I Derp, You Derp, We all Derp, What's your's?

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Apparently, diamond pipes from BC have a laughably low throughput limit. Was going to use them to sort out stuff since they're something other than filters and crap for TD, but my 9x9 combo blaze/slime crop farm was too much for it. Blew up and spit essence all over me like chunks from a drunk at a barbecue. Needless to say, I was a little peeved, and switched to the MFR item router.
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Apparently, diamond pipes from BC have a laughably low throughput limit. Was going to use them to sort out stuff since they're something other than filters and crap for TD, but my 9x9 combo blaze/slime crop farm was too much for it. Blew up and spit essence all over me like chunks from a drunk at a barbecue. Needless to say, I was a little peeved, and switched to the MFR item router.
Buildcraft diamondpipes have a limit? Well, that is new for me. Oh well, I guess that gives me a nice reason to use even more turtles :P
*shrug* Apparently. Might be configurable, but I can't be arsed to look, currently.
I think all Buildcraft pipes have a limit of 100 items (or itemstacks?) in the pipe at a time. So if you speed the items up somehow (feed them into a gold pipe first?), there will be fewer items in each pipe at a time, so they'll be less likely to explode.

And yes, it's configurable. I'm not sure if you can turn off pipe explosions altogether (it's a lagproofing measure), but you certainly should be able to increase the number of items it takes to blow up a pipe.
I think all Buildcraft pipes have a limit of 100 items (or itemstacks?) in the pipe at a time. So if you speed the items up somehow (feed them into a gold pipe first?), there will be fewer items in each pipe at a time, so they'll be less likely to explode.

And yes, it's configurable. I'm not sure if you can turn off pipe explosions altogether (it's a lagproofing measure), but you certainly should be able to increase the number of items it takes to blow up a pipe.

interesting.. 100 items.. why not 128?

pipe explosions? Thought it was only in the april fools one...

Sent from a phone running tapatalk OS
Skipped the ending credits after defeating the ender dragon.
Rip 70 exp. I'll never get it back DD:
It's late and I'm drugged up (sickness, not recreational, unfortunately), and I'm not sure if you're being facetious. If you're sad about 70XP, you can literally earn that back in minutes (seconds if you have some infrastructure set up). If you meant 70 levels of XP, that's a bit more of a loss, but that's really not too difficult to earn with even a simple Vanilla mob trap.
It's late and I'm drugged up (sickness, not recreational, unfortunately), and I'm not sure if you're being facetious. If you're sad about 70XP, you can literally earn that back in minutes (seconds if you have some infrastructure set up). If you meant 70 levels of XP, that's a bit more of a loss, but that's really not too difficult to earn with even a simple Vanilla mob trap.
70 levels, yeah. I'm too lazy to make a mob farm for xp though.
70 levels, yeah. I'm too lazy to make a mob farm for xp though.

I make mob farms for drops (particularly Ender Pearls in the early game). XP is just a byproduct. If I need XP in large quantities, I either run the Mob farm hard and collect the orbs, or I make an Essence Berry farm (TiCo bushes).

Realistically, there are few reasons for ever needing more than 30 levels at a time in most packs.
Skipped the ending credits after defeating the ender dragon.
Rip 70 exp. I'll never get it back DD:
What, you mean you keep the XP if you sit through it all lol? Always just lost it or brought some XP storage thingy with me.
What, you mean you keep the XP if you sit through it all lol? Always just lost it or brought some XP storage thingy with me.

Which only goes on to prove my point that 70 levels of XP is essentially trivial. It would be nice if a few mods had more/better uses for XP on a player. Right now, having Last Stand II on my armor is the only reason I even pay attention to the amount of XP I have on me.

Edit: Now that I think of it, maybe they don't due to its sheer ease of attainment these days...
*facedesks so hard*

I just walked by one of my drawbridge doors and it was pulsating up and down up and down.. up and.. you get the idea. And i was.. wtf? The one across the hall was fine, so I checked the wiring.. was fine, checked if there was some ghosts blocks.. nothing.

So tore it all up, redid the entity detector, the redstone wiring, the drawbridges etc. Still messed up, I was going NUTS! Then it slowly after about 30 mins of checking and tripple checking everything... the entity detector wasn't set to player so the temporary little sheep pen I have nearby since I need TONS of carpets was the culprit. A sheep was going near, and then immediately turned away again as the fence was stopping it. But just that tiny movement was enough to make the detector spazz out.
This isn't really a derp, but probably belongs in here more than anywhere else.

I tried starting up a new Crash Landing game. I selected the Easy Route, so I'd got my shell, and I'd survived my second night. I just needed to clear out any of the mobs that were around the area.

So I beat down my door (it was still dust at this point), and made a dash for the outside world being chased by two tough spiders. Yep, they lived up to their name, I'd shot them both several times with the needle gun and they weren't going down. I tried to hit them with my bone pickaxe in the hope that I could melee them instead of wasting my needle gun ammo. It didn't quite work as planned, and I ended up dying.

Not ideal, but my shell had made a clone, so I was still in the game. I exited the shell constructor, looked outside thinking about the dash to my stuff and the two tough spiders who were still out there.

Hsssssss.... Boom!

Where the eff did that creeper come from?

Game over man!
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Trying to make a silk-touch pickaxe and I waste like 10 of them and a whole lot of mob essence. Then in the middle of enchanting another one I remember Tinker's has a silk touch upgrade. I go and make a whole new pickaxe because my current one is out of modifiers, make the modifier and come back. Turns out the pickaxe I had left in the auto-enchanter got silk-touch when it finished.
And I had a silk-touch enchanted book lying in a chest the entire time

What a waste of time q_q.
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Playing Mage Quest, the Witchery quest-line. I set up a nice cliche looking witches cottage with a nice garden for all the magical plants before i get too far in the quests. I got about as far as needing a Witches cauldron. A quest or two later i get told i need an altar. Well, no room for it here in my cottage. My garden is chock full of plants. Gonna have to build it somewhere else. Take a few hours setting up a lot of plants and trees and creating a really nice magical looking glade. Place the altar, and voilla. "So pretty!"
Next quest; i need to build something else and discover that a lot of my witches gear needs to be close to the altar, which is now a fair walk from the cottage. *Sigh*

Suffice to say that i have learned my lesson about being too keen. hehe!

Playing Mage Quest, the Witchery quest-line. I set up a nice cliche looking witches cottage with a nice garden for all the magical plants before i get too far in the quests. I got about as far as needing a Witches cauldron. A quest or two later i get told i need an altar. Well, no room for it here in my cottage. My garden is chock full of plants. Gonna have to build it somewhere else. Take a few hours setting up a lot of plants and trees and creating a really nice magical looking glade. Place the altar, and voilla. "So pretty!"
Next quest; i need to build something else and discover that a lot of my witches gear needs to be close to the altar, which is now a fair walk from the cottage. *Sigh*

Suffice to say that i have learned my lesson about being too keen. hehe!

No no no, keep it up. But read up on the mechanics before committing to larger builds is probably the lesson to learn :p

Btw there is an item that doubles the range of the altar(for machines such as the cauldron, not detection of plants). I think it is the Arthana. It can make your builds a lot easier to pull off.
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No no no, keep it up. But read up on the mechanics before committing to larger builds is probably the lesson to learn :p

Btw there is an item that doubles the range of the altar(for machines such as the cauldron, not detection of plants). I think it is the Arthana. It can make your builds a lot easier to pull off.
Yes, I really should read up on the mechanics more, you're right. Ah well. I just cannot help but diving in feet first sometimes. Especially when something inspires me for a build.
Thank you for the tip on that item. I will have to look into that. See how far it extends things.
Thank you again,