Despite the fact that this is a topic started by someone who knows that they're beating a dead horse (and aren't there like a dozen threads for this very discussion already? Even at the moment?) I still like Dart Craft for a few reasons. First off, the Force Shears. Even if you don't put Rainbow on them (which you should) you still can harvest feathers and leather from chickens and cows without killing them. To me, that's enough reason for me to keep the mod installed. But then there is also the Force Wrench (incoming shitstorm?) which I like because I can relocate things such as my Apiary Chests without making a massive mess. Yeah, it's prone to fucking up maps, but I play SSP and don't care if I have a accident or even a "accident" and ruin something on a map, because in that case, I go "Oh well, new map time!" and move on.
Yeah, some bits are pretty damned powerful("lawl mining ardite and cobalt in the nether by punching it with my armor on" comes to mind), but even so, I find it very fun ('sup creep. Oh, you looking to 'splode my stuff? Wa-TAH! Eat a bane fist. Feel free to move in now that I have forced you to life in endless suffering). But IIRC, the mod was designed to be Convenient. So in the end, I can live with having a very powerful set of things at my grasp because I don't have to use it all.
Irritating, to me, doesn't even begin to describe how I feel about both Tree Breeding AND Bee Breeding. The fact that in order to get "At least Fast Pollinating Bees" you have a decent amount of work cut out for you, I wouldn't even touch Tree Breeding unless I had to. Do I power my base with Forestry Trees? Fuck no. I do way stupider and more fun power systems. Yeah, I Could use Forestry Trees to generate "1000 MJ/t", but that is, again, boring to me. I'd rather reinstall Harken Scythe and NetherStuffs and power everything with the souls of those I have slain, honestly. Would I be able to "easily" get 100 MJ/t? No. Do I care? Nope.
After all, I try to run my bases on "The Rule Of Cool" when I can do so.
I find it sad that so many people care only about the numbers. Forestry is nice, I like bees, but unless I have my Oblivion Frames on hand, I sure as hell won't be doing much cross breeding on a map. But again, that's how I play my game. You can play yours any way you want, and I shall do my game my way. Anyway, it's Talk Like a Pirate Day here, and I need to get some Pirate stuff in case my dad shows up.