Hello there, and welcome to the Hunt The Beast server, a private whitelisted server FTB server.
I am not currently accepting any applications. Thank you.
[ - Server IP - ]
I will not be releasing the Server IP at this time. If you are accepted into the server, I will PM you the details, including the Server IP.
[ - Rules of HTB - ]
1: Don't be a dick. That means all of the normal rules of life apply, so if it is not the right thing to do in life, do not do it here as well.
2: Grieifing and Stealing are a bannable offence. The server has automated backups occur every hour. So everything that you grief can be rolled-back. So I would suggest, don't do it.
3: Please be mature. That means don't go spamming the chat when you die saying ,"NOOOOOOOOO" or go about randomly cursing in the chat. Act as if you were in the wide open public. Speaking of cursing, (onto rule #4)
4: Swearing in any forms is not allowed. All words used to offend people that relate to any sort of inappropriate language is not allowed. You will be given 3 warnings. After the 3rd warning, you will be kicked from the server until I feel like adding you back. ^-^ That also means abbreviations of cursing are also not allowed. Such as "WTF" or "STFU" or "GTFO" are not allowed. Those are just examples, all abbreviations are not allowed. They will go towards your warnings if you say any.
5: A word over Trolling. Yes, pranks and trolling are allowed. But, any things that explode, fire, or lava are not allowed. If you are going to prank someone, always leave a sign. (That just ruins the prank.
7: Help is always appreciated. I am still kinda a n00b at FTB myself, so I know what it feels like to be behind everyone. Also, do not discriminate against anyone, especially if they are still a n00b at FTB or even Minecraft. Just help them out.
8: You must have Teamspeak to join the server. You are required to be on Teamspeak at least once a week for at least 5 minutes on the server's Teamspeak server. I will release the IP to it in the message I PM you if you are accepted into the server.
9: Last but certainly not the least, please have fun. If you are not having fun, then we aren't having fun.
[ - Extra Mods/Disabled Mods - ]
Equivalent Exchange 3 (EE3) (Disabled at the moment due to problems with FTB)
None. Let's keep it that way.
[ - Whitelist Application - ]
Now here comes the part you are not going to like, if you haven't already not liked the rules above.
This server is extremely strict when it comes to whitelist applications. That's because I want to eliminate the risk of griefers or dicks in my server. Answer the questions and fill out the details below to the best of your ability. You may be entered into the server. ^-^
Main Details:IGN (In-Game-Name):Teamspeak Nickname:Age:Why would you like to join this server (give me a good 5-6 sentences explaining why):Why would you choose this server over any other server (give me a good 5-6 sentences explaining why):What exactly can you bring to this server, to improve it (give me a good 5-6 sentences explaining):Do you have any bans on record? If so, please list them and tell me why you were banned:Password:Bonus Questions (These are not necessary, but they will increase your chances of joining the server):Which is worse, failing or trying?:Would you break the national law to save someone you deeply love?:What is the difference between being alive and truly living?:You see sixty cups on a table. If one comes off the table, then how many are left? (Do not take this question verbally.):
Take 30, divide it by 1/2, then add the number 10 to the number. What number do you have now?:
I hope that wasn't too difficult for you.
[ - Extra Info - ]
The server has 512 MB of RAM at the moment, so I will be accepting applications if I think the server can handle it. Maybe sometime in the future the server may get an upgrade.
The server's difficulty level is Normal.
This server is in BETA. When the server comes out of Beta (likely when FTB officially comes out of Beta), or Redpower 2 is released, the current map will be wiped. You will be able to keep your inventory though, so grab the things you need when that happens.