And how are we meant to feel about that now?
We don't have RedPower any more. And, if it had been released as OSS, we might. Its not fair to be rude to mod authors who donate their time, but for as long as they don't want to make their source available, we are being held hostage to their life and schedule. Which is where the bile and vitriol comes from.
OSS mods (such has buildcraft) have survived the lead developer leaving and rejoining. We can ask spacetoad how disempowered he might feel having others maintain his creation in his absence.
About redpower i like to take a hole other perspective, listen to this story:
You baked a cake. And we all love cake, right?
none the less it's a really good cake and you think that somebody should taste it. So because you live in a big city you go out on the streets and find some homeless people.
They got no cake. They got no home. You give them some cake, and they like it. You see they get happy, and you enjoy yourself.
Now the cake is gone, eaten. You decide to bake some more cake, and give it to more homeless people. You use some of your own time, and put some effort into something.
You quickly become known as the super duber awesome cake baker, and a lot of people come to your place to taste your cake.
But one day you get sick. What happens? Yup, you guessed it. There's no cake for all the people out there.
Now a question for you sir: "Could these people in any way demand your recipe for the cake?"
To be honest, IMO no. Why? because when someone makes something it's awesome. I love voluntary work. But at some point we have to realise that nothing's going to last forever.
And now to my point: Do you have a bed to sleep in? Do you have food? Do you have a life? -Yes you do, and you should be grateful(not saying you can't be already) and when things like the cake isn't being baked anymore,
you have to move on, or make a new recipe for a different but maybe better cake. Sticking to things that bother you is literally a waste of time.
Well, this was more or less a ramble, Chris Becke, this was not aimed at you, and i don't want to offend anyone with this, i simply think it's worth thinking about what we DO have, and not what we don't have. (sorry for any grammar mistakes)