IC2, GT, EU Suggestion/Idea Thread

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New Member
Jul 29, 2019
Yeah, who's gonna power a boat with a lappack on their back? They should at least put an MFE or a batbox as required, and make the boat take up more room.
I think Steve's carts would be a good mod to add with this, they're not all too buggy, and they have a good amount of content, so much so that they can start adding completely different stuff.

And it took me 5 tries not to write my post in rap style.


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
I see what you mean,
your logic flows through,
But the only way I can argue
Goes to this tune!
Old things new things we want both,
But a techy mod don't need no crop growth,
Leave that to the outclassed Forestry,
Being beat by IC2? That's pure irony!

Stop this madness
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New Member
Jul 29, 2019
There should just be a separate boat mod
Well there was, CiderBoats, it got absorbed into IC2.

EDIT: Sorry, *ahem*

There was once a mod
called CiderBoats
it added some things
to traverse your moats

but then RichardG came along
he said in the thread
"this could use electricity"
and the mod was dead

Some things were changed,
it integrated into IC2,
all I can hope for now is
that the result looks cool.


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
I see what you mean,
your logic flows through,
But the only way I can argue
Goes to this tune!
Old things new things we want both,
But a techy mod don't need no crop growth,
Leave that to the outclassed Forestry,
Being beat by IC2? That's pure irony!
Normally I'd ask you nicely not to turn this into a rap thread.

But since that was actually good and you weren't just saying nonsense like we were in the other thread, I'll allow it. You explained it perfectly. We want new things, but when old things (which are tech things, the core of the mod) are gross and old and stale, we want those updated.
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New Member
Jul 29, 2019
is there a addon that adds something like a MFSU only with more power, cause after a while 50 MFSUs stacked up takes up space. if not someone plz make one


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
I'm probably way too late to the party to talk about solar panels in this thread considering by the looks of things it's probably been done to death.
But here's the thing - Please don't take this the wrong way.

Regardless of what you do with solar panels to make them more- sorry, even more of a challenge is that unless you do something that requires manual labor - for example; whacking a magmatic engine with a crescenthammer; you will be hard struck to find a method which actually makes life harder for the player. I'm going to take your example of replacing the carbon plates every now and then as an example first, this isn't exactly hard to accomidate, consdering all you need to is whip up a setup that automates the construction of a plate and applies it to the solar panel when needed, if it indeed uses the setup of having a carbon plate with a damage value in a slot.
This begs the following questions:
  • Do carbon plates no longer stack?
  • Do they stack until they have a damage value?
  • Can you simply pump them in with a pipe?
  • How long do Carbon Plates last?
  • Do you have to do it by hand?
  • Can you retrieve carbon plates once placed inside?
  • Can you use multiple at a time?
The list goes on...
Then we have your dust solution... Now this to me could be more like the crescent hammer if done right, say if the texture of the top of the solar panel starts to degrade until you wipe it down with a tool that degrades with use.
Or - You simply have yet another slot that accumulates dust build up which can be simply pumped out into a void pipe.
Assuming you go with the former, better option, there's more questions.
  • How many uses does this "tool" have?
  • How expensive would it be to make this tool? Is it worth making it? Can it be charged with EU?
  • How long does it take for dust to accumulate? Is it too rapid?
  • Considering the ass of a time I went through to build this machine, is it worth it anymore now that this is imposed?
  • Can this feature be turned off and on in the config?
  • How drastic are the drops in power output with each level of degradation?
  • Can it be automated? (By using a deployer with the tool inside or a turtle, for example?) If so how easy would it be to do so? Is it worth it?
The point is, like it or not the solar panel is and always will be a powerful piece of kit no matter how hard you try to put people off making it. Unless you seriously nerf or "balance" it's power output, you won't find an easy solution to make it harder to use because people, especially when there's other mods present, will always find a way to make it easier, and thus, people will always whine that it's too easy to use.
Food for thought.


New Member
Jul 29, 2019

Solars are only powerful because of compact solars and advanced solars. The balancing point in solars is space. You can't make a decent amount of EU/t without having a massive, ugly solar field. If you make them all LV/advanced solars, that space gets reduced by 8x. If you use the next tier of compact/advanced solars, the size goes down by 64x. Increase the tier, you have one block generating all of your power, or at most two.

Recipes and EU/t aren't the balancing point, people need to stop acting like it is and asking for a recipe/EU generation nerf.

EDIT: Also, the dust accumulation mechanic is completely shut out by compact/advanced solars, once again. The time required to wipe off all your solars is severely reduced when you have 511 less solars to wipe off, with the same amount of power generation.