Important Update News Read Before Updating any Pack

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Jul 29, 2019
In any modpack that either has Railcraft or you have added Railcraft to :

Railcraft's invisible tracking block was removed because of a bug. It is a bug in Vanilla Minecraft that will be partially fixed when Forge is updated. The safest option is to keep Railcraft hidden blocks off as it is the only mod that uses this flawed Vanilla code without player interaction.

Edited to Add : We have reports that Thaumcraft Arcane Lamps and Factorization Wrath Lamps may also cause this issue. Try not to use them unless you have updated to TE3 11b.
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For complete clarity on previous warnings.One of the RC/TE issues can be solved by holding conduits in inventory and not in world while updating. Another issue, the one that corrupts worlds, can only be solved by updating TE3 to 11b or higher. The second issue so far tends to be only in worlds where RC's hidden block, Factorization's Wrath Lamps and or TC4's Arcane Lamps are present. This is caused by a vanilla bug involving "invisible/hidden" blocks interacting oddly with TE conduits and ducts. The reason it only shows up if RC,TC4 and/or Factorization are installed with TE is because those seem to be the only mods using the flawed vanilla code relating to "invisible/hidden" blocks. The reason it is typically labeled as being a RC bug is because only RC spawns those blocks on its own with no player action required. The other 2 mods you can avoid the interaction by not using Arcane Lamps or Wrath Lamps. In 11b TE3 changed the way their blocks interact with the flawed vanilla code to ensure that even if another mod uses that code it won't cause the issue.

So :

TE didn't realize the vanilla code was flawed because they weren't using it
FZ and TC4 only use the flawed vanilla code if you place a specific block
RC uses the flawed vanilla code to track player movement. It spawns more and more of the blocks the more a player moves around and the more players there are. This causes more opportunities for the flawed blocks to interact with other modded blocks. Which is why many people report it as solely a RC issue.

Other mods have also been affected by the flawed vanilla code when RC is installed. TE just has the most obvious interaction. Current affected mods include MFR and Forestry as well as TE3.

Of course there is much more accurate coding language to describe this but for the average user it boils down to

Bugged vanilla code used by 3 mods interacting poorly with a fourth mod. Said fourth mod has fixed it on their side even though the flawed code is not used by their mod.

As of right now only RC is proven to be using the troublesome vanilla code. FZ and TC4 are suspected of it but do not seem to cause the issue as consistently as RC. Of course there may be other mods using it as well. We don't know and we can't exactly go looking through all the code to see if that specific vanilla code is being referenced. If a mod has "invisible" blocks (Tile Entities only). (Blocks that can only be seen with glasses etc )It may possibly have the issue. Interesting as "invisible" blocks may be they may or may not have cross mod issues due to the flawed vanilla code.

TLDR : Its not RC/FZ/TC4/TE3's fault. Its a vanilla flaw that was revealed when the mods interacted in a specific way.
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Update: As of Build 11b or 3.0 of TE3 and version 2.7.4- 255 of MFR these 2 mods are no longer affected by the bug manually update these 2 mods if you have RC installed.
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Updates of packs after today will include Biomes O Plenty 364. This may cause "unique" world generation issues namely , leaves dissappering or interesting new chunk generation. We have no way to prevent this if you have generated a world with Biomes O Plenty already. This is caused by some code reworking in BoP.

If you have generated a world using BoP you may have the following issues show up

This will apply to DW20 - 1.0.8+ FTB Lite 2 - 1.1.0+ Magic Farm 2 - 1.1.0+ Tech World 2 - 1.0.4+
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Important: I messed up and in DW20,FTBLite2, and Magic Farm 2 I managed to use different ID's for the ITEM version of conduits and ducts. This conflicts with the universal configs and adds issues when people add specific mods to those 3 packs. This is my fault and not the mod author's.

The 1.1.0 Magic Farm 2 and the 1.1.0 FTB Lite 2 update will change the ID of the ITEM version to the correct ID for the universal configs. NOTHING PLACED IN WORLD WILL BE AFFECTED. This will only affect conduits and ducts held in inventory.

DW20 will not be updated until he lets me know he is aware of the change. But as of version 1.0.8 DW20 will also have ducts/conduits in inventory vanish.

Assuming no other major bugs are found these versions of FTB Lite 2 and Magic Farm 2 will become the recommended STABLE release versions.

All other ID Mismatches displayed seem to be changes in code names not ID's. The above ID is the only ID that "should" affect your game.
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In Magic Farm 1.1.0 Open Blocks XP machines are removed due to bugs in the beta test versions. These blocks will disappear from your world. Use the MFR machines that do the same thing.
MF2 1.1.0 FTB Lite 1.1.0 and Tech World 2 1.0.4 are now available as optional updates on the launcher. To get them click the dropdown link. These are not recommended versions yet.

They will fix all bugs currently notated as fixed in the bug report thread for that modpack.

They will also fix the RC/TE3/Vanilla code interaction mentioned above. Make sure you read all the warnings in this thread before updating.

If no major new bugs are found these versions of Lite and Magic Farm will become the stable versions and those modpacks will be moved out of Beta and into a 1-2 week update cycle.

Future pack updates

DW20 - not out of beta till Project Red is updated and more stable newest update has a config issue thats being tricky
TechWorld 2 - Needs a little longer in beta to make sure no world crashing/corrupting bugs occur.
Horizons - waiting on more testing and Project Red stability before coming out of beta- same issue as DW20 for Project Red
Monster - waiting on more testing and finalized mod list before pulling out of beta
Magic World 2 - waiting on more testing (it wasn't released that long ago)
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Direwolf20 1.0.8 will be available as a dropdown option sometime today(yay computers).

You will see mismatched ID messages when you load. The only ID mismatch that will affect your world is the change mentioned above that fixes my derp with ITEM version of conduits and ducts. Any conduit or duct from TE3 in your inventory will vanish. Ignore the others, but as always take backups just in case.

BoP has been updated and if you used BoP world type some of your leaves may be missing or changed. This is not an ID issue it is a code change in BoP. We can't prevent it.

This should fix the interaction from RC hidden blocks causing crashes and corruption when interacting with some TE3 blocks. That bug is explaine din more detail here
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Warning: In packs with the new BoP we are getting some reports of chuncks resetting themselves. Please take backups. We have not been able to duplicate this and are not sure if its being caused by chunkloaders or BoP or something else entirely. BoP also changed some of their meta values on items. Some items in inventory may change. We can't fix this since its meta value and not ID's.

Basically the ID sets the base block/item in the mod. We can adjust ID's and we keep them the same across versions. Meta value determines exactly which item/block it is. So 1:0 might be the base ore block and 1:2 1:3 etc different types of ore. We can't change meta values. Thats done in code on the mod side. Currently item versions of the BoP gems are being reported as turning into pixie dust and mudbricks. This is not a modpack bug. And we can't fix it.
FTB Lite 2 and Magic Farm 2 are now considered Stable packs. They are no longer in Beta. They have new bug reporting threads.
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Magic Farm 2 version 1.1.2 adds the TE3 recipes back to MFR and updates Mariculture to fix an intermittent crash.
Update on the tile entity issue causing GUI's to desync and various other assorted bugs.

Several people have reported its a mod other than Railcraft. That other mods are causing the Railcraft bug. This is not exactly correct. The bug is in vanilla Minecraft . Railcraft has the bug occur when combined with several mods. We have tested this repeatedly across all packs and in several mod combinations. So far we can only get the issue to occur if Railcraft is installed. With only Railcraft installed the problem does not occur. However, any one of quite a few mods can cause the issue if Railcraft is installed. And it only occurs in instances with Railcraft installed. So effectively code in RC that works fine in RC is interacted with by many other mods and causes the desync. Again this occurs with many of the mods in the packs if Railcraft is installed. That does not make it a Railcraft bug since it doesn't occur when Railcraft is used by itself or with mods coded to prevent the interaction from occuring.

The mods that we cannot get the bugs to occur on with Railcraft installed.


Almost every other mod in some combination with Railcraft hidden blocks has some odd interaction. I say almost because we can't test EVERY mod easily.

Railcraft is not the cause. The other mods are not the cause. Its a vanilla issue revealed when Railcraft and other mods interact. Again this is not the various mods' fault.

For any mod devs interested : there's the issue.

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Ars Magica 2 in the 1.0.10 version of DW20 removes some blocks and items. You will see a "missing items" screen.

Blocks: 784 , 812, and 757 are gone.
Item: 22323 is gone

Just press ok. We can't do anything about mod authors removing blocks or items. Sorry.
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ArsMagica 2 causes many issues with several mods intermittently. If you are having odd issues with itemducts, pipes, hoppers, chests or corrupted chunks/ chunk resets or anything else: Remove Ars Magica 2 from the game and try to duplicate it without it. If you cannot duplicate it without Ars Magica 2 report it as an Ars Magica bug. These bugs appear more frequently in an MCPC+ server but they can happen without it.

If you experience chunk resets or corrupted chunks with a pack that has Ars Magica 2 in it, consider swapping to a different chunk-loader mod.

Chunk-loaders in the Twilight Forest have also been known to have
intermittent chunk resets.
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DW20 1.0.11 - Removes the items and world gen added by Calclavia core. There was a miscommunication where we thought Calclavia core added nothing except library files when it actually added some world gen.

If you loaded a world in 1.0.10 DW20 and update you will have a bunch of "missing item" warnings from Calclavia core. Ore already generated will stay but it will not generate in any new chunks. Just press Yes and keep going.
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Magic Farm 2 has had massive changes to its recipes. Vanilla tools are gone for now.

Tech World 2 has had Gendustry added as well as getting quite a few updates.

Both modpacks and DW20 have had Extra Bees added. This should be the last world gen mod being added to the packs.
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Somehow I forgot to include the "libraries" folder in the 1.1.6 MF2 server file. 1.1.7 re-adds the libraries folder.
Direwolf 20 - 1.0.13 - Calclavia moved some item names around. You may get a warning message about missing/mismatched items. As always backup your world before updating. You shouldn't lose anything though. Several mods shifted code names, unless you load up and stuff is missing don't worry about the message.

TechWorld 2 - Moves to Stable with this release
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Tech 2 - If you are updating an existing world to 1.1.1 If a RotaryCraft machine is looking odd break and replace it.
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