Whitelist Server Infinity Casual Server | Youtube Recording| Teamspeak| PVE

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MC name: b_t_allen94 (call me bt)
Age: 20
What is your modded MC experience: been playing mods since 1.7 vanilla came out coz it got boring
What makes you want to join us: you seem like awesome funny people
Why should I pick you and not some hobo off the street: because i fought a hobo for my computer
Do you have a sense of humor: erm. Yes?
Are you sure????: No :(
Are you okay with using Voice Communications: i would but i dont have a mic
If so do you have/willing to get Teamspeak: i dont have a mic
Do you have a youtube channel: nope
If so could you link us something so we can see if you're a fit: erm do you want my height and weight instead?
If not would you be willing to make one (not required just asking): i would if i could afford a mic and get a recording software

Questions from other friends (bonus points):
Heather: Do you have a husky, if so does it say, "I rove ru?": i wish
Aric: Do you like big butts and cannot lie?: i am a brother thus cannot deny
Tyler: How many people have you killed and why?: i once killed 20 ppl in one room unfortunately i cannot divulge the details as they are still trying to catch me
MC name: Epicsordx
Age: 23
What is your modded MC experience: Played a few packs in the past but didn't get very far with them so i am a beginner with them you could say
What makes you want to join us: From the description u gave this seems like a nice place to want to be.
Why should I pick you and not some hobo off the street: There is no hobo
Do you have a sense of humor: I walked into mordor
Are you sure????: Yes
Are you okay with using Voice Communications: yes
If so do you have/willing to get Teamspeak: already have it so yeah
Do you have a youtube channel: nope
If so could you link us something so we can see if you're a fit:
If not would you be willing to make one (not required just asking): I have thought about it the past still not sure tho.

Questions from other friends (bonus points):
Heather: Do you have a husky, if so does it say, "I rove ru?": I have a border collie and he always looks disappointed in me :(
Aric: Do you like big butts and cannot lie?: I like small butts and lie a lot
Tyler: How many people have you killed and why?: just 1...... The Hobo. Why? i want the spot
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MC name:frostblooded
Age:17(Turn 18 in September, I'm in college
What is your modded MC experience:I have played the original technic pack since before the launcher, and I got on FTB about 2 years ago.
What makes you want to join us:I want a private smaller community as opposed to an obnoxious large server
Why should I pick you and not some hobo off the street: Because I like working with others and I can possibly record videos, I also can build pretty well
Do you have a sense of humor:Hell to the yes Boi
Are you sure????: Pretty darn
Are you okay with using Voice Communications:Anything
If so do you have/willing to get Teamspeak:Got it all
Do you have a youtube channel:I do, very small only made a couple videos back in early fall and didnt have proper equipment, but now I do I just havent gotten back into it. Probably could use some advice/partners
If so could you link us something so we can see if you're a fit:I kinda wanna start fresh, The videos I made seem stupid to me now but showed off my really good Agrarian Skies Build(I could show you pics)
If not would you be willing to make one (not required just asking):Definitely interested in recording again probably

Questions from other friends (bonus points):
Heather: Do you have a husky, if so does it say, "I rove ru?":I have a fox red english lab who does the next best thing; He lets me pick him up and sit him on my lap and lay him back and gives me kisses
Aric: Do you like big butts and cannot lie?: I cannot lie, I do like them big butts
Tyler: How many people have you killed and why?: Too many to count.....in minecraft. Because they either pissed me off or .....naw just pissed me off.
MC name:Saberfire
Age: 26
What is your modded MC experience: I've been playing minecraft in general since alpha and have been using mods since people started making them
What makes you want to join us: I’m lonely T_T I've played on and been an admin on few servers, but most of those people stopped playing after a few weeks. So I want to join a group that’s got some history and will have other people around to play with.
Why should I pick you and not some hobo off the street: I have no life thus I will be a very active player. And I enjoy playing with others and doing collaborative projects.
Do you have a sense of humor: a rather obscure one yes.
Are you sure????: yes.
Are you okay with using Voice Communications: Yes.
If so do you have/willing to get Teamspeak: i have teamspeak and can get any others as necessary
Do you have a youtube channel: no yet
If so could you link us something so we can see if you're a fit:
If not would you be willing to make one (not required just asking): I'm planning on making one.

Questions from other friends (bonus points):
Heather: Do you have a husky, if so does it say, "I rove ru?": my apartment won't let me have dogs.
Aric: Do you like big butts and cannot lie?: its not the size that matters, its the shape.
Tyler: How many people have you killed and why?: Are you a cop?
MC name: Teklow82
What is your modded MC experience: just about everything FTB
What makes you want to join us: Looking for a stable home . hopfully up when i play having alot of bad luck latly im in FL so your server loc good for me
Why should I pick you and not some hobo off the street: Cuase im not a Hobo.. LMAO I like to build and more or less help and be helped. looking for a community .
Do you have a sense of humor: "SHUT up MEG ! giggidy "
Are you sure????: " Hey if you dont like my sense of humor you can bite my shinny metal %%% " (bender)
Are you okay with using Voice Communications: from time to time yes. have a wife and 4 kids so sometimes its hard to speak for long periods.
If so do you have/willing to get Teamspeak: yup
Do you have a youtube channel: Yes. but i reserver it for my Eleite dangerous video's. but willing to expand if i can have a server that actually last.
If so could you link us something so we can see if you're a fit:
If not would you be willing to make one (not required just asking):

Questions from other friends (bonus points):
Heather: Do you have a husky, if so does it say, "I rove ru?":sadly no. but im sure cats control humans the telepathic means
Aric: Do you like big butts and cannot lie?: Ive lost count how many like
Tyler: How many people have you killed and why?:
Well when i played BF3 i once when 47 to 3 all knife take downs. ( was a no rules game also ) who says you can bring a knife to a gun fight.
MC name: thomboy90
Age: 16
What is your modded MC experience: been playing modded mc since beta 1.4
What makes you want to join us: you seem cool crew to hang out with
Why should I pick you and not some hobo off the street: i got a laptop connected to the interwebs
Do you have a sense of humor: nah
Are you sure????: nopes
Are you okay with using Voice Communications: of course!
If so do you have/willing to get Teamspeak: if iam okay with it, i will do it
Do you have a youtube channel: yes i have
If so could you link us something so we can see if you're a fit: i just posted some runescape 07 vids on it. but making minecraft vids on a servers soudns awsome https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCIlG2fD0lXuEf0D2uZmSjWw
If not would you be willing to make one (not required just asking):

Questions from other friends (bonus points):
Heather: Do you have a husky, if so does it say, "I rove ru?": nope got a duck tolling retriever and it says dog puns are pawnfull to hear
Aric: Do you like big butts and cannot lie?: "all i want for my birthday is a big booty' - 2 chainz
Tyler: How many people have you killed and why?: 3. two for stealing my food. 1 for not sharing his food when i was so hungry i felt my muscle breaking down... i take my food very serious
MC name: Amadara
Age: 29
What is your modded MC experience: Since FTB Ultimate
What makes you want to join us: PVE community
Why should I pick you and not some hobo off the street: Hobo will ruin your server, i won't :)
Do you have a sense of humor: Yes
Are you sure????: Very
Are you okay with using Voice Communications: Yes Skype, TS and Raidcall
If so do you have/willing to get Teamspeak: Yes i have it
Do you have a youtube channel: Nope
If so could you link us something so we can see if you're a fit: -
If not would you be willing to make one (not required just asking): Will tried if really need to.

Questions from other friends (bonus points):
Heather: Do you have a husky, if so does it say, "I rove ru?": I don't have Mishka D:
Aric: Do you like big butts and cannot lie?: I have fetish over big butts!
Tyler: How many people have you killed and why?: Kill to survive in Rust
MC name: Ascedes
Age: 28
What is your modded MC experience: about 3 years messing with mods
What makes you want to join us: Bored of playing by myself
Why should I pick you and not some hobo off the street: Because the hobo didn't reply to your thread!
Do you have a sense of humor: Sure why not
Are you sure????: Sure, I'm sure, I think
Are you okay with using Voice Communications: Yeah I've played mmo's a lot
If so do you have/willing to get Teamspeak: I have it
Do you have a youtube channel: Yeah, but there isn't really anything on it
If so could you link us something so we can see if you're a fit: I made an Eve video a long time ago
If not would you be willing to make one (not required just asking):

Questions from other friends (bonus points):
Heather: Do you have a husky, if so does it say, "I rove ru?": My cat doesn't got time for that
Aric: Do you like big butts and cannot lie?: Yeah and you other brothers can't deny that when a girl walks in with an itty bitty waist and a round thing in your face YOU GET SPRUNG!!
Tyler: How many people have you killed and why?: Too many, such is the life of a psychopath
MC name: djcosmic2
Age: 3/8ths of a Stack (24)
What is your modded MC experience: I started playing Modded MC back in MC 1.6.4, playing on a Crackpack war server. I went from server to server, (due to servers shutting down) until I eventually wound up on a longterm MC 1.7.10 server back when Modded 1.7.10 just came out. I played on there for quite some time, as well was made moderator. The server owner shut down the server due to lack of funds, and from there I moved onto a few more servers, until I realized I no longer had time to play SMP (I played so little, I progressed exponentially slower than the others around me). I then picked up Regrowth, where I currently have a world in single player, with nearly all quests completed (missing some plant breeding ones, as well as the second half of witchery, plus Bees and Fish)
What makes you want to join us: I have decided to try modded again - and you seem like a fun bunch.
Why should I pick you and not some hobo off the street: For one, I'm not a hobo, so that's a plus. Secondly, I am extremely knowledgeable and a great guy all around.
Do you have a sense of humor: My co-workers hate me at work for the bad jokes I tell the customers.
Are you sure????: The amount of times I have said, "Be careful, this cheese is sharp" has probably caused some of them to want to rip my hair out. (I am a supermarket cashier during the day)
Are you okay with using Voice Communications: I would never play multi-player without voice communications. I have used them all, TS, Skype, Ventrillo, and Mumble - back in my WoW days.
If so do you have/willing to get Teamspeak: Yes
Do you have a youtube channel: I do, but there are no MC related videos on it. I do wish to be able to stream on twitch/beam though, but atm my upload speed isn't that great.
If so could you link us something so we can see if you're a fit: I mean, if you want to watch some of the yugioh videos posted a LONG time ago, you can check them out at http://www.youtube.com/djcosmic2
If not would you be willing to make one (not required just asking): Depending on internet, and software, I would be willing to possibly try recording again.

Questions from other friends (bonus points):
Heather: Do you have a husky, if so does it say, "I rove ru?": No. I do, however, have a Lhasa-apsa Poodle Mix that says "arrrw"
Aric: Do you like big butts and cannot lie?: You other brothers can't deny.
Tyler: How many people have you killed and why?: I kill people every day. With kindness.

Closing note: Thank you for taking the time to read this app, I hope that I can join your server - y'all seem like a truly fun bunch.

EDIT: I need to make it clear that I prefer the Jonathan Coulton version of Baby Got Back, over the Sir Mixalot version
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MC name: Jackall
Age: 14
What is your modded MC experience: Been playing for less than half a year on the new packs. Used to play Tekkit ages ago but kinda got boring.
What makes you want to join us: Played on some other Whitelisted servers although most cannot fund the servers or just became dead and not active.
Why should I pick you and not some hobo off the street: I have a computer xD
Do you have a sense of humor: I would like to say I have
Are you sure????: Nope...
Are you okay with using Voice Communications: Yeah got TS and Mumble
If so do you have/willing to get Teamspeak: I already have it
Do you have a youtube channel: Yeah - not for gaming though and is kinda going through 'Alpha' stages (aka no videos on it yet) Maybe could expand for gaming in the future?
If so could you link us something so we can see if you're a fit: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC2RO6yhtzNBYYSm7qROi15g Like I said, there aren't any videos on it (yet)
If not would you be willing to make one (not required just asking): -

Questions from other friends (bonus points):
Heather: Do you have a husky, if so does it say, "I rove ru?": I have a cat that like
Aric: Do you like big butts and cannot lie?: No and maybe...
Tyler: How many people have you killed and why?: Is that in computer games? Or..?
MC name: BIGMUSTACHEMAN I know the name is dumb but it was a prank and im changing it back tomorrow
Age: 17 gonna be 18 in a week
What is your modded MC experience: I love the tech in mods but i really do like the odd stuff with mods like the differnt foods and stuff im not a go for the end game instantly person :)
What makes you want to join us: Well I've been wanting to do a modded serires for awhile now and vanilla just wears me out but i didnt want to do it alone and this sounded perfect :)
Why should I pick you and not some hobo off the street: WEll I may be kinda new to mods but im not reckless and i love a challenge and i would love for a community based server :)
Do you have a sense of humor: I think so :D
Are you sure????: YES
Are you okay with using Voice Communications: Yes Sir
If so do you have/willing to get Teamspeak: Yesss
Do you have a youtube channel: Mhmm
If so could you link us something so we can see if you're a fit:
If not would you be willing to make one (not required just asking):

Questions from other friends (bonus points):
Heather: Do you have a husky, if so does it say, "I rove ru?": Nope I wish tho
Aric: Do you like big butts and cannot lie?: Baby Got back
Tyler: How many people have you killed and why?: WEll the story goes that one night i was alone in a room... well you can guess the rest

Thank you for taking the time to read my application and i hope you accept me :)
Oh hey, there's a forum for this... I've already sent a PM to Brandic, but let's just send something here as well:

MC name: Diamundo
Age: 19
What is your modded MC experience:
Playing modded MC on a private custom modpack, and even though I am generally the most experienced vanilla player, I know a lot of and about modded MC. Started vanilla in the early stages of alpha, modding began roughly two years back.
What makes you want to join us: Old server is not as active anymore - and we started out with only 6 people...
Why should I pick you and not some hobo off the street: Hmm, now I have to think of something funny... I'll bake you an ingame pie? Also, the hobo didn't reply to your invitation, did he?
Do you have a sense of humor: I like to think I do. Friends on the server sometimes think I don't and repeatedly kick me (we're all OP's and frequently kick or deop eachother for lame jokes) but all in good faith.
Are you sure????: Yeap.
Are you okay with using Voice Communications: We use(d) teamspeak all the time.
If so do you have/willing to get Teamspeak: Have it.

Do you have a youtube channel: Yeah, but inactive. I made 10 videos of a vanilla survival world there, and the most viewers (episode 1) was 35. Thirty-five. You get why I canceled it :p
If so could you link us something so we can see if you're a fit:
(Just a note: was recorded on altogether low-quality hardware, and I have gotten some better stuff but I'm not sure if that's any sort of youtube worthy... We'll have to see).
If not would you be willing to make one (not required just asking): I have one, but not really anymore. If absolutely required I might think about reuploading on that channel but I don't have a lot of free time besides gaming to actually devote to recording, editing and all that stuff. TLDR: not really have the time for it.

Have you been banned for anything in the past:
For more than 5 minutes as a result of jokes? Nope. (Well, one time from early morning to after dinner, but that was because I had the day off and requested it myself so I would actually do some work instead of procrastinating on the server).
How would you describe your personality: A bit introvert, eager to help, funny, sometimes kind of a dick (in a good way as far as that's possible :p) but most people find me very kind. Not in a relationship, and not judging anyone who is in any sort of relationship - as long as it's a healthy one(!). In general: nice guy.

Questions from other friends (bonus points):
Me:Whats your opinion on bees:
Very powerfull. Haven't used them myself but have seen them in use and was planning to start on the old server but it's been crashing a bit lately. Not really an opinion, but sure, I like them.
Heather: Do you have a husky, if so does it say, "I rove ru?": I love dogs but parent's wont let us have one.
Aric: Do you like big butts and cannot lie?: More of a boob man :p
Tyler: How many people have you killed and why?: IRL? 0. Ingame? Tinkers bows are very OP given a bit of quartz >:D
Jimmy: Do you have a cow trophy?: Yes. Also, my skin is a cow. No joke. Look it up :p
Erebus: Do you believe in the bee god?: Is it a Goa'uld False God or a different kind of God? If the first then I will assemble the entirety(?) of the SGC and slay him :p (I'm bingewatching the StarGate SG1 series right now, so bonus points if any of you know it as well :p)
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Hey, don't know if you're still accepting applications, but it looks like a fun server to join!

MC name: Falcon2442
What is your modded MC experience: Been playing for quite a few years. Created my own personal "modpacks" back when we had to do jar editing.
What makes you want to join us: Looking for a small community of friendly players. Single player can get kinda lonely sometimes.
Why should I pick you and not some hobo off the street: I have pretty good experience with most of the mods in the pack. I also am extremely friendly and easy to get along with.
Do you have a sense of humor: Yes, as long as my stuff isn't messed up. Not a huge fan of cursing though.
Are you sure????: Yup.
Are you okay with using Voice Communications: Not all the time, sometimes when I get off work I just want silence except for the game.
If so do you have/willing to get Teamspeak: I have one.
Do you have a youtube channel: Not currently.
If so could you link us something so we can see if you're a fit: N/A
If not would you be willing to make one (not required just asking): I think it would be fun to do if I can commit to the time commitment.

Questions from other friends (bonus points):
Heather: Do you have a husky, if so does it say, "I rove ru?":
Sadly, I don't :( I really want a husky though!
Aric: Do you like big butts and cannot lie?: Can't say I do.
Tyler: How many people have you killed and why?: Not a big fan of PvP, so maybe 5?
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