I Derp, You Derp, We all Derp, What's your's?

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Put a Steve's cart with a railer and a chunk loader set on a path that was supposed to mine levels 12-16 and forgot to set the cargo manager to turn around so i left and came back after running it of iron bc later when i switched modes, it was on the wrong side and it went about 400 chunks while i was away and had laid way too many tracks, now ive got hundreds of tracks bc my AE system is set up to keep it supplied and i have like 3 stacks of iron left

Come work for the CobbleCo
Something I'm sure we have ALL done at some point:
Click on ANYTHING with a bucket of lava in hand!
I did that in my first ever survival world back in Beta 1.6. Lava bucket in hand, open door, death incoming. The house was made of birch wood with wool floors. That burned fast...
I got sucked into a hungry node in a Mystcraft age. It was like 2 km away from the spawn.
Good news: The age was a single mushroom island biome, so no enemies, and my stuff was safe in a grave.
When I got to the grave and picked up my items I wanted to scan the node with the Thaumometer.
And got sucked in again. Derp.
I built an arena to grind blazes. Underneath my animal pasture. I started fighting blazes, collecting rods and began to hear the sounds of animals dying. A straw fireball somehow hit the roof and the damage was passing through it.
i always mess up the cobble generator in skyblock

I almost did that. Went to place my lava then realized that it would instantly turn into obsidian. I had spent the previous 5 minutes planning it out so that wouldn't happen... It has been such a long time since I had to make a vanilla cobble gen.
I'm not sure if this is my derp or not:

I'm getting utterly trolled by a fanmade enderman. For the last 10 minutes, every minute or so a fanmade enderman schools me.

Its invisible. I can't see it via the minimap. I hear it porting around, and then blam, I'm dead in one hit (with mediocre armor)

No idea what's going on. He shouldn't be able to one-hit me. Bleh.
The road block allows you to walk/run really fast, so if you land on it, it tends to shoot you off in the direction you were travelling, which more often than not is into the void.
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A couple of days ago, I decided to use a filler to carve out a huge room in my mountain base. As I knew I was underneath another room, and that the floor there were stone bricks, I just dug up until I saw the bricks. When I get upstairs to see if it was doing what wa intended, I found my entire me system and ore processing gone..

Turns out I had overshot the room and aimed at the stairs (also made of stone bricks), which meant I dug out the bottom layer of the room too. Nice bit of cleanup after that!

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On agrarian skies with a blood magic alter, mob farm above putting mobs on the alter to sacrifice, I was making a ranged damage spell but accidentally put down a creeper head instead of a skely head which made a lightning spell... I tested it on some mobs in my alter... there where about 9 creepers... they became charged... there went a life and all of my progress on blood magic :([DOUBLEPOST=1397683591][/DOUBLEPOST]
What is that all about, anyway?
A Road... a trolling road... a road that sends you to your death... thats what its all about
the other day i decided to throw all my ores into a TiCo smeltery for compaction. I forgot about the fact that it would use all my iron and make invar. also made tons of electrum. very sad :(

Zombie Emergency Responce Team Member
I've made so many derps that if you put them all together, they'd produce something akin to the complete works of Shakespeare...

But my best one. My BEST one. It was either my first or second time playing modded Minecraft, so... 1.2.5? Anyway.

We won't get into all the horrifying damage I caused, but eventually, I got to the point where I could build an IC2 reactor (which was a goal, because the two friends who got me into modpack play frequently talked about the nuclear stuff they'd done.) I'd already learned some of the basics of keeping a reactor from blowing. In this case, using a temperature control station or whatever. And I decided to build it in the Nether since I figured if the worst happened, there was no possible way for it to harm me or my base there.

So. I build the reactor. Build the control station and ran a redstone line to it. Everything was good. I pulled the lever to start the whole thing up and stood there admiring my handiwork. Went over and checked the temperature control; that was working fine too, automatically shutting down the reactor whenever it got too hot. And It Was Good.

And then, I heard it.

A Ghast fireball.

You see, I'd built this reactor out in the open. I hadn't even stopped to think about ghasts and my presence and what happens then.

The fireball hit square between the control station and the reactor.

I started running for the main switch. Time slowed. My Netflix queue flashed before my eyes and I think I heard Morgan Freeman egging me on.

That'd be about the point the reactor went critical.

It comes to something when the moral of your story is "Roof".