Hunt The Beast [1.4.6, DW20 Pack v3] - [Strict Whitelist] - [Mature] - [Everything Enabled]

  • Announcement

    Hello, we know that many of you have been asking for the server section to be split into sections so that servers are easier to find so that is exactly what we have done! We are also working on a server listing site to make the listing even better but this is still some time off and so for now this will be used. Current server owners will need to PM Rob if they want to keep their post with the following form completed:

    Link to forum post:
    Server type (Whitelist/Greylist/Open):

    Hope you like the new layout and if you have any more suggestions please post them in the web feedback forum.

    The FTB Team
    P.S Go easy on my inbox :)
  • FTB will be shutting down this forum by the end of July. To participate in our community discussions, please join our Discord!


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
1 addon-mod is really not enough about to leave a server. :( The fact that GregTech is not in DW20 pack is simple. It's just not in there. Most people do not like how GregTech makes IC2 more difficult to start out with. If GregTech is added and is set to hard mode, then that will make most of the server a dreadful place. So, I am sorry about that. I can add in GregTech though, but disable the difficult aspects of it. Please don't leave the server over 1 silly mod. :(

I am not accepting applications at this time, if you were not reading the first forum post. Thank you.

D: dang, I guess no MC for me :/

PS: It seems like it's true. You only sees want your mind want's you to see


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
"WinneonSword, post: 58462, member: 8079"If GregTech is added and is set to hard mode, then that will make most of the server a dreadful place. So, I am sorry about that. I can add in GregTech though, but disable the difficult aspects of it. Please don't leave the server over 1 silly mod. :(
I would really like the industrial Centrifigue. That is all I ask, solar panels set to silicon is also a good idea- considering how easy they are to make after an hour of farming materials.

I don't care too much for mass fabs is all- after a week or 2 of normal mass fabs- people have unlimited diamond blocks due to snowballing EU creation. There needs to be balance!

EDIT: I didn't mean hardmode recipes-I meant making the game harder in general to complete! I just don't want someone having a solar panel in the first 1-2 hours of play! It should take atleast a day- it's infinite power!
IE This is fair- 3 Diamonds for a macerator is completely fair
Watermills are infinite power- changing it from aluminum to carbon plates/advanced alloys is fine!


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
I would really like the industrial Centrifigue. That is all I ask, solar panels set to silicon is also a good idea- considering how easy they are to make after an hour of farming materials.

I don't care too much for mass fabs is all- after a week or 2 of normal mass fabs- people have unlimited diamond blocks due to snowballing EU creation. There needs to be balance!

"snowballing EU creation"? I don't know what this is could you explain? hmmmmmm (Gigity)


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
"snowballing EU creation"? I don't know what this is could you explain? hmmmmmm (Gigity)
When you get a solar panel, you have the power to make 2.
When you get those 3 solar panels, you have the power to make 9.
When you have 9 you have the power to make 27.
When you have 27, you have the power to make 150.
When you have 150, you have the power to make 3000.

Just non-stop generation of easy.


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
When you get a solar panel, you have the power to make 2.
When you get those 3 solar panels, you have the power to make 9.
When you have 9 you have the power to make 27.
When you have 27, you have the power to make 150.
When you have 150, you have the power to make 3000.

Just non-stop generation of easy.

I still don't really understand how the power of a solar panel will give you enough to make almost double. Could you tell me how :3 So I can be unstoppable? (Sometimes I dream I understood you guys :/ )


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
I would really like the industrial Centrifigue. That is all I ask, solar panels set to silicon is also a good idea- considering how easy they are to make after an hour of farming materials.

I don't care too much for mass fabs is all- after a week or 2 of normal mass fabs- people have unlimited diamond blocks due to snowballing EU creation. There needs to be balance!

EDIT: I didn't mean hardmode recipes-I meant making the game harder in general to complete! I just don't want someone having a solar panel in the first 1-2 hours of play! It should take atleast a day- it's infinite power!
IE This is fair- 3 Diamonds for a macerator is completely fair
Watermills are infinite power- changing it from aluminum to carbon plates/advanced alloys is fine!
Ok, now I understand a bit better. I have agreed to the decision to add GregTech into the server. I will set solar panels (not the advanced solar panels) to silicon, as you have said. Allthough, the normal IC2 machines such as Generators ,Macerators, Electric/Induction Furnaces, Extractors, Compressors, and Recyclers, I will not replace the original recipe with the hard recipe for them. These are the basic machines you need to get running in IC2, and it would take an extremely long time to even start in IC2 with those hard recipes on, and a lot of people like starting out in IC2 on a server/LP, so it would be really unfair spending the first few "in-real-life" days trying to get 1 machine with a power source.

Now with the Mass Fabricators, this is a hard decision. Mass Fabs are easy to get once you have a foundation in IC2 and a good power source. And yes, they do make the game a hell of a lot easier once you have UU Matter. As you said, you would like to balance out the server, and I think that is a good idea, whilst not getting rid of handy machines that everyone loves. I am going to disable Iridium natural spawning and set Tin Cans to the normal GregTech configuration, 8. I believe this will be a good balance for now.

If there are more things that you believe need to be balanced, then go right ahead in saying them. I'm all open for suggestions. :)


EDIT: Here is the current GregTech config file for the HTB server! Put the files in your GregTech config folder!


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
Quoted stuff
Iridium natural spawning should not be disabled- This makes iridium insane to get- And I have a solution to this completely.

First off- Matter Fabricators(Not mass fabs)

Disable Matter Fabs
Enable Mass Fabs

Disable Scrap being use-able in the mass fabs
This makes them a standard 1,000,000EU to produce 1 UU-Matter instead of a variable 130,000.
Which in-turn is; 98 seconds of 512Eu/T
Advanced Cycle; sides ->
X | X (512x4) -> 24 seconds per UU-Matter @ a rate of 2048Eu/T
X | X

Now to fix this- we must take the threshold of 6 sides and make it to 60 seconds at maximum 512.

So to do this we must do this;
512x6(Tick)(20) -> 61,440 EU Per second, * 60 this to get a variable balanced UU-Producing Machine

New Mass Fab Required Energy-> 3,686,400

Game is now balanced :)


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
Iridium natural spawning should not be disabled- This makes iridium insane to get- And I have a solution to this completely.

First off- Matter Fabricators(Not mass fabs)

Disable Matter Fabs
Enable Mass Fabs

Disable Scrap being use-able in the mass fabs
This makes them a standard 1,000,000EU to produce 1 UU-Matter instead of a variable 130,000.
Which in-turn is; 98 seconds of 512Eu/T
Advanced Cycle; sides ->
X | X (512x4) -> 24 seconds per UU-Matter @ a rate of 2048Eu/T
X | X

Now to fix this- we must take the threshold of 6 sides and make it to 60 seconds at maximum 512.

So to do this we must do this;
512x6(Tick)(20) -> 61,440 EU Per second, * 60 this to get a variable balanced UU-Producing Machine

New Mass Fab Required Energy-> 3,686,400

Game is now balanced :)

Your saying as if everyone that plays ftb or any other modpack knows as much as you. Sorry that the game is so easy for you, but enforcing new ways to make something that is already somewhat difficult for many of the players for your own need's is pretty selfish in my opinion. If your tired of the gaming being so easy, but not customize your configs to make to your needs, or old a "Ultri Hardcore Crafting FTB server." I'm pretty sure I'm not the only one thinking this, and even though I'm not even white listed on the server. Sorry if this makes me look like a troll or a smart-ass, but this is what I'm thinking right now :/


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
Sorry if this makes me look like a troll or a smart-ass, but this is what I'm thinking right now :/

Just a smart-ass.

My goal is to balance a server attained to the modpack itself, not my personal reasons- The modpack itself has many abuses because of the swaps, and I am not the best- I am a normal player that can achieve everything easily as you can too with just a little thought process.


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
Just a smart-ass.

My goal is to balance a server attained to the modpack itself, not my personal reasons- The modpack itself has many abuses because of the swaps, and I am not the best- I am a normal player that can achieve everything easily as you can too with just a little thought process.

I can accept your own reason, but in what way did I act like a smart-ass?


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
Ok, I have a problem now. I am on Widsoms side, but T3am's as well. I like how the ForgeCraft server runs things, and the way they run things. They are the main reason why I chose not to add GregTech as an additional mod to the server in the first place. The whole aspect in my opinion of the game is to get situated in the server, so once you have got all the necessary things to get a foundation complete, you can go on making awesome project and things to help the community and ultimately, the server. If it takes a long time to even get a foundation going due to the fact that the game is just too difficult to begin with, then I don't see FTB or any modpack being fun in any way. I mean, if you are going to play a game, you want to have fun, or you would not be playing the game in the first place. And if you want to have fun, you want to do it the way you believe in a way you believe will make the game fun. If it takes forever to get situated in the beginning of a game, then it doesn't seem that fun. This is all just my opinion/logic in a way. GregTech certainly makes the game more challenging, and it makes it challenging is such ways that make me just want to quit FTB completely. I really do not want to add GregTech to the server, but I am because some of the members like the new items GregTech has to offer, such as the Industrial Centrifuge.

If you get millions of UU Matter, then that is great for you. You actually spent the time and effort to build something that can be done manually, or you built an awesome factory to do all of this for you, and this makes some sort of satisfaction in you that makes you just want to do other cool stuff that will make you even more proud of yourself. Whist this is happening, you can go about doing other things such as Beekeeping, always knowing that you will have the resources to make and accomplish what you want to do at that certain moment. If you have to stop in the middle of what you are doing because you have ran out of resources, then you have to stop what you want to do to go mining or wood cutting or whatever, and I don't think you want to do that. I am going to leave the way GregTech is at the moment on the server, with the previous options I have chosen from my post prior to this one. Scrap is enabled and Iridium is disabled from spawning, just like it is in original IC2. Now let me note on this. I do understand where you are coming from, Wisdoms. Lots of UU Matter going at fast production speeds is pretty unbalanced. If this does get out of hand, e.g. everyone on the serve has a UUM factory and really outbalances the server, then yes I will disable Scrap and try to balance out the server a bit more. But to start out in such harsh condtions that GregTech adds into FTB, it just makes the game miserable to even begin with in my opinion.

Sorry if reading all that was a bore to you, I just had to get my head all sorted out and just let out everything I have been thinking about. If you have anything wrong with my decision or if you have ideas to change this decision, then please let me know. Better to tell me than to just never tell me and me never thinking about it. Thank you, I hope you have a very good day/night. :)


EDIT: Here is an updated GregTech config file. I forgot to add some things in the previous config file release. cfg v0.2/
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New Member
Jul 29, 2019
Ok, I have a problem now. I am on Widsoms side, but T3am's as well. I like how the ForgeCraft server runs things, and the way they run things. They are the main reason why I chose not to add GregTech as an additional mod to the server in the first place. The whole aspect in my opinion of the game is to get situated in the server, so once you have got all the necessary things to get a foundation complete, you can go on making awesome project and things to help the community and ultimately, the server. If it takes a long time to even get a foundation going due to the fact that the game is just too difficult to begin with, then I don't see FTB or any modpack being fun in any way. I mean, if you are going to play a game, you want to have fun, or you would not be playing the game in the first place. And if you want to have fun, you want to do it the way you believe in a way you believe will make the game fun. If it takes forever to get situated in the beginning of a game, then it doesn't seem that fun. This is all just my opinion/logic in a way. GregTech certainly makes the game more challenging, and it makes it challenging is such ways that make me just want to quit FTB completely. I really do not want to add GregTech to the server, but I am because some of the members like the new items GregTech has to offer, such as the Industrial Centrifuge.

If you get millions of UU Matter, then that is great for you. You actually spent the time and effort to build something that can be done manually, or you built an awesome factory to do all of this for you, and this makes some sort of satisfaction in you that makes you just want to do other cool stuff that will make you even more proud of yourself. Whist this is happening, you can go about doing other things such as Beekeeping, always knowing that you will have the resources to make and accomplish what you want to do at that certain moment. If you have to stop in the middle of what you are doing because you have ran out of resources, then you have to stop what you want to do to go mining or wood cutting or whatever, and I don't think you want to do that. I am going to leave the way GregTech is at the moment on the server, with the previous options I have chosen from my post prior to this one. Scrap is enabled and Iridium is disabled from spawning, just like it is in original IC2. Now let me note on this. I do understand where you are coming from, Wisdoms. Lots of UU Matter going at fast production speeds is pretty unbalanced. If this does get out of hand, e.g. everyone on the serve has a UUM factory and really outbalances the server, then yes I will disable Scrap and try to balance out the server a bit more. But to start out in such harsh condtions that GregTech adds into FTB, it just makes the game miserable to even begin with in my opinion.

Sorry if reading all that was a bore to you, I just had to get my head all sorted out and just let out everything I have been thinking about. If you have anything wrong with my decision or if you have ideas to change this decision, then please let me know. Better to tell me than to just never tell me and me never thinking about it. Thank you, I hope you have a very good day/night. :)


EDIT: Here is an updated GregTech config file. I forgot to add some things in the previous config file release. cfg v0.2/
Wow, it really seems like you put much effort into your server. I accept wisdoms reasons for making it balanced but in many way's, it still going to be unfair for many people no matter what you change. From being easy, to being difficult. Further more, I hope your server goes on and get's better and maybe, next time your adding more people to white-list, I'll be able to come not to late :p
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New Member
Jul 29, 2019
!! Update !!
Ok, here are the details of the server as it comes out of the testing stage! (I have been testing it for 2 days.)

Pack: Direwolf20 Pack (v2)
Additional Mods: GregTech for 1.4.6 (Download link here: Click Here)
Changed config files: GregTech- Click for config file
Details of changes: Solar Panels (IC2) have been set to the expensive GregTech recipe involving Silicon Plates. You can obtain these with Silicon Cells from an Industrial Centrifuge.
MystCraft worlds: Mystcraft worlds are still enabled, but if you are going to create one, you must ask me first. I have access to the FTP so I know if a Mystcraft world is created and who did it, so do not create one without permission! The reason for this is because it causes server lag and it is really painful if the server crashes to other players. If the server crashes, it will NOT reboot.

Instructions to install:
Download the Direwolf20 v2 pack on the FTB launcher, and run it.
Then close FTB and download the GregTech 1.4.6 link in the Update post above.
Put the file in your /mods folder in the Direwolf20/minecraft directory, not FTBBETAA.
Then run the Direwolf20 pack again from the FTB Launcher and then when its completed, close FTB again.
Download the server's GregTech config folder from the Update post above.
Go into your /config folder in your Direwolf20/minecraft directory, not FTBBETAA, and delete the folder GregTech.
Extract the GregTech folder from the downloaded zip file for the server config and extract the folder to the /config directory in your Direwolf20/minecraft directory, not FTBBETAA.
You should be all good! Load up the Direwolf20 pack from the FTB Launcher once more and connect to the server. :)

Thank you all for waiting! I hope you enjoy HTB with RP2 and Thaumcraft, I certainly will. :)

I do not plan to be opening applications soon because the server can barely handle the amount of players there are at the moment (exactly 11 players).

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New Member
Jul 29, 2019
!! Update !!
Ok, here are the details of the server as it comes out of the testing stage! (I have been testing it for 2 days.)

Pack: Direwolf20 Pack (v2)
Additional Mods: GregTech for 1.4.6
Changed config files: GregTech- Click for config file
Details of changes: Solar Panels (IC2) have been set to the expensive GregTech recipe involving Silicon Plates. You can obtain these with Silicon Cells from an Industrial Centrifuge.
MystCraft worlds: Mystcraft worlds are still enabled, but if you are going to create one, you must ask me first. I have access to the FTP so I know if a Mystcraft world is created and who did it, so do not create one without permission! The reason for this is because it causes server lag and it is really painful if the server crashes to other players. If the server crashes, it will NOT reboot.

Thank you all for waiting! I hope you enjoy HTB with RP2 and Thaumcraft, I certainly will. :)

I do not plan to be opening applications soon because the server can barely handle the amount of players there are at the moment (exactly 11 players).

Hey Winn! This is great and I'm really looking forward to playing with all this cool stuff. The only problem is that I have no idea what I'm doing, and I ended up deleting FTB all together! If you could point me in the right direction or provide a short tutorial then I would be forever in your debt.


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
Hey Winn! This is great and I'm really looking forward to playing with all this cool stuff. The only problem is that I have no idea what I'm doing, and I ended up deleting FTB all together! If you could point me in the right direction or provide a short tutorial then I would be forever in your debt.

Hey Hey Hey!!! Don't give up D: . I didn't know pretty much nothing other then normal MC but I started learning slowly and slowly. I know few of the stuff in the game but not everything. Don't just give up, it's worse then trying and failing. I'f you don't understand something watch a tut on youtube, I'v been doing that on everything new I don't know about, or I ask a member on the server :) . Remember, practice makes perfect


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
Hey Winn! This is great and I'm really looking forward to playing with all this cool stuff. The only problem is that I have no idea what I'm doing, and I ended up deleting FTB all together! If you could point me in the right direction or provide a short tutorial then I would be forever in your debt.
I forgot to add the GregTeh 1.4.6 link because most people can't seem to find it...(It's wide open in the GregTech IC2 forum post! :p) The link is now in the original Update post I made above.

Download the Direwolf20 v2 pack on the FTB launcher, and run it.
Then close FTB and download the GregTech 1.4.6 link in the Update post above.
Put the file in your /mods folder in the Direwolf20/minecraft directory, not FTBBETAA.
Then run the Direwolf20 pack again from the FTB Launcher and then when its completed, close FTB again.
Download the server's GregTech config folder from the Update post above.
Go into your /config folder in your Direwolf20/minecraft directory, not FTBBETAA, and delete the folder GregTech.
Extract the GregTech folder from the downloaded zip file for the server config and extract the folder to the /config directory in your Direwolf20/minecraft directory, not FTBBETAA.
You should be all good! Load up the Direwolf20 pack from the FTB Lanucher once more and connect to the server. :)

Hope this helped! Follow the instructions carefully. :)



New Member
Jul 29, 2019
Edit * Downloaded everything, but it says the Greg-tech is not included even though it is. Apparently, I need
GregTech_Addon : MC146_V2.72b while I have GregTech_Addon : MC146_V2.72c is there any way to change this?
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New Member
Jul 29, 2019
Edit * Downloaded everything, but it says the Greg-tech is not included even though it is. Apparently, I need
GregTech_Addon : MC146_V2.72b while I have GregTech_Addon : MC146_V2.72c is there any way to change this?
It seems GregTech has changed their file from "b" to "c". The server uses the "b" version, so I'll upload my that is "b" version to my dropbox. You can download it there. :) The new link is in the above Update post, but I'll put it here as well. Hopefully this will fix any problems you are having.


Click here for the "b" version of GregTech 1.4.6.


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
Winn, I can't get on the server because I updated the dw20 pack and can't get OmniTools v 2.2.3. :(
Yes, it seems Ryan and Plasma updated as well.

Do not update until the server is updated! You will continuously get End of Stream errors!

Death, to go back to version 2 of the DW20 pack select the DW20 Modpack in the modpack list in the FTB Launcher, and then select "Edit Mod Pack". Select the tab "Modpack Version" and then from the drop-down menu click version 2. Then exit the Mod Pack Editor and Launch the DW20 ModPack.

Hope this helps. :)

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