in the actual post. Only do it if you have some code to show though because its not the right thread for being told how to code something from scratch. Within a reasonable amount of time a CC moderator will split your query into a new topic that people might reply to. Also make sure to give your query a good title as that is what will be used to label the topic that gets created for you.
Alternatively, you can post your code on these forums. By the way it might be possible for a turtle to put an item into an RP2 filter if you approach it from the side.