Whitelist Server infiniteCraft | 16+ | FTB Unleashed 1.1.3 | Whitelist | Dedicated | TeamSpeak | No Lag | Mining age

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IGN: 1BM35
Age: 18
How long have you been playing modded minecraft?: Since Tekkit.
Have you ever been banned?: No.
Do you know how to use TeamSpeak?: Yes, I have the program but I don't have a mic.
Are you youtuber? If so, what is your channel?: I have a channel, but its not for making videos. :<
Why you want to join?: I want to play with a nice community since I just end up spawning in items in singleplayer and it's really boring. Chatting with others really gets me motivated :)
Choose two colours as you first and second colours on ender storage: [#],[#] blue, orange
IGN: mynameisdomo
Age: 17
How long have you been playing modded minecraft?: Since the first beta pack came out, I've also played tekkit before.
Have you ever been banned?: Never
Do you know how to use TeamSpeak?: Yes, but I ususally use Skype, maybe this will give me a chance to use it more
Are you youtuber? If so, what is your channel?: When I get my new PC, recording will be the first thing on my list.
Why you want to join?: I've been searching for a nice whitelisted FTB server where I can just make new contraptions without having to use any plugins to protect my stuff and constantly being in fear of griefers and thieves.
Choose two colours as you first and second colours on ender storage: [Red],[Black] or [Blue],[Orange]
IGN: Naps4Days
Age: 20
How long have you been playing modded minecraft?: Around 6 months
Have you ever been banned?: Nope.
Do you know how to use TeamSpeak?:Yes I do.
Are you youtuber? If so, what is your channel?: Nope, play during my recreational time.
Why you want to join?: I"m looking for a server to stay, been looking for a while.
Choose two colours as you first and second colours on ender storage: [#],[#] white,blue
IGN: _Latsi_
Age: 17
How long have you been playing modded minecraft?: Over a year.
Have you ever been banned?: Not that I can remember.
Do you know how to use TeamSpeak?: Yep.
Are you youtuber? If so, what is your channel?: youtube.com/IamTraversy
Why you want to join?: I'm looking for a private server for myself and a friend to play, and also make videos on.
Choose two colours as you first and second colours on ender storage: [Orange],[Red]
IGN: Griff4863
Age: 17
How long have you been playing modded minecraft?: I first started using mods back in 2011.
Have you ever been banned?: Yes. I was banned once on a server back in the middle of 2011 because I declined a tour from an admin, and he found that bannable for whatever reason. I don't remember if there are any others.
Do you know how to use TeamSpeak?: Yes.
Are you youtuber? If so, what is your channel?: http://www.youtube.com/user/Griff4863 nearly at 2k subscribers and I've had a Machinima partnership since I signed up in late 2011.
Why you want to join?: I'd like to have a nice private server to meet cool people on and to play with a friend on there (Latsi) and maybe record some videos with him.
Choose two colours as you first and second colours on ender storage: [#],[#] Orange, black.
IGN: icervus
Age: 28
How long have you been playing modded minecraft?: Hard to say, but for at least a year or so.
Have you ever been banned?: No
Do you know how to use TeamSpeak?: Yes
Are you youtuber? If so, what is your channel?: I do have a channel but I've not made many videos. It something I'd like to do in the future but don't think my current PC could handle recording/editing video.
Why you want to join?: I'd like to play on a stable server with a good community of players and no griefers.
Choose two colours as you first and second colours on ender storage: [gray],[blue]
IGN: Rasgriz34
Age: 21
How long have you been playing modded minecraft?: Since 1.0
Have you ever been banned?: Once, for unknowingly using Spoutcraft when it was a banned client for Hunger Games.
Do you know how to use TeamSpeak?: Yessir
Are you youtuber? No.
Choose two colours as you first and second colours on ender storage: Yellow, Grey

I've been meaning to get back into Minecraft and I'd love to dedicate my builds to a single community on SMP rather than play on many servers or singleplayer. I want to have a good time and help people out with questions occasionally.

I'll be active on the guild forums if I am accepted :)
IGN: protienshakes
How long have you been playing modded minecraft?:about 2 years
Have you ever been banned?:nope
Do you know how to use TeamSpeak?:yes, i have my own
Are you youtuber? If so, what is your channel?: protienshakesgaming
Why you want to join?:to have some fun because the server i used to play on is having trouble with staff arguments
Choose two colours as you first and second colours on ender storage: black, grey
IGN: csb1020
Age: 23
How long have you been playing modded minecraft?: a few years but still learning some mods just really love playing with IC2/Gregtech and buildcraft and recently found other mods just as fun
Have you ever been banned?: No
Do you know how to use TeamSpeak?: yes
Are you youtuber? If so, what is your channel?: mysteriousglitch
Why you want to join?: I love the technical side of youtube, recently my group has closed ours do to conflicts with mods was running unleashed
Choose two colours as you first and second colours on ender storage: black, blue
How long have you been playing modded minecraft?:since 1.2.5 when i found direwolf20 on youtube
Have you ever been banned?: noup
Do you know how to use TeamSpeak?:yes i do
Are you youtuber? If so, what is your channel?: im not a youtuber
Why you want to join?: because im looking for a nice server to play ftb with other people
Choose two colours as you first and second colours on ender storage: blue and black
Age: 17
How long have you been playing modded minecraft? Played modded minecraft since buildcraft came out ;) and Played minecraft before survival was out (so pre alpha)
Have you ever been banned? No :(
Do you know how to use TeamSpeak? Who doesent :)
Are you youtuber? Im not
Why do you want to join? been looking for a nice direwolf20 server where me and my friends can hang out and play
Choose two colours as your first and secnond colours on ender storage: Red and Yellow
Age 16
How Long On Modded Minecraft: 2 years approximately
Have You Been Banned: Never, id like to keep it that way
Do You Use Team Speak? Yes
Are You A Youtuber? What Is Your Channel? Yes but been off for a while. My Channel is WratHxShadow
Why Do You Want To Join? I Like FTB But Its Kinda Booring When You Do It Alone, And I like To Make Friends! ;)
Choose Two Colors For Your First And Seccond Colors: I Dont Mind Any Really
IGN: krismoellegaard
How long have you been playing modded minecraft?: 2weeks but been wating a lot of youtube
Have you ever been banned?: not tha i knowe off
Do you know how to use TeamSpeak?: sometime
Are you youtuber? If so, what is your channel?: no
Why you want to join?: am loking for a sever tha has a frendly cumunety and is ok with noobs
Choose two colours as you first and second colours on ender storage: [blue],[cyan]
IGN: JyrasiQ
Age: 21
How long have you been playing modded minecraft?: about 3 months
Have you ever been banned?: nope
Do you know how to use TeamSpeak?: yes
Are you youtuber? If so, what is your channel?: no
Why you want to join?: im looking for a friendly group on teamspeak to play ftb with
Choose two colours as you first and second colours on ender storage: [#],[#] doesnt matter
IGN: Srg_Kuja
Age: 19
How long have you been playing modded minecraft?: sense like 1.2.5
Have you ever been banned?: nope
Do you know how to use TeamSpeak?: yes
Are you youtuber? If so, what is your channel?: no
Why you want to join?: Looking to play on a server with no limits
Choose two colours as you first and second colours on ender storage: [purple],[red]
IGN: magcast
Age: 28
How long have you been playing modded minecraft?: over 2 years now i guess
Have you ever been banned?: never
Do you know how to use TeamSpeak?: If needed i will gladly use but dont have a reason to use now
Are you youtuber? If so, what is your channel?: no, but if i plan to be i will absolutely notify
Why you want to join?: Im looking to play modded minecraft with people. Gets kind of lonely after like 25 worlds
Choose two colours as you first and second colours on ender storage: [black],[Purple]
IGN: FireShockSaga
Age: 28
How long have you been playing modded minecraft?: For a few years now. I've been playing FTB specifically for about 8 months.
Have you ever been banned?: Nope.
Do you know how to use TeamSpeak?: I do indeed and have used it quite a bit in the past.
Are you youtuber? If so, what is your channel?: N/A
Why you want to join?: Looking for a good server with an established community and light restrictions. White list is always a plus as well. Just want to enjoy Minecraft in a multiplayer setting.
Choose two colours as you first and second colours on ender storage: [#],[#] [Black],[Black]
IGN: Xris

Age: 30

How long have you been playing modded minecraft?: The same day 1.4.2 came out.

Have you ever been banned?: Sorry but I have not.

Do you know how to use TeamSpeak?: For sure...I enjoy playing with people I can talk to it seems to make for a stronger group of player.

Are you youtuber? If so, what is your channel?: I just bought the parts for my computer and they should be here in about a week but I do not have a channel yet because this laptop has a hard time with just running MC let alone recording.

Why you want to join?: I am hoping to find a nice server that has a good group of mature players (has nothing to do with age I just do not want to to face a griefer every few days because someone is having fun) that I can voice with in game.

Choose two colours as you first and second colors on ender storage: What ever is open for me it does not really matter that much but if I need to pick it would be Grey and Cyan.
IGN: k3639
Age: 16
How long have you been playing modded minecraft?: I don't remember, since beta I'm pretty sure
Have you ever been banned?: Nope
Do you know how to use TeamSpeak?: More or less, can learn quickly.
Are you youtuber? If so, what is your channel?: I'd like to have one in the not too far future
Why you want to join?: I'm bored of playing alone, may do a youtube channel
Choose two colours as you first and second colours on ender storage: [#],[#] Blue, cyan
IGN: eliteloopkiller
How long have you been playing modded minecraft?:1-1.5 years
Have you ever been banned?:No
Do you know how to use TeamSpeak?:yes, but I prefer not to use it.
Are you youtuber? If so, what is your channel?:Currently i'm working on content to be posted in the near future but the channel is:http://www.youtube.com/channel/UCCwTupJwsEbXtV5cRxnDCqA
Why you want to join?:I've yet to play on a ftb server that is good, mainly due to the reason i primarily play unmodded multiplayer,and this one seems like a fantastic one
Choose two colours as you first and second colours on ender storage: white,red