MC name: b_t_allen94 (call me bt)
Age: 20
What is your modded MC experience: been playing mods since 1.7 vanilla came out coz it got boring
What makes you want to join us: you seem like awesome funny people
Why should I pick you and not some hobo off the street: because i fought a hobo for my computer
Do you have a sense of humor: erm. Yes?
Are you sure????: No
Are you okay with using Voice Communications: i would but i dont have a mic
If so do you have/willing to get Teamspeak: i dont have a mic
Do you have a youtube channel: nope
If so could you link us something so we can see if you're a fit: erm do you want my height and weight instead?
If not would you be willing to make one (not required just asking): i would if i could afford a mic and get a recording software
Questions from other friends (bonus points):
Heather: Do you have a husky, if so does it say, "I rove ru?": i wish
Aric: Do you like big butts and cannot lie?: i am a brother thus cannot deny
Tyler: How many people have you killed and why?: i once killed 20 ppl in one room unfortunately i cannot divulge the details as they are still trying to catch me
Age: 20
What is your modded MC experience: been playing mods since 1.7 vanilla came out coz it got boring
What makes you want to join us: you seem like awesome funny people
Why should I pick you and not some hobo off the street: because i fought a hobo for my computer
Do you have a sense of humor: erm. Yes?
Are you sure????: No

Are you okay with using Voice Communications: i would but i dont have a mic
If so do you have/willing to get Teamspeak: i dont have a mic
Do you have a youtube channel: nope
If so could you link us something so we can see if you're a fit: erm do you want my height and weight instead?
If not would you be willing to make one (not required just asking): i would if i could afford a mic and get a recording software
Questions from other friends (bonus points):
Heather: Do you have a husky, if so does it say, "I rove ru?": i wish
Aric: Do you like big butts and cannot lie?: i am a brother thus cannot deny
Tyler: How many people have you killed and why?: i once killed 20 ppl in one room unfortunately i cannot divulge the details as they are still trying to catch me