No deserts = no cinderpearls. It was quicker & easier this seed to build a portal & find a nether fortress. Temp blaze farm in progress. To grow ender lilies, you first have to find ender lily seeds (last map I found 10 in 1 chest), so far I have 2 paint brushes & a dozen stencils (& a portal gun & 4 portal spawners), but no ender lily seeds. It's times like these that I really miss EE3. I'm up to 4 pearls from endermen kills, so I have my enchanting plus table & my enderthermic pump, with 1 left over for an enderpouch once I get a couple more blaze rods. I like to get a permanent base started & work up to a flight mechanic before I start looking for the end. I found 1 village out in the water to use as a temp HQ. The villagers I let out of their houses have all drowned. There are a few left still trapped inside. Since it looks like I'll have to travel farther than usual to find a good build site, I've been working on an Archimedes Ship big enough to carry a smeltery (eat, damn you sheep, eat!) & I'm keeping machines & automation to a bare minimum.
If OC involves anything even remotely resembling learning to code, then no, thank you.