Whitelist Server Infinity Casual Server | Youtube Recording| Teamspeak| PVE

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Hi there guys, I am but a simple man running a simple server with some of my friends. We were wanting to get into some modded minecraft fun for our youtube channel and we are wishing to play with a few more people than just the 4 of us.

Some info on us were about 20 years old average (So were looking for people about that age... or can at least act that age). We are fairly funny and easy going (or so we think...). The server is hosted in Arizona and no I wont move it... I got a good deal on it. If you'd like to see us in a video to see if you'd like us here's that: here. Any who feel free to fill out the application below if you're interested and if we think you'll be a good fit we'll get back to you.

MC name:TheProjectMiner
What is your modded MC experience:i played 1 and a half years on servers I have a good memory on crafting's and I can build good structures with modded items
What makes you want to join us: well you guys are a private server and I like having not a lot of people but some and not much bad people should get in through the applications
Why should I pick you and not some hobo off the street: well I can afford to play minecraft and I have a good knowledge on pcs and I spend a lot of time on them and I just built my own
Do you have a sense of humor: yes I have a really good sense of humor
Are you sure????: I'm pretty sure yes
Are you okay with using Voice Communications: yes I am o with using them
If so do you have/willing to get Teamspeak: I do have Teamspeak
Do you have a youtube channel:Yes I do
If so could you link us something so we can see if you're a fit:https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCaGiJTAzh7pGezUna3xF_cQ I'm just starting to get back into it
If not would you be willing to make one (not required just asking):

Questions from other friends (bonus points): ok
Heather: Do you have a husky, if so does it say, "I rove ru?": pretty close it can say aww ro u
Aric: Do you like big butts and cannot lie?:who told u that
Tyler: How many people have you killed and why?:Why u target me I don't kill anyone :)

Now that I've totally driven off all but the clinically insane... Feel free to apply and if we like ya I'll send you a PM with the server things.
MC name: FFUUUsha
Age: 22
What is your modded MC experience: like 3 years or more
What makes you want to join us: want to try new stuff
Why should I pick you and not some hobo off the street: because I do not stink
Do you have a sense of humor: yep
Are you sure????: YEEEES
Are you okay with using Voice Communications: yep
If so do you have/willing to get Teamspeak: yep
Do you have a youtube channel: not yet
If so could you link us something so we can see if you're a fit:
If not would you be willing to make one (not required just asking): why not
MC name: JustinWC
Age: 27
What is your modded MC experience: I have played various modpacks since tekkit classic
What makes you want to join us: Looking for a more laid back server.
Why should I pick you and not some hobo off the street: Cause Hobos want Change...change....got any change?
Do you have a sense of humor: Yes
Are you sure????: Well now that you ask im second guessing myself.
Are you okay with using Voice Communications: Yes
If so do you have/willing to get Teamspeak: Yes
Do you have a youtube channel: No
If so could you link us something so we can see if you're a fit: N/A
If not would you be willing to make one (not required just asking): I actually had started one a couple of years ago, but got a job with 12 hour shifts, so I am willing but lack the time.

Questions from other friends (bonus points):
Heather: Do you have a husky, if so does it say, "I rove ru?": No, but my cat says "herro"
Aric: Do you like big butts and cannot lie?: My anaconda don't want none unless you got buns hun.
Tyler: How many people have you killed and why?: one, because I am the one who deserves the packman watch.
mc name: xzd
age: 16
modded mc experience: i've played tekkit a long time ago and just recently got into ftb again
what makes you want to join us: i've been looking for a quiet server without all the hassle that public servers usually have
why should i pick you and not some hobo off the street: because i make the worst puns in all of germany
do you have a sense of humor: if you consider really bad puns humor?
am i sure? probably
am i ok with using voice comm: yeah
do i have teamspeak: i could probably get it, but i do prefer discord or mumble to be honest
do i have a youtube channel: nope
if not would you willing to make one: depends, from my past experience, recording from osx has been really shitty, but we may see
MC name: MetroidHunter123
What is your modded MC experience: All of it, Tekkit was my starting point as for most people I believe, after it died off I came to FTB and now I'm here writing this sentence to you.
What makes you want to join us: This seems cool, also I can't play sp for more then five minutes without getting bored mp for some reason I can play forever
Why should I pick you and not some hobo off the street: Pick the hobo, see if I care...I actually care please don't
Do you have a sense of humor: Have you been reading my thing?
Are you sure????:Ja
Are you okay with using Voice Communications: Can I sound like Temmie
If so do you have/willing to get Teamspeak: I have the Teamofthespeaks
Do you have a youtube channel:Nope. you can always just question me
If so could you link us something so we can see if you're a fit:
If not would you be willing to make one (not required just asking):Yep

Questions from other friends (bonus points):
Heather: Do you have a husky, if so does it say, "I rove ru?": I have a Shibe Inu
Aric: Do you like big butts and cannot lie?: Always
Tyler: How many people have you killed and why?: All of them, Klondike bar
MC name:Nikjee
What is your modded MC experience:Started playing since 1.6.6 and modded minecraft since 1.7
What makes you want to join us:You are guys youtubers so you play almost everyday like almost other people on the server i like playing in community that's why i want to play in this server.
Why should I pick you and not some hobo off the street:Well i think hobo off the street doesn't have an internet to play on the server.
Do you have a sense of humor:yea
Are you sure????:maybe
Are you okay with using Voice Communications:Yes,but im from Russia so i can bot understand some words but i can speak with you guys
If so do you have/willing to get Teamspeak:I have ts
Do you have a youtube channel:Yes and twitch
If so could you link us something so we can see if you're a fit:https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCY_C0pO5I7wJFO__ONhUjVw and http://www.twitch.tv/nikjee
If not would you be willing to make one (not required just asking):

Questions from other friends (bonus points):
Heather: Do you have a husky, if so does it say, "I rove ru?":I don't have husky but i have a cat which says only meow
Aric: Do you like big butts and cannot lie?:You other brothers can't deny
Tyler: How many people have you killed and why?:10 hypothetically, but I didn't tell you this
MC name: _derlYn_
Age: 29
What is your modded MC experience: playing modded since 1.4.1
What makes you want to join us: well iam looking for an mature, calm community to play mc together. I hope that u are the right guys :P
Why should I pick you and not some hobo off the street: i guess its a gut-feeling, isnt it ? :)
Do you have a sense of humor: depends
Are you sure????: depends
Are you okay with using Voice Communications: sure thing
If so do you have/willing to get Teamspeak: still yes
Do you have a youtube channel: nope, my hope is that youtuber's arnt the dickhead u usualy find on rnd servers. Everything "bad" they do is on record :P
If so could you link us something so we can see if you're a fit:
If not would you be willing to make one (not required just asking): that means a lot of work maintaining one oO
MC name: Kylo_Ren_69 (My friends second account because my main got hacked, I know the name is stupid)
Age: 18
What is your modded MC experience: I have played a modded MC basically since I started playing minecraft back in 2011, starting on tekkit classic etc and just going with it.
What makes you want to join us: I watched the video you provided and these are the type of people I am looking to play with mature people that can joke around and have fun at the same time.
Why should I pick you and not some hobo off the street: Because i am here to help people, there are plenty of people out there that go out of there way to make people have a bad time and I'm here to make memories and have a great time.
Do you have a sense of humor: Yes, I have a sense of humor I can take a joke.
Are you sure????: Yes
Are you okay with using Voice Communications: Yes, use teamspeak a lot for other games.
If so do you have/willing to get Teamspeak: Yes already got it, have a mic and will use teamspeak if accepted.
Do you have a youtube channel: No I don't but planning on starting soon.
If so could you link us something so we can see if you're a fit: See above answer.
If not would you be willing to make one (not required just asking): Sure why not.

Questions from other friends (bonus points):
Heather: Do you have a husky, if so does it say, "I rove ru?": No I have a labrador, wan't a husky tho.
Aric: Do you like big butts and cannot lie?: Hmmm stupid question. Yes.
Tyler: How many people have you killed and why?: Not enough??
MC name: MuchoMochoMango.
Age: 15.
What is your modded MC experience: Very High I've been playing minecraft since beta and love playing modded mincraft since than.
What makes you want to join us: Would love a small community to hang out and play with some friends!
Why should I pick you and not some hobo off the street: You should pick me because I am friendly and love playing with people.
Do you have a sense of humor: Yes
Are you sure????: Maybe :rolleyes:
Are you okay with using Voice Communications: Yes, I am.
If so do you have/willing to get Teamspeak: Yes I do have teamspeak and I am willing to use it.
Do you have a youtube channel: Yes
If so could you link us something so we can see if you're a fit:
If not would you be willing to make one (not required just asking):

Questions from other friends (bonus points):
Heather: Do you have a husky, if so does it say, "I rove ru?": I wish I have a husky! I have a cute little boxer puppy! :D
Aric: Do you like big butts and cannot lie?: Of course I do! :rolleyes:
Tyler: How many people have you killed and why?: None im a nice guy! :D
Last edited:
MC name:SubZeroCro

Age: 14

What is your modded MC experience: Played some modded a year back, liked it but never spent more than 50 hours on a wrold ebcause it gets boring having noone to talk to and play with, thats why im joining here.

What makes you want to join us:I like modded minecraft and would like to join here because i think most fo the people here are mature and there wont be any griefers and single palyer got boring for me.

Why should I pick you and not some hobo off the street: hmmmm good question.. because i applied here? I would like to play with other people and i wont grief and insult others :p

Do you have a sense of humor: Yes.

Are you sure????: I review server for planet minecraft

If so do you have/willing to get Teamspeak: I do have it

Do you have a youtube channel: no

If so could you link us something so we can see if you're a fit:

If not would you be willing to make one (not required just asking): Yes, I would

Questions from other friends (bonus points):

Heather: Do you have a husky, if so does it say, "I rove ru?": I don't have one :/ I would like one, preferably a puppy

Aric: Do you like big butts and cannot lie?:yah

Tyler: How many people have you killed and why?: none... yet
MC name: Willb1fy
Age: 18
What is your modded MC experience: I have years of experience with modded minecraft all the way back to the mindcrack mod pack and love exploring new mods
What makes you want to join us: What makes me want to join this community is because from the information provided you sound like a humorous and laid back community which is hard to find because there is a lot of immature pre teens that own server and to say the least the server is very childish.
Why should I pick you and not some hobo off the street: The difference between me and the hobo off the street is he is making more money than me but I am funnier than him for days *ya you hear that hobo I'm calling you out*
Do you have a sense of humor: My humor level is very funny I find many things funny and never take anything personal because I always look at it as joking around which is why I'm the chillest man in the world
Are you sure????: oh I'm sure xD
Are you okay with using Voice Communications: Yes I have everything from TS3/Skype/Razer Comms/etc.
If so do you have/willing to get Teamspeak: Yes
Do you have a youtube channel: Yes
If so could you link us something so we can see if you're a fit: Unfortunately I have not made a video yet but I'm in the process of getting stuff to record with as swell as a good mic
and better PC.
If not would you be willing to make one (not required just asking): Yeah thats the plan XD

Questions from other friends (bonus points):
Heather: Do you have a husky, if so does it say, "I rove ru?": In fact I do have a husky and her name is Kya but no she does not *Sad Face*
Aric: Do you like big butts and cannot lie?: In fact I do as well as in the streets I go by Sir-Mix-Alot
Tyler: How many people have you killed and why?: Ive killed many people.......(on CS:GO) BUT I don't always kill people but when I do I drink Ciroc to wash away the thought XD
MC name: deathtaker98
Age: 18
What is your modded MC experience: I have played modded for a few years now, to be specific, tekkit, direwolf, infinity, mindcrack, attack of the b-team, etc.
What makes you want to join us: You guys are also around the same age, and I feel like
Why should I pick you and not some hobo off the street: I'm squeaky clean, and have a nicer cardboard box to live in
Do you have a sense of humor: Yes
Are you sure????: Yea, it's a little dry at times. Like your sister was..
Are you okay with using Voice Communications: Hell yea
If so do you have/willing to get Teamspeak: I doooo
Do you have a youtube channel: I DO
If so could you link us something so we can see if you're a fit: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCNuNTNjsjtoJd0mGgUwThzw (Only some highlight videos from a few months ago, wanting to start up again)
If not would you be willing to make one (not required just asking): ^

Questions from other friends (bonus points): +9000
Heather: Do you have a husky, if so does it say, "I rove ru?": No.
Aric: Do you like big butts and cannot lie?: I'm more of a boobs guy, but ill take what I can get
Tyler: How many people have you killed and why?: 1000s because I played Survival Games before...
MC name: Timitoe
Age: 22
What is your modded MC experience: I would say 8/10... but havent played in a while so some updates might have changed some of my knoledge
What makes you want to join us: I want to play some MC again but don't want to play alone ( and mostly because I suck at building and I want to live together with someone)
Why should I pick you and not some hobo off the street: Because the hobo doesnt have a computer... (and my charming personality and European accent ofc.)
Do you have a sense of humor: Yes!
Are you sure????: Carrot!
Are you okay with using Voice Communications: Sure .. If you dont mind my slight accent and tendency to go on a banter about how most people call foods by their wrong name. I mean why would you call it frech fries whent the person who invented it was a Belgian, I know he mostley spoke french but that diesnt mean you should call him french... oh sorry...
If so do you have/willing to get Teamspeak: yes
Do you have a youtube channel: I used to, could get it started again if you want to
If so could you link us something so we can see if you're a fit:
If not would you be willing to make one (not required just asking):
*see last question*

Questions from other friends (bonus points):
Heather: Do you have a husky, if so does it say, "I rove ru?":
no... my dog can tapdance tho... no really, he can!
Aric: Do you like big butts and cannot lie?: Big or small... I would tap it all...
Tyler: How many people have you killed and why?: 72... It took me a while to figure out a good recepie for my '''Hum-burger''
Okay taking applications again. Had it shut down for a while there, but now we're back so keep um coming.
MC name: HawkNL
Age: 21 (march 23)
What is your modded MC experience: playing it since 1.6.4
What makes you want to join us: looking for a fun but rather small group to play along
Why should I pick you and not some hobo off the street: atleast i've got a pc ;) I understand you guys are new to nodded, and I've got loads of experience to help you guys fix things and not lagg the place
Do you have a sense of humor: I do
Describe your personality with one word: professional
Are you okay with using Voice Communications: I prefer voice over typing
If so do you have/willing to get Teamspeak: i got it running, I can say discord is even better, the mobile app makes it able to have contact all the time
Do you have a youtube channel: I used to stream a little but I dont have the time for it anymore
If so could you link us something so we can see if you're a fit: sorry
If not would you be willing to make one (not required just asking): rather not I don't have time for it. I don't mind being in videos and hearing my voice, I just don't have time for the editing and stuff

Questions from other friends (bonus points):
Me: Whats your favorite non MC game: currently playing kerbal space program, men of war: assault squad 2 and wargame : red dragon
Tabias: Magic or Tech: tech, but I am going to use magic this time
Steve: If you had to choose between being bald but an amazing beard or being beardless but having hair what would you choose: hair but no beard, cause that's the way my face is anyway haha, just a few lost hairs that grow like crazy
Age: 17 December (1st)
What is your modded MC experience: i have played since 1.6.4 modded
What makes you want to join us: I have been look for a server the last week or so i haven't played modded in a couple of months and was looking to get back into it :)
Why should I pick you and not some hobo off the street: I don't think a hobo would be amazeballz as me ;)
Do you have a sense of humor: Indeed i do sir !
Describe your personality with one word: AMAZEBALLZ !
Are you okay with using Voice Communications: Yes
If so do you have/willing to get Teamspeak: Yes i have TS best part of playing a game is talking with each other
Do you have a youtube channel: No, unfortunately my household is not the best for youtube.
If so could you link us something so we can see if you're a fit: No sorry
If not would you be willing to make one (not required just asking): No sorry again

Questions from other friends (bonus points):
Me: Whats your favorite non MC game: Destiny On the Xbox One i nerd out with destiny abit to much xD
Tabias: Magic or Tech: Both simple
Steve: If you had to choose between being bald but an amazing beard or being beardless but having hair what would you choose:Bald with an AMAZEBALLZ

Cheers for reading :)
MC name:_GriefHardt_
Age: 13
What is your modded MC experience: Playing since 1.5.2
What makes you want to join us: I need a modded server to play on that isn't completely hostile or griefed server
Why should I pick you and not some hobo off the street: Because hobos don't have computers also I am looking for a fun server
Do you have a sense of humor: Yes
Describe your personality with one word: Comedic
Are you okay with using Voice Communications: Yes
If so do you have/willing to get Teamspeak: Yes
Do you have a youtube channel: Tried and failed but I can try again can't figure out recording software
If so could you link us something so we can see if you're a fit: Its on a gmail account
If not would you be willing to make one (not required just asking): Yes

Questions from other friends (bonus points):
Me: Whats your favorite non MC game: Either legend of zelda windwaker or World of Warcraft
Tabias: Magic or Tech: I am more of a magic player but I do use a mix of tech sometimes
Steve: If you had to choose between being bald but an amazing beard or being beardless but having hair what would you choose: Beardless I can't live bald
MC name: Telecomtrzn
Age: 52
What is your modded MC experience: Been playing FTB IE for a couple of years, also some of the 3rd-party packs. Prefer the building aspects over the hardcare survival packs.
What makes you want to join us: I like the collaborative aspects of problem-solving, socializing while gaming. I'm inspired by looking at other people's designs, and I like to show off what I've created.
Why should I pick you and not some hobo off the street: I've been a hobo, and much prefer playing Minecraft.
Do you have a sense of humor: Yes.
Describe your personality with one word: Easy-going.
Are you okay with using Voice Communications: Sure.
If so do you have/willing to get Teamspeak: Used it in the past, so yes.
Do you have a youtube channel: No, just playlists.
If so could you link us something so we can see if you're a fit:
If not would you be willing to make one (not required just asking): Sure. I've been looking into Bandicam, Mirellis Action!, OBS, and some other tools, thinking of doing some game recordings. I've also got a small mixer and mikes, and currently evaluating some editing packages.

Questions from other friends (bonus points):
Me: Whats your favorite non MC game: Bit of a tossup, on PC I've played hundreds of hours of Skyrim, tabletop game of choice is D&D, and I love rail games.
Tabias: Magic or Tech: Tried both, like some aspects of each. Slight preference for tech.
Steve: If you had to choose between being bald but an amazing beard or being beardless but having hair what would you choose: Tough call. My dad was bald, totally rocked the look. I've a full head of hair, but grow a beard sometimes. Flip a coin? Beardless - I hate shaving.
MC name: AmicusBestia
Age: 18
What is your modded MC experience: Played minecraft modded and not, since '11, but took a break for the last year.
What makes you want to join us: First interesting server I saw.
Why should I pick you and not some hobo off the street: Hobos cannot play minecraft
Do you have a sense of humor: Ye
Describe your personality with one word: Ye
Are you okay with using Voice Communications: Ye
If so do you have/willing to get Teamspeak: Ye
Do you have a youtube channel: No
If so could you link us something so we can see if you're a fit:
If not would you be willing to make one (not required just asking): Sure I suppose

Questions from other friends (bonus points):
Me: Whats your favorite non MC game: Overwatch and Starcraft
Tabias: Magic or Tech: Both at once
Steve: If you had to choose between being bald but an amazing beard or being beardless but having hair what would you choose: Bald+beard
MC name: acefox009
Age: 36
What is your modded MC experience: Tekkit classic/lite, FTB Ultimate, Unleashed, Resonant Rise, Yogscast Complete, Beyond Reality and Infitech 2 (Gregtech <3), FTB Infinity Normal & Expert,
What makes you want to join us: Been looking for a good server to join, friendly to someone thinking about starting up their YT channel, surrounded by like-minded people doing the same.
Why should I pick you and not some hobo off the street: I smell considerably better.
Do you have a sense of humor: It's not uncommon for me to share in a good jest or two.
Describe your personality with one word: Procrastination
Are you okay with using Voice Communications: Absolutely!
If so do you have/willing to get Teamspeak: Got it
Do you have a youtube channel: I do, although, no content as yet. Hopefully not for much longer, with all the channel art and everything done i've run out of excuses.

Questions from other friends (bonus points):
Me: Whats your favorite non MC game:
Im a sucker for Survival sandboxes, so... Subnautica, The Long Dark, Project Zomboid... love em. i'm pretty hyped for Osiris: New Dawn, that looks right up my alley.
Tabias: Magic or Tech: Definitely Tech!
Steve: If you had to choose between being bald but an amazing beard or being beardless but having hair what would you choose: Tough call, but i'd have to go with hair and no beard... I grow a crap patchy beard anyway.