Whitelist Server Infinity Casual Server | Youtube Recording| Teamspeak| PVE

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New Member
Jul 29, 2019

Hi there guys, I am but a simple man running a simple server with some of my friends. We were wanting to get into some modded minecraft fun for our youtube channel and we are wishing to play with a few more people than just the 4 of us.

Some info on us were about 20 years old average (So were looking for people about that age... or can at least act that age). We are fairly funny and easy going (or so we think...). The server is hosted in Las Vegas and no I wont move it... I got a good deal on it lol. If you'd like to see us in a video to see if you'd like us here's that: here. Any who feel free to fill out the application below if you're interested and if we think you'll be a good fit we'll get back to you. You can comment your application below or just PM it to me (recommended).

MC name:
What is your modded MC experience:
What makes you want to join us:
Why should I pick you and not some hobo off the street:
Do you have a sense of humor:
Describe your personality with one word:
Are you okay with using Voice Communications:
If so do you have/willing to get Teamspeak:
Do you have a youtube channel:
If so could you link us something so we can see if you're a fit:
If not would you be willing to make one (not required just asking):

Questions from other friends (bonus points):
Me: Whats your favorite non MC game:
Tabias: Magic or Tech:
Steve: If you had to choose between being bald but an amazing beard or being beardless but having hair what would you choose:

Now that I've totally driven off all but the clinically insane... Feel free to apply and if we like ya I'll send you a PM with the server things.
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MC name: AliLesha
Age: 14 (Voice is deep enough.)
What is your modded MC experience: Re-learning FTB, due to playing TF2 for 6 months, but I do know much of it.
What makes you want to join us: I need a server where I can join someone and try to be useful.
Why should I pick you and not some hobo off the street: Boy, I don't know. But I could make the worlds largest smeltery or something. ^^'
Do you have a sense of humor: Nope. :(
Are you sure????: Yes.
Are you okay with using Voice Communications: Yes.
If so do you have/willing to get Teamspeak: Yes.
Do you have a youtube channel: Yes, but I recreated it. I had 600 subs or so on my old channel, but now I'm back to just 6. (/channel/UCanXaAdRKAiUeWb5ADKdRqw)
If so could you link us something so we can see if you're a fit: You can see my personal video, but I don't recommend watching it fully, as it does not tackle anything that is concerned about Minecraft.

Questions from other friends (bonus points):
Heather: Do you have a husky, if so does it say, "I rove ru?": I'm allergic to them, sadly.
Aric: Do you like big butts and cannot lie?: :rolleyes: Yesh.
Tyler: How many people have you killed and why?: I 'aint a killer! o_O
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MC name: Brunzmeflugen
Age: 18
What is your modded MC experience: Been playing since 1.2.5
What makes you want to join us: A smaller group that has lasted long and plans to last longer
Why should I pick you and not some hobo off the street: Because hobos should not have computers...
Do you have a sense of humor: Maybe
Are you sure????: no
Are you okay with using Voice Communications: YAAAAA
If so do you have/willing to get Teamspeak: I have TS
Do you have a youtube channel: No but I stream on Twitch
If so could you link us something so we can see if you're a fit: http://www.twitch.tv/bomquisha
If not would you be willing to make one (not required just asking): I would love to make a youtube

Questions from other friends (bonus points):
Heather: Do you have a husky, if so does it say, "I rove ru?": I do but mine says yeah and awwwwwwwwww
Aric: Do you like big butts and cannot lie?: You other brothers can't deny
Tyler: How many people have you killed and why?: Millions because people are noobs in video games
MC name: NewToTheWorld
Age: 20
What is your modded MC experience: Played FTB Infinity for about 6 months now (I constantly study mods)
What makes you want to join us: I've been looking for a good server for a long time, this one seems to fit the bill perfectly!
Why should I pick you and not some hobo off the street: Well, I am a dedicated player, I can spend many hours at a time just building, sculpting, mining, etc. I also know my mods well.
Do you have a sense of humor: Potentially...
Are you sure????: ... Potentially..........?
Are you okay with using Voice Communications: Of course!
If so do you have/willing to get Teamspeak: Have it ;)
Do you have a youtube channel: NewToTheWorld
If so could you link us something so we can see if you're a fit: I want to make a new youtube series for FTB Infinity, but I have started a Vanilla Minecraft series here
If not would you be willing to make one (not required just asking): OF COURSE!

Questions from other friends (bonus points):
Heather: Do you have a husky, if so does it say, "I rove ru?": I'm not sure if he's a husky... but he is brown and he always eats my snax :(
Aric: Do you like big butts and cannot lie?: My other brothers can't deny :/
Tyler: How many people have you killed and why?: All of them. Reason doesn't exist when everyone who can comprehend reasoning is dead...
MC name: MrLunaticXp
Age: 21
What is your modded MC experience: 6 months, good at the tech mods learning the magical now
What makes you want to join us: I have been looking for a good group of people to play minecraft with and you guys seems like a good fit
Why should I pick you and not some hobo off the street: maybe i am a hobo off the street hahaha
Do you have a sense of humor: yes a big one
Are you sure????: no but i guess you'll have to trust me
Are you okay with using Voice Communications: yes
If so do you have/willing to get Teamspeak: yes
Do you have a youtube channel: use to, starting a new one soon but wont be gaming centered but i stream
If so could you link us something so we can see if you're a fit: dont have a youtube link yet. here is twitch: www.twitch.tv/thelunaticxperience
If not would you be willing to make one (not required just asking): Already answered above

Questions from other friends (bonus points):
Heather: Do you have a husky, if so does it say, "I rove ru?": I live in Texas to hot for huskies, but i have other dogs that say it haha
Aric: Do you like big butts and cannot lie?: Maybe....
Tyler: How many people have you killed and why?: I can't disclose that information its top secret
MC name: DrJangles
Age: 20 (21 in a month)
What is your modded MC experience: been playing since slowpoke make the first Feed the beast map
What makes you want to join us: Im looking for a server that is small but is active
Why should I pick you and not some hobo off the street: How could you pick the hobo if he doesnt have a computer?
Do you have a sense of humor: I try to but some days it dries up into river of sarcasm.
Are you sure????: Only every other day
Are you okay with using Voice Communications: yup
If so do you have/willing to get Teamspeak: have it
Do you have a youtube channel: no. i dont have a good enough computer for it
If so could you link us something so we can see if you're a fit: I tried making a youtube vid. but again my computer= 1/2 a potato and 1/2 a toaster = 9/10 of a decent computer
If not would you be willing to make one (not required just asking): It would suck but i could if you really need me to.

Questions from other friends (bonus points):
Heather: Do you have a husky, if so does it say, "I rove ru?": No but im going to get a samoyed
Aric: Do you like big butts and cannot lie?: oh yeah i like big butts
Tyler: How many people have you killed and why?: 2 because they like skinny butts XD
MC name: NeverStopMining
Age: 16 (Old enough?)
What is your modded MC experience: Tons I have played basically every major pack and some smaller packs although my favorites have been SF2 And Infinity. But I have played Modded MC For the past 1.5 years and know how to use most major mods. (Learning pneumatic craft atm and that's the only main one)
What makes you want to join us: I want to join since I'm getting bored of playing 4-5 hours a day of single player and need to talk to someone :p
Why should I pick you and not some hobo off the street: Since I have a computer ;)
Do you have a sense of humor: Nah none at all ;)
Are you sure????: Nope not at all :p
Are you okay with using Voice Communications: Yep can't always talk though
If so do you have/willing to get Teamspeak: I have it and can use it basically anytime
Do you have a youtube channel: Nope
If so could you link us something so we can see if you're a fit: N/A
If not would you be willing to make one (not required just asking): I can but I would rather not I don't have the time for it at the moment though I might once I get into college!

Questions from other friends (bonus points):
Heather: Do you have a husky, if so does it say, "I rove ru?":
I wish :p I have a yorkie and a mutt
Aric: Do you like big butts and cannot lie?: Nope :p
Tyler: How many people have you killed and why?: I think 13, not sure though. I sat on them accidentally ;)

EDIT: Also BTW Kappa ;)
Kappa Kappa Kappa Kappa
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MC name: JPING97
Age: 17
What is your modded MC experience: 2 years
What makes you want to join us: Sounds like a fun group, and I have been looking for something more active and fun.
Why should I pick you and not some hobo off the street: Because I have a large amount of knowledge centered around Modded Minecraft and I think I will have some cool things to show off eventually.
Do you have a sense of humor: I think so.
Are you sure????: Theres only one way to find out!
Are you okay with using Voice Communications: Yes
If so do you have/willing to get Teamspeak: I have one
Do you have a youtube channel: No
If so could you link us something so we can see if you're a fit: N/A
If not would you be willing to make one (not required just asking): Probably not, Its not that I don't have the computer for it (I do in fact), I'm just not the youtuber type, more the guy who's built the amazing contraption, or the pretty base. I just don't have time for the recording on top of that.

Questions from other friends (bonus points):
Heather: Do you have a husky, if so does it say, "I rove ru?": more of a Chocolate Lab guy myself
Aric: Do you like big butts and cannot lie?: You other brothers can't deny
Tyler: How many people have you killed and why?: 3 1/2. Don't ask about the 1/2.
Sounds good It's 8 PM Here but staying up till at least 2 AM so It's no problem

Meanwhile Going to play some CS:GO
MC name: Erebus18
Age: 20
What is your modded MC experience:
Tekkit, Hexxit, mainly the Technic pack.

What makes you want to join us:
I know these doods dtc121 and varden they know. Is ok It's only stalking if you get caught.

Why should I pick you and not some hobo off the street:
Pick a hobo and I will fight him until one of us is no longer able to play MC.

Do you have a sense of humor:
I have 5 senses I could see myself though getting in touch with the sounds of humor it might leave a bitter taste but I am willing you can tell I am not bsing here you would smell it.

Are you sure????:
No, I regret to inform this.

Are you okay with using Voice Communications:
Am I okay with it? I suppose. I mean if you were to record my voice I wouldn't mind I will be entitled to 99% of profits though. ;)

If so do you have/willing to get Teamspeak:
Yeah I got that thing you need me to get.

Do you have a youtube channel:
ummmm...it's not something I could pass on much but........

If so could you link us something so we can see if you're a good fit:

If not would you be willing to make one (not required just asking):
Yuh I do it I do it good top tier.

Questions from other friends (bonus points):
Heather: Do you have a husky, if so does it say, "I rove ru?":
Raise it to be a formidable pack leader and travel the lands.

Aric: Do you like big butts and cannot lie?:
You know us other brothers can not deny.

Tyler: How many people have you killed and why?:
Enough I guess. Nothing can stop the will of a Templar.
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MC name: subz3ro69
Age: 23
What is your modded MC experience: very high i played minecaft in the alfa version and then have spent the last 4 years playing modded
What makes you want to join us: looking for some nice guys and gals to play with have some fun times together and to show off my skills at modded minecraft.
Why should I pick you and not some hobo off the street: well i shower so i wont smell and i will still do anything for 5 iron ;)
Do you have a sense of humor: ofc unlike these people
Are you sure????: yeh am pretty sure i can get a doctors note if more evidence is required.
Are you okay with using Voice Communications: yes i enjoy a good conversation
If so do you have/willing to get Teamspeak: already have it
Do you have a youtube channel: yes i do >> https://www.youtube.com/user/InfamousSubz
If so could you link us something so we can see if you're a fit:^^^^^^^
If not would you be willing to make one (not required just asking):

Questions from other friends (bonus points):
Heather: Do you have a husky, if so does it say, "I rove ru?": i have a northan iniut she is very argumentative you will hear her in ts if she is in a mardy mood XD
Aric: Do you like big butts and cannot lie?: Man no others brothers cant deny dem buns
Tyler: How many people have you killed and why?: yes 1 but he was going to kill me first
We lost a few people so far but still plenty of actives I'm willing to take on a few more people at this time.
Sorry for the double post and all but I need to update all server members of a client side change they need to make you able to connect so here it goes my generic copy paste

Quick update to all server members!!!! you will have to do a config change to continue using the server!!! Here is a step by step guide! First goto your FTB folder (where all your ftb files are at, you can find it in the launcher if you dont know where it is) now goto FTBinfinity folder, minecraft, configs, agricraft and the configuration.cfg Youll need to change 2 things here!

# set to true to regenerate a default mutations file (will turn back to false afterwards)
B:GenerateDefaults=(set this to true)


# set to true if you wish to enable resource crops [default: false]
B:"Resource Crops"=(set to true)

If you need help were happy to help in TS