I Derp, You Derp, We all Derp, What's your's?

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Derp with Hang Glider at night, fall from sky(looses health) and land in front of a Creeper. Panics and want to attack but somehow managed to open Inventory instead. Click to attack but instead of swinging sword I pick up my nice enchanted Silk Touch shovel. I close Inventory and click again to attack, this time releasing the shovel that lands right at the feet of the Creeper. Creeper explodes, shovel consumed in the explosion...
This reminds me of how I panic ever time something really bad is about to happen.

I see a giant hole in the ground. I quickly press one of the strafe buttons to go around the hole. I fall in hole and die. I know I can let go of the W button. All my years of racing game experience tells me to never let go of the accelerator.

I dig a hole and reveal lava. I stand there while I try to come up with the best strategy to keep it from hitting me. Lava gets to me and burns me to a cinder. I was ready to back off when I see lava. I forgot as soon as I saw the lava.

I place all the ingredients in order on my hot bar in preparation to craft a set of wings. I make the unstable ingot. See it start to shift color as I clear the crafting grid. Panic and press all the wrong hot bar buttons over the wrong spaces in the crafting grid. Try to fix it. Time runs out. I die in the explosion.
The more I read people derping with the hang glider the more I wonder why the mod simple flight is not being used, its pretty sweet.

A bit in the past I had to remove all the water from a quarry hole, certain places where dark as a part of the quarry was going through a hill and I had the grue mod installed.
me :Let me just fly through this dark spot, it isn't like a grue is going to spawn in the air and then somehow will manages to hit me.
game: let me just lag you out so you don't move for a bit and spawn a grue somewhere where it can hit you.

that....happened 3 times or so.

after that the grue mod got thrown into the trashcan

edit fixed me being a derp and forgetting not in the first sentence
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The more I read people derping with the hang glider the more I wonder why the mod simple flight is not being used, its pretty sweet.
It is supposed to be derpy, so when you manage to upgrade it to something better, more complicated and more expensive the experience is so much more rewarding :)
It is supposed to be derpy, so when you manage to upgrade it to something better, more complicated and more expensive the experience is so much more rewarding :)
Do what you enjoy I guess, I however will go ahead and fly to that mountain using my awesome wings :P
My personal favorite hotbar panic/derp? Two of them.

One: Getting buried in collapsing rock. Taking damage. Not seeing anything. Not realizing what was going on, and panicing -- with a pick-axe in the normal spot, ready for me to swing and break the block on my head. (That was 1.2.5)

Two: Inside a trapped room, with lots of TNT traps. My friend tells me, "Don't worry, it's disabled, and safe". While we're in there, I hear a click. I try to get onto the staircase to get out of the death zone. Didn't try to jump up the one block, tried to climb onto a one-side stair before the kabooms come.

Realize I'm not going to make it -- it's hard to fit a one-wide opening when you panic -- so I figure, shift to sword, and block for half damage.

I didn't check that my "1" actually went through, and was "blocking" with whatever item I dropped when I hit "q" instead :-).

Funny thing: I survived the first 4 TNT booms, and was killed by the last one.
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I didn't check that my "1" actually went through, and was "blocking" with whatever item I dropped when I hit "q" instead :).
I still haven't figure out a good "universal" game button assignment for the throw item action. I tend to press wrong keys. Even if they are on the opposite side of the keyboard from what I am aiming for they still will get pressed. "0" seems a good key to use for it in minecraft though. I can still get to it if I need it. Yet it isn't to easily reached.

Rant mode engaged:
I still can't figure out the throw key assignment logic that the game developers were using. Its like pretty much any game with a throw key too. Must go something like:
Randy: "Hey Bob, were do you think would be the best place to put the through key".
Bob: "Will I am running out of room on this keyboard layout. I could either use "Ctrl" or "Q". The problem is is that the "Run" action will have to be set to whichever key I have left."
Randy: "They both seem equally important so lets just flip a coin for it."
Bob:"OK, heads and we set sprint to the "Q" button"
Randy (flips coin):"Tails"

The bad part this seems to be a common issue with a lot of games. With the throw key assigned to a easy to reach key. While things like sprint are relegated to a key position that is uncomfortable at best for some (ok, mostly me) to press continuously. seriously, how many people actually use the "Throw" key in clutch situations enough for it to make since to place it in such a easy to reach position. Only person I have seen make use of "Throw" a lot was Admiral Bahroo, I am pretty sure he even rebound the key to make it even easier to use. Since that was the method he used to quickly reload weapons in his Borderlands streams.

Rant mode disengaging.

My key derp is the chat key. It was worse before I disabled "T" and made "/" my chat key. I forget to press it altogether. I would just start typing the message in. So many windows would pop open and close It would always scare me horribly.

Not nearly as bad is being in my inventory and forgetting what that field at the bottom of the screen is for. Typing a entire chat message into it and hitting enter. To only remember it is NEI's search field.

I won't even go over how long it takes me to compose a chat message when I don't even make the above two mistakes.
Using ComputerCraft, I created and ran 160k coroutines connected to a function to display something in an open peripherals terminal glasses. Ended up getting "Unable to create new native thread" and the server crashed a few seconds later.
Turns on power to central magnet of fusion reactor...while floating inside the fucking thing. It, predictably, fails remarkably well, but (thank the fucking GODS) doesn't destroy the toroid magnets, and I recovered at least a fair portion of the central and auxiliary permanent magnets. Good thing I'm compressing more magnetite...something told me I'd need it.
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I have once again forgotten that I'm allowed to have more than one furnace in my base. For some reason, I repeatedly find myself standing in front of a single furnace, waiting for something to finish cooking, holding a bunch of raw meat and whatever in my hands, and several stacks of perfectly good cobblestone in a chest right next to me.
I dug through minetweaker code and with a lot of trial and error I got Rotarycraft compost working in an MFR Fertilizer. I then tried to use it to fertilize my sugarcane. Sugarcane does not respond to fertilizer.....yet.
I dug through minetweaker code and with a lot of trial and error I got Rotarycraft compost working in an MFR Fertilizer. I then tried to use it to fertilize my sugarcane. Sugarcane does not respond to fertilizer.....yet.

Here's some food for thought, so to speak: Sugarcane does respond to growth tick based acceleration, such as the type of growth ticks that the Extra Utilities watering can applies to crops within it's area of effect. Is there a way to have minetweaker apply growth ticks through the use of fertilizer? Is there an already existing mod that applies growth ticks in a similar manner to the Extra Utilities watering can? Also of note, if you have Botania installed in the mod list, an Agricarnation will speed up plant growth - and sugarcane was a plant last I checked - a lot! I'm not sure if it benefits from nearby mana pools, but it's definitely something to check if you have Botania installed.

Cheers ...

I'm going to put down a lillipad of fertility from xeno's reliquary, but that doesn't help with my compost situation. I have about 50k compost with no other use for it at the moment, and am not producing sugarcane fast enough. Two birds.
I'm going to put down a lillipad of fertility from xeno's reliquary, but that doesn't help with my compost situation. I have about 50k compost with no other use for it at the moment, and am not producing sugarcane fast enough. Two birds.
If you are doing the Forestry Ethanol production line, then MFR fertilizer on Fruit trees = profit
Easy way of producing a lot of fruit juice from just having some animals.
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Rotarycraft compost. Just yeast and dirt, no animals needed. I don't think it will work in a forestry tree farm, but I can give it a shot.
I set a magnetostatic engine to be autofilled with liquid nitrogen so it wouldn't overheat and explode. I did not however, set the refrigeration unit to be autofilled with ice, nor the engine powering it with ethanol. It overheated and exploded. Taking my drum of jet fuel next to it with it.
I set a magnetostatic engine to be autofilled with liquid nitrogen so it wouldn't overheat and explode. I did not however, set the refrigeration unit to be autofilled with ice, nor the engine powering it with ethanol. It overheated and exploded. Taking my drum of jet fuel next to it with it.

How many web pages would you have had to click on to find all of the information that told you what you needed to have set up in order to avoid that? :D

If it's an over complicated set of machines I need to have ready for another machine to do one thing, I'll probably ignore it if I can find something simpler to do the job, or spend forever trying to find information on the setup and example diagrams for everything that has to be connected to anything, before I would even spend time refining the resources to go into unfamiliar machines. ;-)

Cheers ...

Considering nothing should have been chunk loaded, it should have stopped doing anything to need coolent. I play on a server alone, and have made exactly zero chunk loaders.
Considering nothing should have been chunk loaded, it should have stopped doing anything to need coolent. I play on a server alone, and have made exactly zero chunk loaders.
There are vanilla chunk loaders. All I could find on them were that they form around spawn chunks. I was busy eating so didn't read to closely.