I Derp, You Derp, We all Derp, What's your's?

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Just spend way way too long swearing at the Terrastrial Agglomeration Plate, Sparks and Botania in general (stupid dropped items, why wont it transmit the damn mana, why wont it start the process, now the bloody items timed out and vanished!!! :mad:), all because I had alternated the Lapis and Livingstone pattern the opposite of what it was supposed to be.... :oops:
I was on a server and I had a Mana Pool just for Terrasteel that I kept full but it was completely separate from my other mana system and a friend goes "Hey can I grab some mana for my tablet?" And I go "Sure just don't use the pool by the Terrasteel set up" him "OK" after that I go to check the ingots I was making (4 at a time) and they were gone and so was the mana, I thought "Did they despawn?" No they wouldn't even be done yet. So I asked him if he used the one by the tower(Non Terra) and he goes "No I used the one with the cool wisp thingies." Like seriously you don't know anything about botania. Apparently he just wanted to test out the RF block so uh yeah. 4 Ingots of Terrasteel and all the wasted resources.
Made a trash can for bee combs I didn't want, accidentally set it to pipe everything into the can. Four hours later, where are my resources!
Reminds me, I should probably do something with the prolific amount of combs I've gathered. That, or just stop the apiaries, because they're not producing the lube combs I wanted in the first place.
Made a trash can for bee combs I didn't want, accidentally set it to pipe everything into the can. Four hours later, where are my resources!

Been there done that, thats why I always do a dry run with a regular chest first to make 100% sure that nothing i want to keep ends up in the trash.
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Been there done that, thats why I always do a dry run with a regular chest first to make 100% sure that nothing i want to keep ends up in the trash.
Never deleted resources but I was wondering why I was getting honey drops so I check my centrifuge and it has bees stuck in it. And I check my apiaries and surely even I was trying to breed combs haha.
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Never? yipes, you must have so much cobble ... After 64 stacks of cobble, dirt and gravel I just trash the rest. Even if I ever need more my quarries will supply that faster then I can ever use it up in building. Heck atm I am starting to stare at my growing pile of coal and redstone and try to come up with things to do with them. Think I will build with them, the block forms are quite sweet looking.
Never? yipes, you must have so much cobble ... After 64 stacks of cobble, dirt and gravel I just trash the rest. Even if I ever need more my quarries will supply that faster then I can ever use it up in building. Heck atm I am starting to stare at my growing pile of coal and redstone and try to come up with things to do with them. Think I will build with them, the block forms are quite sweet looking.
I'm kinda heading into that territory thanks to a combination of fission reactors and ChromatiCraft...for pretty much every resource. Thankfully, I thought very, very far ahead and sunk massive resources into a bank of 16 ME drives loaded to bear with 10 64k drives a piece. Very well worth the investment, since I haven't had to worry about space, yet. Granted, I'm storing most of my mass stuff in storage drawers and not everything (like my canola husk DSU) is accessible directly from my AE hub. I really can't bring myself to toss cobble and dirt on the off-chance I need to rapidly define a frame for something that I can easily remove when I'm done. That, and I tend to get a bit lazy, sometimes, and just build my stuff out of cobble, to start with.
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Another massive derp of mine, I was playing Galactic Science and decided I wanted to transport Radioactive Chemicals from my Tardis to another guy on the server. Let's just say that as soon as I entered the moon, I died, he died, and it took ALONG time to isolate and regain our inventories.
When I was still new to the D20 modpack I made a mystcraft age and traveled around, enjoying the fact that it had double ores (at the cost of severe problems on the surface, such as hunger, dizziness, and if I remember correctly lightning, constantly). Had my entire inventory full and was ready to head back when it dawned on me, I had forgotten that I need a linking book to get back.......Fortunately I had a spurt of inspiration. I created a whole new mystcraft setup in that age, created a bunch of ages and linking books until I found the one with the void thingy that allows you to get back to the Overworld. Needless to say to this day I have an Ender pouch that is the red red red frequency that has several canvas bags with linking books in them, I kinda am paranoid now.
Another Derp I did (and it's actually a long series of derps, so please bear with me) would be when I made my automated steve's carts tree farm. I first made the cart with all the modules I though I needed and placed it down, supplied it with 128 saplings and waited.......and waited.......and waited.....it wouldn't move. At first I though it was power but it was fully charged from the solar panel and had a stack of charcoal in the engine, but it wasn't moving. Then I realized that the saplings in it weren't supported, they where the origin saplings which required the special module. So I went on an adventure to find Oak Saplings (since my base is literally floating above a huge ocean, with the closest land mass being a origin/swamp biome), finally got the saplings, put it into the cart and watched it move along. Figured I had 100% automated it, then realized I needed the advanced smelter........waited the 20 minutes to get the smelter module off, then waited an additional 20 minutes for the advanced smelter to be put on. Finally I had it auto-wait how do I get the charcoal in the engine again? I kid you not I didn't remember you have to click on the button till it shows the engine module. So I just manually filled it for a while, then my bad luck spurt got a lot worse. I had just made my first mystcraft mining age and was coming back to find my tree farm had stopped.... then I heard the hiss.....apparently the tree farm had stopped in the middle of the night, after cutting all of the leaves off of I'd say a quarter of my farm (it's a huge farm).....the creeper spawned on top of the now exposed wood log, jumped down and roamed freely thanks to my chunkloader....to right behind my character..........It ended up killing my character and creating a whole into my then bedroom. Even better, there where several other creepers that where around and if they had jumped down they wouldn't have just taken out my bed and my character, no no no that would have been a slap on the hand. I had the brilliant idea at the time of putting my ENTIRE power generation system right behind my bedroom AND my entire storage system. I cannot tell you how fast I jumped off my base to protect it from further harm. I ended up actually running away until I was far enough away for them to despawn, then teleported back and placed Portal Gun Turrets around my base so that if anything spawn they'll be taken care of. I've also since, moved everything around so a single creeper can't bring me to my knee's and even secured them as well as fixed the Steve's cart farm. So yea, note to anyone who plans on making a Steve's carts farm, make it separate from your base with some kind of defense so a creeper can't troll you.
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Got a new one from today. I'm playing Unstable 1.8, and setting up a golem-run cow farm. I completely miss the existence of the butcher seal, and try the advanced guard seal instead. Result: it's killing them all. Only when I go back and watch the relevant direwolf20 server play episode do I notice he's using a different seal, and take another look in the thaumonomicon.

At least I lucked out with cow spawns in this world, so replacing what I lost won't be a huge pain. Just a moderate one.
Got a new one from today. I'm playing Unstable 1.8, and setting up a golem-run cow farm. I completely miss the existence of the butcher seal, and try the advanced guard seal instead. Result: it's killing them all. Only when I go back and watch the relevant direwolf20 server play episode do I notice he's using a different seal, and take another look in the thaumonomicon.

At least I lucked out with cow spawns in this world, so replacing what I lost won't be a huge pain. Just a moderate one.
I once lead a pig over 700 blocks including through 2 mountains, because only one was still alive near my house.

Edit: which I mean 700 blocks isn't much it's just the digging through 2 mountains, I mean at least I didn't have to bring it through water like my horse...
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Mine carts ftw in vanilla
Once that happened to me going over 700blocks and using rail in 100 metre increments, then I found a herd of pigs 200blocks away
The split millisecond I clicked through my new Mystcraft age I facepalmed because I left the book back in a chest (as usual).
As I was joking about how this age had better be good because it's now my new homeworld, it finished loading, I gazed around... and saw a star fissure right next to my platform. XD
Seems I have the favor of at least one Minecraft deity. (Probably whichever one appreciates the fact that I refuse to terraform the landscape no matter how inconvenient that makes things for me) :p
I recently (when quite sleepy) went into my ore processing plant and was confused as to why everything had backed up, my immersive engineering arc furnace had stopped working, I tried turning it on and off, breaking and replacing it, everything. I ended up completely replacing the whole system... Then realised the electrodes probably just needed replacing :rolleyes: yeah no more 4am Minecraft for me xD
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Walked in front of kill Joe with a sword of the wyvern today.

One shot...boom.
Keep walking in front of mine too :P
Only Etheric Swords with Sharpness and Wrath, but had I not had 10 stacks of both red and yellow heart canisters I would have been dead so many times before I realised what the heck was going on :P
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Keep walking in front of mine too :p
Only Etheric Swords with Sharpness and Wrath, but had I not had 10 stacks of both red and yellow heart canisters I would have been dead so many times before I realised what the heck was going on :p

The real killer is the AOE. Sometimes I walk UNDER the mobs it's killing and get one shot too. Rough weekend.