Hunt The Beast [1.4.6, DW20 Pack v3] - [Strict Whitelist] - [Mature] - [Everything Enabled]

  • Announcement

    Hello, we know that many of you have been asking for the server section to be split into sections so that servers are easier to find so that is exactly what we have done! We are also working on a server listing site to make the listing even better but this is still some time off and so for now this will be used. Current server owners will need to PM Rob if they want to keep their post with the following form completed:

    Link to forum post:
    Server type (Whitelist/Greylist/Open):

    Hope you like the new layout and if you have any more suggestions please post them in the web feedback forum.

    The FTB Team
    P.S Go easy on my inbox :)


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
I don't think that's the problem. Been sitting here for about 10 minutes now, and still unable to connect. Maybe winn moved to a new host. Idk *shrug*
Is winn asleep and cannot turn on the server at the moment? Or the hosting is having problems. Might be one of those two. :)


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
IGN (In-Game-Name): My in-game name is "skeetlump"
Teamspeak Nickname: My TS3 nickname is also "skeetlump"
Age: I am 13 years of age but very mature and knowledgable about FTB
Why would you like to join this server (give me a good 5-6 sentences explaining why): I would love to join this server because it is pretty much the same rules as MindCrack has, such as you are allowed to prank/troll excluding fire, explosions or lava. Personally I love that availability. Also I just want to be part of this happy FTB community and not have to worry about being griefed on all the non-white-list servers. The fact that you have changed nothing about the modpack appeals to me, all of these other servers add up to 5 or so mods and disables you from using any other server. Playing on single-player is boring and I would like to play with the people on the server. I also want to put my experience to good use.;)
Why would you choose this server over any other server (give me a good 5-6 sentences explaining why): Well as I said I love the idea of pranking people and trolling them and it has nothing banned/nothing disabled, but honestly if I were to be declined entry to this server I would move on to find another MindCrack style server (which would be really hard) it seems like a server with no griefers and it has generally nice people. I hope you can forgive me for the lack of 5 sentences in this question but there isn't much to say because I have already said all of it.
What exactly can you bring to this server, to improve it (give me a good 5-6 sentences explaining): I would like to establish a nice little store called "Lumpy's Food Cannery" where I will use trade-o-mats for people to hand in a variety of different items for some canned food. Once I get situated in your lovely server world I will help as much as I can and expand my cannery stores to maybe every 1000 blocks, so wherever you are you'd be able to get your gold old canned food. I will come on the server as much as I can which is mostly everyday and I will be as nice as I can. I can ensure that I will love my stay and you will love my stay at this server. Thank you for taking the time to read this.
Do you have any bans on record? If so, please list them and tell me why you were banned: Not that I know of because I used to share this account with my friend until he got his own account. But I'm pretty sure I have no bans.
Password: Unfortunately I am not able to answer this question as I have not seen any password or hint to anything after reading this thread about 3 times. Sorry for the inconvenience.
Bonus Questions (These are not necessary, but they will increase your chances of joining the server):
Which is worse, failing or trying?: Failing because at least you have tried and you learn from your mistakes.
Would you break the national law to save someone you deeply love?: No national law is national law, you don't just break it for a love you break it if you have no other option.:)
What is the difference between being alive and truly living?: Truly living is living your life to the best you can and just boring old being alive is not taking every opportunity you can.;)
You see sixty cups on a table. If one comes off the table, then how many are left? (Do not take this question verbally. ;)): Well you never know one may fall off just at the exact same time as a meteor hits that exact table therefore all cups are gone, you just never know.
Take 30, divide it by 1/2, then add the number 10 to the number. What number do you have now?: 70


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
IGN (In-Game-Name): My in-game name is "skeetlump"
Teamspeak Nickname: My TS3 nickname is also "skeetlump"
Age: I am 13 years of age but very mature and knowledgable about FTB
Why would you like to join this server (give me a good 5-6 sentences explaining why): I would love to join this server because it is pretty much the same rules as MindCrack has, such as you are allowed to prank/troll excluding fire, explosions or lava. Personally I love that availability. Also I just want to be part of this happy FTB community and not have to worry about being griefed on all the non-white-list servers. The fact that you have changed nothing about the modpack appeals to me, all of these other servers add up to 5 or so mods and disables you from using any other server. Playing on single-player is boring and I would like to play with the people on the server. I also want to put my experience to good use.;)
Why would you choose this server over any other server (give me a good 5-6 sentences explaining why): Well as I said I love the idea of pranking people and trolling them and it has nothing banned/nothing disabled, but honestly if I were to be declined entry to this server I would move on to find another MindCrack style server (which would be really hard) it seems like a server with no griefers and it has generally nice people. I hope you can forgive me for the lack of 5 sentences in this question but there isn't much to say because I have already said all of it.
What exactly can you bring to this server, to improve it (give me a good 5-6 sentences explaining): I would like to establish a nice little store called "Lumpy's Food Cannery" where I will use trade-o-mats for people to hand in a variety of different items for some canned food. Once I get situated in your lovely server world I will help as much as I can and expand my cannery stores to maybe every 1000 blocks, so wherever you are you'd be able to get your gold old canned food. I will come on the server as much as I can which is mostly everyday and I will be as nice as I can. I can ensure that I will love my stay and you will love my stay at this server. Thank you for taking the time to read this.
Do you have any bans on record? If so, please list them and tell me why you were banned: Not that I know of because I used to share this account with my friend until he got his own account. But I'm pretty sure I have no bans.
Password: Unfortunately I am not able to answer this question as I have not seen any password or hint to anything after reading this thread about 3 times. Sorry for the inconvenience.
Bonus Questions (These are not necessary, but they will increase your chances of joining the server):
Which is worse, failing or trying?: Failing because at least you have tried and you learn from your mistakes.
Would you break the national law to save someone you deeply love?: No national law is national law, you don't just break it for a love you break it if you have no other option.:)
What is the difference between being alive and truly living?: Truly living is living your life to the best you can and just boring old being alive is not taking every opportunity you can.;)
You see sixty cups on a table. If one comes off the table, then how many are left? (Do not take this question verbally. ;)): Well you never know one may fall off just at the exact same time as a meteor hits that exact table therefore all cups are gone, you just never know.
Take 30, divide it by 1/2, then add the number 10 to the number. What number do you have now?: 70
Love your app. :)


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
Looks like you put very little information into each sentence, and just made them as fast as possible....that's my observation.

You see, three sentences right there.
It still gets the point across. I may have not met some of the guidelines but I did it to the best of my abilities and that counts for something.
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New Member
Jul 29, 2019
Main Details:
IGN (In-Game-Name):Epic_xwootx
Teamspeak Nickname:Epic_xwootx
Why would you like to join this server (give me a good 5-6 sentences explaining why):Well,I got really bored of normal feed the beast/tekkit/dns techpack servers,because they had loose rules about everything,and usually restricted most "fun"items.For instance,one tekkit server restricted the use of energy collectors.I got around not using them got boring very soon.Seeing that this server has strict rules,and not having any restricted items,is just great.Also the fact that the server can hold a limited amount of players,is what I like,becuase it's easier to get along with less people,form friendships and
work toghether.And the last thing;sorry for relating to other servers;last year,I played on a server similar to this,it was whitelisted,had a limited number of slots,and I just know it will work out just great.Just saying,even if we weren't told to,we all naturally worked togheter,since it had some "backstory" and surviving was quite hard.It was a shame that the server had to close...
Why would you choose this server over any other server (give me a good 5-6 sentences explaining why):As I mentioned before:The limited amount of simultaneous online players.The strict whitelist and it's time-taking process for joining,makes it so that not every random troll can't join,which is good.The non-existing blacklist is just great.This server makes it so that you can really say that you are playing Singleplayer but with people!I have very high hopes for this,since I really haven't played any survival/legit stuff for a while,lacking a good server,or motivation to create one.This must be one of the better servers,because i like Winneon's decision to add a strict whitelist.And that last thing that won me over: The mature aspect of this.I'm tired of little begging 10 year olds which won't do anything for themselves and live off stuff they get.Also,I agree with pranking,up to some level of course !
What exactly can you bring to this server, to improve it (give me a good 5-6 sentences explaining):Well I have good general mod knowlegde,I am looking towards making A: A power plant to supply IC/BC power to everyone who needs it.B: Some agricultural complex with farms for everything.And probably a public enchanting "complex" with one-two spawners ( probably double dungeon) and anvils/enchanting tables with various levels.Also I am really into helping new players once i get enough stuff myself.As I just don't really see a point in not helping others once you have gotten yourself everything you think you need.
Do you have any bans on record? If so, please list them and tell me why you were banned:
I have one ban is quite awkard,since there was a plethora of griefers,once I joined,i tried to build a house,and i was walking past a "pack" of em.Admin mass banned everyone there.I never applied back,since my little experience on that server was awfull.I just don't grief...I never aproved of it,and never will.I only raid on servers which allow it.Even then I don't fully drain someone's stuff.
Password:(Please explain?)
Bonus Questions (These are not necessary, but they will increase your chances of joining the server):
Which is worse, failing or trying?:It is worse NOT trying,then doing so and failing.
Would you break the national law to save someone you deeply love?:In most circumstances,any person could.So I think I would too,I would have to face the consequences though,but that's not worse than losing someone dear to you.
What is the difference between being alive and truly living?:Beeing alive is just a matter of routine and survival,eating,drinking,sleeping,working etc.Truly living is taking it up a notch ( :D ) It's about chasing your dreams and desires,and doing anything that you can to accomplish them.
You see sixty cups on a table. If one comes off the table, then how many are left? (Do not take this question verbally. ;)):I'd say that there are still 60 cups left.But you could also say that the number of cups who are left is equal with the total number of cups minus the ones who are right...
Take 30, divide it by 1/2, then add the number 10 to the number. What number do you have now?:30:(1:2)=70
30:1/2 ( one half)= 25
Well that's it...apoligies for my english if it's not that good,I am not from any english speaking country.I'm from Romania :D

Mister Anderson

New Member
Jul 29, 2019
Main Details:
IGN (In-Game-Name): Yanfly
Teamspeak Nickname: Irie
Age: 15
Why would you like to join this server (give me a good 5-6 sentences explaining why): This server sounds like the kind of thing I'd like to be part of. In the main post, you made it very clear that the rules are very strict. I'm just looking for a play to play FTB with other people, I don't want to worry about being interrupted by immature people in the chat. Also, despite the rules being plentiful and strict, they're actually the way I act naturally, so that works well for me.
I like your allowance of pranks, yet banning of griefing. You're not trying to kill enjoyment, just promote friendliness. You note about giving help is probably my favourite part. When I was on other servers, one thing that kind of disappointed me is how everyone was just as good as me at the game. It led to very little community interaction.
Why would you choose this server over any other server (give me a good 5-6 sentences explaining why): I'm afraid I can't give you too many sentences for this question, because the majority I've already said above. Although one thing I must say, the logic questions at the bottom solidified my need to join this server.
What exactly can you bring to this server, to improve it (give me a good 5-6 sentences explaining): I have been playing FTB for a long time. I've spent a lot of that time studying wikis, learning about it. Because of all that, I know pretty much all there is to know.
I'm a very creative builder, my structures end up looking good, instead of being a giant wooden blight on the land. I know how to make efficient living spaces, and to minimize my impact on the area I work on. I like to play the game as eco-friendly as I can, just for fun. I have a habit of embarking on large projects mainly built around beautifying the land, such as turning completed quarries into bio-domes, or making the nether habitable (Using either UU Matter or Silk Touch to bring in grass, etc). I like to help people out, teaching them about aspects of the game, helping with boring parts of building, giving ideas, lending materials, or just being a friend to chat with while they're mining.
I've also been planning a video series for a bit, and I think this server would be a great home for it. I also haven't gotten any people to do it with me yet, so maybe I can find some of the server member to do it with me.
Do you have any bans on record? If so, please list them and tell me why you were banned: I was banned from LoL for a day because I left too many matches. But that was a very long time ago.
Password: I scoured the application, and I didn't find anything outright. I actually thought for a second that it might have been "LOL" because of "You may say "LOL". That's it." but frankly that's too obscure for it to be true.
Bonus Questions (These are not necessary, but they will increase your chances of joining the server):
Which is worse, failing or trying?: Failing. I always live by the saying "Nothing is worth regrets". Even though you will fail at some things, if you never try, you'll never know what would have happened, and that, is a regret.
Would you break the national law to save someone you deeply love?: Assuming it's their life I'm saving, yes. Especially since there is no death penalty in Canada.
What is the difference between being alive and truly living?: When you are alive, your heart is beating, and your brain is functioning. When you are truly living, you are making memories.
You see sixty cups on a table. If one comes off the table, then how many are left? (Do not take this question verbally. ;)): 60 are left, being off a table does not mean the cup is gone. Alternatively, you could say any amount could be left, as the question could be referring to the left side of the table, and since you never supplied a visual, we have no way of knowing what amount of cups reside on the left half of the table.
Take 30, divide it by 1/2, then add the number 10 to the number. What number do you have now?: Seventy. You almost got my, I nearly divided it IN half instead of BY half.
Finally, I know I am a bit younger that you were probably looking for, but I assure you you can trust me to be mature.


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
Ok, I have reviewed all of your apps. Please do not post any more apps, I have chosen who will join the sever and who won't. I will post the whitelist results shortly. I have to go somewhere for a few hours though, so expect a reply in a few hours. Thank you all for applying. :)


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
Ok, 3 applications, 1 choice. This was a really close call. If you want for me to give a full review of your application, PM me. :)

I'm sorry, but you are declined to join the server. I hope you find a server that fits your needs. :)
I'm sorry, but you are declined to join the server. I hope you find a server that fits your needs. :)
Congratulations! You are accepted to the Hunt The Beast server! You will be PM'ed server details shortly.

Thank you all for your applications, hopefully soon there will be a chance for more people to apply in the near future!

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New Member
Jul 29, 2019
Main Details:
IGN (In-Game-Name): CalamityBlue

Teamspeak Nickname: CalamityBlue

Age: 14, none of that mature rubbish from me.

Why would you like to join this server (give me a good 5-6 sentences explaining why): I have been on several Tekkit/FTB servers, but all of them were filled with complete idiots who ruined my gaming experience. I just want a close-knit community with people I can trust. Hopefully this server can provide that for me. Also, FTB is A LOT harder than Tekkit. Much more satisfying. For example, the matterfabricator, a thousand times harder to get UU matter with. That's three magnitudes of difficulty. In a regular Tekkit server, you could get UU matter in a few days. Most people don't even need a quarry. Not the case here. Gregtech may have its issues, but it makes IC2 more balanced.

Why would you choose this server over any other server (give me a good 5-6 sentences explaining why): Regular single player FTB is extremely boring, with nobody to talk to or interact with besides those creepy Squidward villagers. You also keep getting the urge to cheat, and I crack far too easily. I'm just someone bored, looking for a great place to play with others. I also love trading, but on a regular server, you don't live too close to anyone else, and it's a bit hard to trade then, no? Besides that, you don't get to know the people on a large server too well, meaning that they could all betray you at any moment. I've had town owners who stole all my stuff away from me, as soon as I went offline. Hopefully nothing of the sort will happen here. Lastly, I just want somewhere to play! All those other servers are too big! I've been looking for one like this for a year! Lemme in! ;D

What exactly can you bring to this server, to improve it (give me a good 5-6 sentences explaining): I can bring knowledge of IC2, BC and a bit of Forestry. I love building factories, they let me be lazy.(So I can do my homework) Also, tps likes to DRAG intensely on large servers, makes everything painful. Do you KNOW how hard it is to centrifuge ANYTHING at 4 tps? Gawd. I'm rather a jack-of-all-trades, in that I can deal with all the mods, but I'm not some sort of master apiarist or redpower sensei. I love to help others with any problems, mostly relating to crafting, I love remembering those recipes. Except for Gregtech ones. >.<

Do you have any bans on record? If so, please list them and tell me why you were banned: I have a couple, one is on the MCSteamed server for building on someone else's property. I don't see why building 100 blocks away on a mushroom biome can be considered property. Claiming a huge biome is a bit selfish, don't you think? The other few are on tiny servers where I got banned for things like 'intent to grief', by power-hungry admins.

Password: Read the app above, I'm completely clueless, for the sake of honesty.
Bonus Questions (These are not necessary, but they will increase your chances of joining the server):
Which is worse, failing or trying?: Well, you can't fail without trying, so what kind of question is this?

Would you break the national law to save someone you deeply love?: Oh, heck yes.

What is the difference between being alive and truly living?: You can be alive, living monotonously, minimum wage job, living for the sake of living. I have no idea about true living, look at me, I'm sitting here typing on a keyboard, to get onto a server, to play a game.

You see sixty cups on a table. If one comes off the table, then how many are left? (Do not take this question verbally. ;)): Aha, got this one now. Six tea-cups. There are five tea-cups left.

Take 30, divide it by 1/2, then add the number 10 to the number. What number do you have now?: 70. You can't trick me, silly.

New app posted as Winn has told me he would allow it. Improved through editing.


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
Oh,I am deeply sorry, I seem to have skipped over it. My apologizes.

IGN (In-Game-Name): My in-game name is "skeetlump"
Teamspeak Nickname: My TS3 nickname is also "skeetlump"
Age: I am 13 years of age but very mature and knowledgable about FTB
Why would you like to join this server (give me a good 5-6 sentences explaining why): I would love to join this server because it is pretty much the same rules as MindCrack has, such as you are allowed to prank/troll excluding fire, explosions or lava. Personally I love that availability. Also I just want to be part of this happy FTB community and not have to worry about being griefed on all the non-white-list servers. The fact that you have changed nothing about the modpack appeals to me, all of these other servers add up to 5 or so mods and disables you from using any other server. Playing on single-player is boring and I would like to play with the people on the server. I also want to put my experience to good use.;)
Why would you choose this server over any other server (give me a good 5-6 sentences explaining why): Well as I said I love the idea of pranking people and trolling them and it has nothing banned/nothing disabled, but honestly if I were to be declined entry to this server I would move on to find another MindCrack style server (which would be really hard) it seems like a server with no griefers and it has generally nice people. I hope you can forgive me for the lack of 5 sentences in this question but there isn't much to say because I have already said all of it.
What exactly can you bring to this server, to improve it (give me a good 5-6 sentences explaining): I would like to establish a nice little store called "Lumpy's Food Cannery" where I will use trade-o-mats for people to hand in a variety of different items for some canned food. Once I get situated in your lovely server world I will help as much as I can and expand my cannery stores to maybe every 1000 blocks, so wherever you are you'd be able to get your gold old canned food. I will come on the server as much as I can which is mostly everyday and I will be as nice as I can. I can ensure that I will love my stay and you will love my stay at this server. Thank you for taking the time to read this.
Do you have any bans on record? If so, please list them and tell me why you were banned: Not that I know of because I used to share this account with my friend until he got his own account. But I'm pretty sure I have no bans.
Password: Unfortunately I am not able to answer this question as I have not seen any password or hint to anything after reading this thread about 3 times. Sorry for the inconvenience.
Bonus Questions (These are not necessary, but they will increase your chances of joining the server):
Which is worse, failing or trying?: Failing because at least you have tried and you learn from your mistakes.
Would you break the national law to save someone you deeply love?: No national law is national law, you don't just break it for a love you break it if you have no other option.:)
What is the difference between being alive and truly living?: Truly living is living your life to the best you can and just boring old being alive is not taking every opportunity you can.;)
You see sixty cups on a table. If one comes off the table, then how many are left? (Do not take this question verbally. ;)): Well you never know one may fall off just at the exact same time as a meteor hits that exact table therefore all cups are gone, you just never know.
Take 30, divide it by 1/2, then add the number 10 to the number. What number do you have now?: 70
I am sorry, but you are declined to join the server. I hope you find another server to suit your needs. :)

If you want a full review of your app, send me a PM.