I need help when moving items though enderchests.

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New Member
Jul 29, 2019
Hello, I need help getting items from my quarry though A ender chest. I have four ender chests and four eletrical engines.

And it's not good enough, Is there any engine / pipe that takes out items more faster?

Please help I am using FTB Ultimate.

Sorry if this thread is low quality.[DOUBLEPOST=1366785004][/DOUBLEPOST]I also forgot to mention that the ender chest is over flowing that's why i need it


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
Your post doesn't really tell me exactly how your system's set up, but I'm going to assume you're pulling stuff out of the ender chest with a wooden pipe and it can't keep up. Switching to filters can pull out stacks at a time, as can applied energistics import buses. Chances are though, the wooden pipe could keep up if you void the cobble and dirt before it gets to the ender chest.


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Trusted User
Jan 15, 2013
Birmingham, United Kingdom
I suspect that one of the problems is that as soon as the engine pulls those three pieces of cobblestone in the first slot, two more have arrived. A decent run of another item might let the extractor catch up briefly, but eventually there will be stacks of dirt and gravel and marble that never get pulled.

I use a Sortron to buffer the flow, I'll link to the code later but you can search for "Sortron automatic" and that should find it.


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
Sortrons are a terrible choice for people who aren't (at minimum) amateur computer programmers and have a deep understanding of the game mechanics of both Minecraft and its mods and love complexity for the sake of complexity. You really really really shouldn't be recommending them to newcomers even if you provide the code.

Heck, give me the code and I wouldn't even be able to get it to work, and I've written a guide about (some) Redpower game mechanics! :confused: The FORTH computer just goes straight over my head.

Bagman's suggestions are much better.


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
I have two Sorters set to auto-pulse pulling from my sorter enderchest. Works fine for my quarry operation.


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
Basic but effective way to solve is, place a diamond pipe on side of quarry at the other end of diamond pipe place ONE ender chest, on top of the diamond pipe place a void pipe set the diamond pipe to send dirt/cobble/flint/gravel/etc to void pipe, now you may want some cobble for this or that, well thats handled easy by making an ender bag & linking to the ender chest, now when your digging/caving/etc you drop excess items in the ender bag this bypasses the void pipe & sends to your sorting system.


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Trusted User
Jan 15, 2013
Birmingham, United Kingdom
Sortrons are a terrible choice for people who aren't (at minimum) amateur computer programmers and have a deep understanding of the game mechanics of both Minecraft and its mods and love complexity for the sake of complexity. You really really really shouldn't be recommending them to newcomers even if you provide the code.
OK I accept that. It would be nice to have some other mechanism that doesn't get interrupted every time a piece of cobblestone - or any other high volume item such as dirt, gravel, sand, sandstone, red rock, cracked sand, or marble - appears in the first slot though. Sortron (or turtle's internal inventory) is the only way I can think of to do that, as you can force it to step through the slots rather than being reset every time the first slot gets an item. Also the OP isn't the only person reading this thread, and my reply might spur alternative buffering suggestions that I am unaware of.

Here's another idea. You could have a Filter set to pull full stacks of up to the 9 most common items - I list 8 above and can't think of any others - that is pulsed frequently; and a second Filter that is pulsed less frequently that pulls anything. That would provide a decent amount of stack consolidation, but would require two timers or one timer with a counter (e.g. pull full stacks on a 1 second timer, with a counter to pulse the "pull everything" filter on the 30th pulse). I find that a 27-second loop (1 second per slot, 27-slot enderchest) is easily adequate for a full-sped quarry, it usually builds up 3 and a half stacks of Cobblestone in that time, so a 30 second loop should be ok.

*Edit* Actually that isn't a great idea. The single pulse after 30 seconds would only retrieve one item. You'd need to pulse it rapidly to clear the backlog, and as soon as the first pulse happens, a piece of cobblestone will appear that will get pulled on the second pulse. Hm. Not good. This is precisely why I resorted to a Sortron.

Ooh I know! A frame machine above the quarry that pushes two Enderchests back and forth so one fills up while the other is being emptied... I'll get my coat.


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
I wouldn't and don't use enderchests for quarry's at all, I'd use item tesseracts and use a Relay adjacent to the receiving tessy. That can keep up with a full speed quarry mining 8 blocks a sec.


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Trusted User
Jan 15, 2013
Birmingham, United Kingdom
I wouldn't and don't use enderchests for quarry's at all, I'd use item tesseracts and use a Relay adjacent to the receiving tessy. That can keep up with a full speed quarry mining 8 blocks a sec.
Does the relay need to be pulsed, or does the tesseract push into it?

Where do the items go from there? RP tubes, AE import, or something else? If it goes into tubes/pipes, does the tesseract provide any stack consolidation or do you get a constant flow of individual items or tiny stacks?


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
The tesseract will eject into any adjacent inventory, so chest, pipe (not tube), or any machine with an inventory like a Relay). The Relay doesn't need a timer or pulse it has one built in.

My quarry setup is this: quarry with diamond pipe on top with 1 or 2 void pipes (depends how much I'm trashing), next to the diamond pipe I put my item tesseract and link it to my base one. Next to the quarry I use an Energy Tesseract for power.


On the receiving end I have my item tesseract with a Relay next to it, from that I use tubes into a AE (Applied Energistics) Chest (you can use a diamond chest or anything).


Once done I remove the AE storage chip and take it to my ME IO Port and empty it into my AE system where the items will auto sort onto the other formatted storage chips.

Edit - Additionally people overcomplicate the Quarry system, sometimes in disbelief, my philosophy always has been to keep things clean and simple, that way there's less likelihood of anything going wrong.


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Trusted User
Jan 15, 2013
Birmingham, United Kingdom
The tesseract will eject into any adjacent inventory, so chest, pipe (not tube), or any machine with an inventory like a Relay). The Relay doesn't need a timer or pulse it has one built in.
Relay, right, I was thinking Filter. Nice. Item tesseracts seem a bit OP to me. They ought to need power at one end or the other. Energy tesseracts use power, so item ones should too. I wouldn't mind hooking up the tesseracts in my base to my BC power system.
Edit - Additionally people overcomplicate the Quarry system, sometimes in disbelief, my philosophy always has been to keep things clean and simple, that way there's less likelihood of anything going wrong.
That's why I don't use void pipes at the quarry. One mis-click, and all you get is cobble and dirt and all your ores got voided.


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
The trick with diamond pipes (you probably already know but I'll say anyway) is taking my picture as an example, you can see red and white are the void pipes and yellow goes to the item tessy.

Simply do NOT put anything in the Yellow side and make sure the void pipes have at least 1 item in both. So put dirt in white and cobble in red then any other item (like everything xycraft if you're like me) in the other red and white slots.

Because you put nothing in the yellow side the way the diamond pipe works is that it checks to see whether the item coming through is listed in the diamond pipe GUI, if it is then it will go that route. If it's not listed it will go through any OTHER valid side, it will not go through red or white but instead send everything else to yellow.


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
The tesseract will eject into any adjacent inventory, so chest, pipe (not tube), or any machine with an inventory like a Relay). The Relay doesn't need a timer or pulse it has one built in.

My quarry setup is this: quarry with diamond pipe on top with 1 or 2 void pipes (depends how much I'm trashing), next to the diamond pipe I put my item tesseract and link it to my base one. Next to the quarry I use an Energy Tesseract for power.

On the receiving end I have my item tesseract with a Relay next to it, from that I use tubes into a AE (Applied Energistics) Chest (you can use a diamond chest or anything).

Once done I remove the AE storage chip and take it to my ME IO Port and empty it into my AE system where the items will auto sort onto the other formatted storage chips.

Edit - Additionally people overcomplicate the Quarry system, sometimes in disbelief, my philosophy always has been to keep things clean and simple, that way there's less likelihood of anything going wrong.
Curious how an ME interface would perform in place of that relay+tube? Wonder if it can handle the full item load.


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
It can handle just ore easily, it's not fast enough to take an entire quarry with everything coming in at once, I did try 2 ME Imports and that was kinda managing to keep up.


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
It can handle just ore easily, it's not fast enough to take an entire quarry with everything coming in at once, I did try 2 ME Imports and that was kinda managing to keep up.

Use 3 then. There are 6 sides to work with (more if you use a wooden double chest :)) I have 3 inputs into my ME system and it easily keeps up with my frame quarries. Adding a fourth or 5th input into the input chest would be as easy as connecting them to the input chest. I don't need this for my needs, but it could be done.


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
Try a redstone energy cell next to a wooden pipe, if you have enough excess MJ.

IIRC (and I probably don't) the fastest they can pull out is 1 stack/tick, if you set them to 64 MJ/t.[DOUBLEPOST=1366869525][/DOUBLEPOST]Try a redstone energy cell next to a wooden pipe, if you have enough excess MJ.

IIRC (and I probably don't) the fastest they can pull out is 1 stack/tick, if you set them to 64 MJ/t.