Institutional Hypocrisy: FtB's role in infringing Mojang's copyright.

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New Member
Jul 29, 2019
I believe strongly in creators' rights, which is one of the reasons why I originally supported FtB with open arms I cannot do so anymore. In addition, it is outright hypocritical for mod creators to expect protection for their work and complain when their content is being redisributed when they do the same exact thing.

Many of the mods in the FtB pack use modified Mojang textures such as ores, crafted blocks, ingots, items, buckets, tools, and mob sprites (such as in Thaumcraft for Zombies.) Indeed, it's difficult to find a mod in the FtB packs that _don't_ use modified Mojang textures.

This is in direct violation of Minecraft's asset usage guidelines, availiable here:

Here's the relevant text:

"we have one major rule about Minecraft and that is "Do not distribute anything we've made. This includes, but not limited to, the client or the server software for the game. This also includes modified versions of anything we've made.""

There is no exception made for textures, in fact textures are explicitly mentioned:

"- the Minecraft Assets what we mean is the code, software, graphics, textures, sound and audio from Minecraft."

There is simply no way to justify this, though there's going to be around a hundred replies of people trying to. Let's predict the faulty arguments, shall we?

1) It's only pixel art.

You're trivializing the value of pixel art merely to justify the abuse that other people are doing. Pixel art is demonstrably non-trivial; graphic designers are hired just to make "mere pixel art," and the value of such art in Minecraft is seen by how iconic and immediately recognizable the textures are. Art is art. If it would be infringement if each individual texture were a Super High Definition piece, then it is still infringement if they are low-resolution. Resolution says nothing about the status of a digital piece as art.

2) Fair use!

Unfortunately many arguments merely claim fair use without any knowledge of what fair use is. May I direct you here:

The mod packs in question contain outright copies of textures (Gregtech) as well as versions that are virtually identical save for a hue recolor or other minor graphical addition; in nearly every infringement it's obvious that the Minecraft textures are the source material with few edits. In addition a significant amount of the work is being copied (the units in consideration are the item in question or individual block, not Minecraft as a whole. Most edits contain more than 50% of original content.)

3) Mojang doesn't _really_ care (argument from Internet Telepathy.)

Mojang stated that they care in their rules. End of story.

4) This adds value to Minecraft! Free advertisement! etc etc.

All irrelevant: what matters is the stated rules of Mojang. You have a moral duty to uphold the rights of others. The simple fact is that you are going against what Mojang allows you to do with their work.


The issue is simple. The infringement is simple. All that is left is to consider what must be done. If you care about creators' rights, pressure modders who infringe to stop using illegally redistributed textures. If you are a modder, apologize for your misdeeds and change the textures in your packs to original content. Slowpoke and the FtB team should put pressure ont he modders whose infringing mods are in their pack in an effort to create a truly ethically and legally sound mod pack.
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New Member
Jul 29, 2019
I'm pretty sure that a MOD is a modification of Mojang's code, and it is being redistributed. By your logic, it seems that every mod is illegal, and should be deleted.


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
I'm pretty sure that a MOD is a modification of Mojang's code, and it is being redistributed. By your logic, it seems that every mod is illegal, and should be deleted.

Technically speaking, Forge is the only one with direct modified code in FTB to my knowledge. I mean, that's the reason Forge exists. Still, there are plenty of other mods that don't use Forge.

I suppose this really has something to do with the Tekkit vs FTB thing. Here we go again...


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
If the mods were executable files that didn't require Minecraft as a base, then yeah, that would be violating the TOS. But every single mod is built on top of Minecraft. Everyone that wants to use these mods NEEDS to plunk down the 25 bucks to buy a copy of Minecraft. Hell, the FTB team went out of their way to make sure the FTB Launcher would only work with a legitimate copy of Minecraft.
Distributing assets only applies when it circumvents the owner of the IP. If someone were to say, put creepers in their own game, and not even ask Notch about it, then yeah, that would be a violation. But no one is putting creepers in any game other than Minecraft. Well, Gearbox put creepers in Borderlands 2, but they did ask if Notch if they could.

Never mind the fact that because of FTB, I have now purchased 3 copies of Minecraft, so my family and I can all play together on a server. I know I'm not the only one that has purchased more copies of Minecraft because of FTB. Notch is a smart guy, and wouldn't be so stupid as to try and shut down a group of people that are making Mojang more money, even if their was a TOS violation. Which, again, there isn't.

Oh, one last thing, I REALLY hope you are trolling. If so I'd give it an 8/10. Good job. If not.... Then I hope you have some other excuse for your ignorance on the subject.
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Evil Hamster

New Member
Jul 29, 2019
I suppose this really has something to do with the Tekkit vs FTB thing. Here we go again...


Somebody wasted their time to write all that out and then created a phony forum account to post it.

Honestly- the first sentence alone screams TROLL.


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
Oh, in addition to that. Grumm, a current employee of Mojang, spends some of his free time on a beta server with most of the mod authors that have mods in FTB. You can't really get any more support than having an employee of Mojang to help beta test these mods.
Seriously. If there were any problems, at all, they would have been resolved a LONG time ago.


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
Wouldn't this also imply that texture packs that don't change everything would also be in violation of this as they would be distributing Mojang's work. That they allow texture packs seems to speak against this.


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
Looks like someone is trying to rile up a pitch fork wielding torch throwing mob of defenders of FTB. Ignore and move along, if this was an issue Mojang would be the people complaining, since they are well aware of FTB, (Dinnerbone has been to many of the Mindcracker's streams and watched them play as well as being a active subscriber) and are also working on helping texture pack creators to implement their packs into the game easier I would say that this is a non issue. Also the fact that you joined the community today just to post this is a pretty good indication of what your goal is here.
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New Member
Jul 29, 2019
I do not think this has something to do with the Tekkit vs FTB thing. There is a reason why the word hypocrisy is used here. It's more of an indictment of the general attitude that seems to exist in the modding community. Mod creators use assets from Mojang and change Mojang's game, and we love them for it. However, the second someone decides to make changes to somebody else's mod, the general response seems to be that it is disrespectful and a breach of copyright. I've been around various modding communities over the years, and I have never encountered a community that was this hostile to modding mods.
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Active Member
Jul 29, 2019
You know I am actually going to agree with this but when it comes down to it it doesn't matter. Pretty sure in cases like this Mojang dose not care about it. Also isn't one of the Mojang programmers on the forgecraft server meaning they know all about this and have chosen not to do anything about it?


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
Wow this is an interesting thread. You set up a strawman argument and then people played into that strawman. Well done.


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
Tekkit, FtB, or whatever coolio Mod developed for Minecraft requires a purchase of...

a valid Minecraft account. Business-wise, Mojang is doing pretty good. Not only do they get free advertisement but damn good potential hire-ons and artists if the need arises. Mojang utilizes creativity as a metagame concept that extends through the game and in its business model.

Hypocracy? Ha. Try swimming upstream sometime. After you give up those who go with the flow end up further along than when you started.


Team Member
FTB Founder
Jul 29, 2019
OK I Have spoken to someone within Mojang to bring this issue to their attention. Having done this we will now be following the rules of Copyright

Following the 1st Guideline, Mojang are now free to make specific claims of copyright infringement on any of their assets being redistributed. We will fully respect any requests Mojang may choose to make to FTB to halt any distribution of their assets through the FTB launcher.

I will leave this thread open for 24-48 hours for comments and then it will be locked as the question has been effectively answered.


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
So I am correct in saying that some of the mods in FTB are infringing copyright?
If so, I highly doubt that Mojang would make any claims against the mods anyway, because they support modding and one of their employees (Grum) plays on the ForgeCraft server.
Also, in this post by Jeb, he says "Searge of the Minecraft Coder Pack has already been informed, as usual."


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
I'm pretty sure that a MOD is a modification of Mojang's code, and it is being redistributed. By your logic, it seems that every mod is illegal, and should be deleted.

Explained clearly in their TOS, it states that their game/code may not be altered and/or redistributed in any way.

I found it funny that "the other pack" was labeled stolen. The truth is anything not created by Mojang for this game is technically illegal.

Now that I have played devil's advocate. Mojang knows full well it is the mods that keeps this game and community going, they would probably shake the modders hands rather than take legal actions against them.

So any argument or debate about the legality of mods, their use, or distribution is ridiculous, even when they are labeled an unofficial ripoff or used without consent.

Evil Hamster

New Member
Jul 29, 2019
If I understand correctly- Mojang is fully aware of these mods and this pack and is allowing it per their rights, but if they choose to nix something, it will be removed?
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