Hunt The Beast [1.4.6, DW20 Pack v3] - [Strict Whitelist] - [Mature] - [Everything Enabled]

  • Announcement

    Hello, we know that many of you have been asking for the server section to be split into sections so that servers are easier to find so that is exactly what we have done! We are also working on a server listing site to make the listing even better but this is still some time off and so for now this will be used. Current server owners will need to PM Rob if they want to keep their post with the following form completed:

    Link to forum post:
    Server type (Whitelist/Greylist/Open):

    Hope you like the new layout and if you have any more suggestions please post them in the web feedback forum.

    The FTB Team
    P.S Go easy on my inbox :)
  • FTB will be shutting down this forum by the end of July. To participate in our community discussions, please join our Discord!


New Member
Jul 29, 2019

how is it annoying?
It may not be necessarily annoying in that specific sentence, but pretend you are seeing non-stop caps in the chat. To me that would get on my nerves pretty quick.

I'm not whitelisted?
Server maintenance is occurring at the moment. You kept logging on and was lagging the server bad, so I am preventing that at the moment.


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
It may not be necessarily annoying in that specific sentence, but pretend you are seeing non-stop caps in the chat. To me that would get on my nerves pretty quick.

Server maintenance is occurring at the moment. You kept logging on and was lagging the server bad, so I am preventing that at the moment.
Is there still server maintenance going on? If not, what was the problem?


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
Death, the server's back up. I will be upgrading to 1024 MB or 1 GB soon, that means 3 more members can join the server. :)

Also, I have a concerning issue I need to cover. It seems I have resources stolen from in my Quarry chests. If this continues with my quarries, I will have to restrict access to the Mining World with Dense Ores. Stealing is not allowed, and it will be dealt with 1 way or another. Thank you.

EDIT: Ok, I am now accepting 3 more server applications! Good luck to everyone!
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Reactions: deathbringer0924


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
IGN (In-Game-Name):
Teamspeak Nickname:
13 Years Old
Why would you like to join this server (give me a good 5-6 sentences explaining why):
I am a hard working server player, I do not like playing servers with raiding, griefing, and harsh servers where there are no rules. I like to play calm and collected server, I hope this is the right choice for me. I am a very active player on most servers, during the day I have nothing to do, and I barley have stuff to do during the night, on this server I hope that is different. I feel as if this will give me a new chance to meet new people and make friends with the FTB community through this server. I want a friendly and worthwhile server that I can play on everyday, I am a mature 13 year old, I know grammar, and barley cuss, but when I do, it is when I am extremely mad or someone is extremely irritating. I love hanging out with other players of the game and like learning new things while doing it.
Why would you choose this server over any other server (give me a good 5-6 sentences explaining why):
Well, this server looks calm, at the owner is very mature, as I can see by your typing and how well good you want applications. This server is unique as I can see, it doesn't let fools in that cannot handle a simple task, such as, following the rules, or listening to an OP. This server makes me want to jump up and down, I can see that this server is going to be worth my time, it is calling my name, hypothetically speaking. By what I've seen in this past, this server is very different from most, this is one of the most calm and collected servers I've seen in my life, the people on the server take the game seriously, not joking around and messing with people, or trolling, griefing, etc. This server must have unique players in it. The people that made this server has actually put effort into the server, unlike some servers that just throw a spawn together in 10 minutes and say it's good.
What exactly can you bring to this server, to improve it (give me a good 5-6 sentences explaining):
In this server I can bring what comes to my knowledge, I can bring peace, happiness, and I can bring myself friends if I like. I have been playing this game for 3 years now, or more. I have been playing Modded Minecraft for about 5 months now. I can bring this server all I know, I can help others, I can wait for the right time to speak, I can bring maturity. I can show others what I can build and what I do not know, I can bring entertainment with me if possible. I know a lot about the mods that are in FTB-Beta-A, and I know how to use them, I can teach others and not let them down, I can be a joker, a strict person or just a total jerk at times, but most of the time I am a loving and caring person, that has a great since of humor and a wild amount of knowledge at my age.
Do you have any bans on record? If so, please list them and tell me why you were banned:
No, I have never been banned:
Sorry, I could not see, or find a password after looking through the whole entire thread at least 3 times.
Bonus Questions (These are not necessary, but they will increase your chances of joining the server):
Which is worse, failing or trying?:
Failing of course, you can never fail if you do not try.
Would you break the national law to save someone you deeply love?:
Of course not, I abide by the rules at all times. Even if it means saving someone.
What is the difference between being alive and truly living?:
Well, being alive consists of two things, being human, and being able to recognize things. And truly living is reaching enlightenment, meaning that you truly know the meaning of living and what you can do with your life, also you can live it how you want.
You see sixty cups on a table. If one comes off the table, then how many are left? (Do not take this question verbally. ;)):
There are still 60, considering the fact that the one that came off the table did not break.
Take 30, divide it by 1/2, then add the number 10 to the number. What number do you have now?:
The answer is 70 since you are dividing by 1/2 and not in 1/2
Re-posted from Page 1, if that's ok.


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
Main Details:
IGN (In-Game-Name): Plasma_Elf
Teamspeak Nickname: Plasma
Age: 15
Why would you like to join this server (give me a good 5-6 sentences explaining why): I’ll answer these two together.
Why would you choose this server over any other server (give me a good 5-6 sentences explaining why): From the moment I read about this server I knew I wanted to be a part of its community. The work and professionalism shown throughout the page shows how committed everyone is to the server. The fact that there is a small community makes it easier for me to connect with other people. In other servers, with there being so many people, I find it hard to get close to anyone because of the fear of being griefed. Usually I travel thousands of blocks away to avoid contact with anyone, but what’s the point of that? The point of a server is to play with others. With a small community I find it’s possible to do just that. I’m looking for a community that’s not only friendly, but willing to work together to accomplish goals. The fact that you have to actually put forth work to be accepted into this server makes it easy to decipher trolls from committed players. This makes this server really desirable to me. Most servers are not as specific as to what they want which allows many immature trolls to slip into the community, but it increases the amount of mature players wanting to join a server such as this.

What exactly can you bring to this server, to improve it (give me a good 5-6 sentences explaining): Although I am fairly new to the FTB Modpack I am a good builder. I tend to play Minecraft as Eco-Friendly as possible, so my builds tend to fit into the scenery. I enjoy helping people as much as I can, when I can. I enjoy making community projects with friends, which I hope to make on the server if I’m accepted. Overall, I offer a fun new member to be a part of the community.

Do you have any bans on record? If so, please list them and tell me why you were banned:Yes I've been banned, but nothing serious. I've been temp banned joyfully by my old server Admins. I've never been banned for breaking any rules. On any kind of server.
Password: Don’t know what you want for a password.

Bonus Questions (These are not necessary, but they will increase your chances of joining the server):
Which is worse, failing or trying?: Failing is most deffenatly worse than trying because you can never fail if you don’t try.
Would you break the national law to save someone you deeply love?: Possibly, we’ll probably both end up dead. I am no superman.
What is the difference bet
ween being alive and truly living?: Being alive means you live life day by day in my perspective. Truly living means you live life to the fullest extent
You see sixty cups on a table. If one comes off the table, then how many are left? (Do not take this question verbally.
): 59 if it breaks.
Take 30, divide it by 1/2, then add the number 10 to the number. What number do you have now?:The answer is 70 since you are dividing by 1/2 and not in 1/2


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
IGN (In-Game-Name): iiamghostt
Teamspeak Nickname: iiamghostt, once i set up the account.
Age: 21
Why would you like to join this server (give me a good 5-6 sentences explaining why): I'm looking for a mature, grief place free to build. Every other server I have come across has had core features disabled because people abuse them, and I want to find a server that is filled with people that won't. If you ever watched direwolf's videos, then you could see the kind of server I am looking for, a tight knit community. Good people. So far, this server seems to be exactly what i'm looking for.
Why would you choose this server over any other server (give me a good 5-6 sentences explaining why): I answered this a bit in the last question, I enjoy playing minecraft with people. If i wanted to build far away from everyone, and never talk to anyone, I would just play SSP. Some of the best builds I had were with others. I want to be able to log on, and see my buddy, who I met that night, building a magic room, or digging with me, hypothetically of course, since I haven't played, I don't have a buddy.(Yet)
What exactly can you bring to this server, to improve it (give me a good 5-6 sentences explaining):I'm good with most of these mods, haven't tried Gregtech much. List of some impressive things I built: hidden house using RP2 that rose out of the ground and went back in to a secret underground base. Floating island with Railcraft launcher rails and self building TNT cannon, High speed railcraft network with train stations, Storage room that when you walked in, pistons pulled back Crafting tables to reveal chests, among other things.
Do you have any bans on record? If so, please list them and tell me why you were banned: No
Password: The answer to life, the universe and everything, is 42. (Sarcasm aside, this isn't a question I know how to answer, I do apologize. So I went with DeepThought's answer, when asked a open question. =]

Bonus Questions (These are not necessary, but they will increase your chances of joining the server):
Which is worse, failing or trying?: They go hand in hand. You can't try, without failure, since if you succeeded, it wouldn't be trying, it would be doing.
Would you break the national law to save someone you deeply love?: Hard question to answer. If I break national law, I go to jail and may never see her again, if I don't she could be harmed, or worse, and I may never see her again, but in the first scenario, at least she lives, so yes, I would.
What is the difference between being alive and truly living?: To answer that question, you have to look at what you want out of life. I'm a minimalist, I don't need much to make me happy, a computer, some internet, and someone who cares for me, is all I want out of life. so when someone tells me that I'm not living life to it's fullest, I scoff, and say simply, I live life to MY fullest. So the answer, would simply be, if the person is happy, they are truly living, if not, they are alive.
You see sixty cups on a table. If one comes off the table, then how many are left? (Do not take this question verbally. ;)): There are still 60 cups, just one on the floor. Even crazier answer: Infinite because there are an uncountable number of cups in the world, therefore, since you did not designate to what location I am counting the remaining cups, there are infinite. If you had said, "how many cups are left on the table?", it would be 59.
Take 30, divide it by 1/2, then add the number 10 to the number. What number do you have now?: Pretty sure it's 70. Trick questions a-gogo!


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
Main Details:
IGN (In-Game-Name): leverboyisgreat (But call me Lever)
Teamspeak Nickname: Parzival
Age: 14
Why would you like to join this server (give me a good 5-6 sentences explaining why):
Other servers are full of idiots. Griefers have griefed my homes non-stop, and I've been looking for a good server that has people who can think. Also, people that talk like "hey bby wna hang in me bass wit meeeeeeeeee" piss me off. :p
Why would you choose this server over any other server (give me a good 5-6 sentences explaining why): Like I said above, people. Idiots that don't give a care what they do and how it could affect others. Some grief for "teh lulz" and don't know how much time people put into whatever is being griefed.
What exactly can you bring to this server, to improve it (give me a good 5-6 sentences explaining): Well, one of my plans in a different server was to make an emporium of all the different mods in FTB. It got greifed. I like to play with others and know quite a bit about FTB.
Do you have any bans on record? If so, please list them and tell me why you were banned: One, from my friends server as a joke.

Password: I'm not a gullible dimwit.
Bonus Questions (These are not necessary, but they will increase your chances of joining the server):
Which is worse, failing or trying?: Failing. "At least I tried" is used as an excuse. Learn from your mistakes.
Would you break the national law to save someone you deeply love?: No, even if they are being fed to Mutated Ill-Tempered Sea Bass.
What is the difference between being alive and truly living?: If you are truly living, then you are having fun, experiencing love, going places, seeing things. If you are only alive, you could be somewhat like a tree, a boring bland person with nothing to talk about. I intend on living.
You see sixty cups on a table. If one comes off the table, then how many are left? (Do not take this question verbally. ;)): 60
Take 30, divide it by 1/2, then add the number 10 to the number. What number do you have now?: 30/.5=60, 60+10=70, so the answer is 70.


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
Main Details:
IGN (In-Game-Name): leverboyisgreat (But call me Lever)
Teamspeak Nickname: Parzival
Age: 14
Why would you like to join this server (give me a good 5-6 sentences explaining why):
Other servers are full of idiots. Griefers have griefed my homes non-stop, and I've been looking for a good server that has people who can think. Also, people that talk like "hey bby wna hang in me bass wit meeeeeeeeee" piss me off. :p
Why would you choose this server over any other server (give me a good 5-6 sentences explaining why): Like I said above, people. Idiots that don't give a care what they do and how it could affect others. Some grief for "teh lulz" and don't know how much time people put into whatever is being griefed.
What exactly can you bring to this server, to improve it (give me a good 5-6 sentences explaining): Well, one of my plans in a different server was to make an emporium of all the different mods in FTB. It got greifed. I like to play with others and know quite a bit about FTB.
Do you have any bans on record? If so, please list them and tell me why you were banned: One, from my friends server as a joke.

Password: I'm not a gullible dimwit.
Bonus Questions (These are not necessary, but they will increase your chances of joining the server):
Which is worse, failing or trying?: Failing. "At least I tried" is used as an excuse. Learn from your mistakes.
Would you break the national law to save someone you deeply love?: No, even if they are being fed to Mutated Ill-Tempered Sea Bass.
What is the difference between being alive and truly living?: If you are truly living, then you are having fun, experiencing love, going places, seeing things. If you are only alive, you could be somewhat like a tree, a boring bland person with nothing to talk about. I intend on living.
You see sixty cups on a table. If one comes off the table, then how many are left? (Do not take this question verbally. ;)): 60
Take 30, divide it by 1/2, then add the number 10 to the number. What number do you have now?: 30/2=15, 15+10=25, so the answer is 25.
I really don't want to do this. I really really don't want to do this, but... You only put 2 sentences for the most important parts of the application, it even very clearly states "give me a good 5-6 sentences explaining why" for each question. I don't want to sound rude or anything, and I'm really not trying to, but please at least put some effort into the application, I just don't understand why you can't follow what is so clearly said in bold and large font. I'm not calling you ignorant, or anything of the sort, it's just I don't understand why. Winn, I know you'll see this and I'm sorry for doing this. I just couldn't fight the urge to post this. I'm sorry :(


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
I really don't want to do this. I really really don't want to do this, but... You only put 2 sentences for the most important parts of the application, it even very clearly states "give me a good 5-6 sentences explaining why" for each question. I don't want to sound rude or anything, and I'm really not trying to, but please at least put some effort into the application, I just don't understand why you can't follow what is so clearly said in bold and large font. I'm not calling you ignorant, or anything of the sort, it's just I don't understand why. Winn, I know you'll see this and I'm sorry for doing this. I just couldn't fight the urge to post this. I'm sorry :(

In three words I can sum up everything I've learned about life: it goes on. -Robert Frost =]


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
I really don't want to do this. I really really don't want to do this, but... You only put 2 sentences for the most important parts of the application, it even very clearly states "give me a good 5-6 sentences explaining why" for each question. I don't want to sound rude or anything, and I'm really not trying to, but please at least put some effort into the application, I just don't understand why you can't follow what is so clearly said in bold and large font. I'm not calling you ignorant, or anything of the sort, it's just I don't understand why. Winn, I know you'll see this and I'm sorry for doing this. I just couldn't fight the urge to post this. I'm sorry :(
No need to be sorry, and I see what you're trying to say. Truth is that I can be a little lazy. Let's try again.
Why would you like to join this server (give me a good 5-6 sentences explaining why): 1. I would like to play in a grief and idiot-free environment. 2. Want to learn much more about FTB, but not from youtube. 3. I want to play with other people, like deathbringer0924, and have fun. 4. I want to make some friends who might tag along with me on other adventures in different server, and maybe even long term friends. 5. Living in a civilized place in minecraft has never been a thing that I got to do. Looking forward to spending a lot of time on this server.
Why would you choose this server over any other server (give me a good 5-6 sentences explaining why):
1. It has no griefers and good grammer/spelling(I hope) 2. Small communities, I've always liked them. Getting to know everyone on the server will be a nice part. 3. Whitelist. A random griefer can't log on, grief, then leave to another to grief. 4. Stable. Winn even said when he will reset and what you can do to save your stuff. 5. All the mods, (Excluding EE), a think that big servers can't trust with a public.
What exactly can you bring to this server, to improve it (give me a good 5-6 sentences explaining): 1. Knowledge. I know a bit about FTB, and I intend on trying to teach others. Maybe even building a facility dedicated to teaching. 2. Friendship. I like to play with others more than anything, and am totally open to new play styles and machinery that my partner suggests. I intend on trying to make the server a better place. 3. Ideas. Not to brag but sometimes a come up with really cool ideas. Mostly they disperse within about a minute, and I should really keep a notepad on my desk. 4. Moderation. If someone griefs, their name goes on the forum. 5. Fun. Some say I can be funny or goofy, and I try to brighten ones day. Keep in mind not to add me to the server out of guilt, but if I really deserve it. Thanks for considering this application.


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
Main Details:
IGN (In-Game-Name): Legomike666
Teamspeak Nickname: Legomike no mic
Age: 25
Why would you like to join this server: everything enabled and mature
Why would you choose this server over any other server: strict whitelist
What exactly can you bring to this server, to improve it: very little if anything
Do you have any bans on record?: no
Password: im not big on sentences

Bonus Questions:
Which is worse, failing or trying?: trying
Would you break the national law to save someone you deeply love?: i dont love anyone
What is the difference between being alive and truly living?: im currently alive
You see sixty cups on a table. If one comes off the table, then how many are left?: 1
Take 30, divide it by 1/2, then add the number 10 to the number. What number do you have now?: 12


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
Main Details:
IGN (In-Game-Name): Legomike666
Teamspeak Nickname: Legomike no mic
Age: 25
Why would you like to join this server: everything enabled and mature
Why would you choose this server over any other server: strict whitelist
What exactly can you bring to this server, to improve it: very little if anything
Do you have any bans on record?: no
Password: im not big on sentences

Bonus Questions:
Which is worse, failing or trying?: trying
Would you break the national law to save someone you deeply love?: i dont love anyone
What is the difference between being alive and truly living?: im currently alive
You see sixty cups on a table. If one comes off the table, then how many are left?: 1
Take 30, divide it by 1/2, then add the number 10 to the number. What number do you have now?: 12
Hey death, not as bad as this guy am I?


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
Main Details:
IGN (In-Game-Name): Anthaeus
Teamspeak Nickname: Anthaeus
Age: 44
Why would you like to join this server (give me a good 5-6 sentences explaining why): Not sure I can come up with a long answer to this one. Basically I want to join a server so I can work with other people on larger projects and it can be lonely playing solo. It would be nice to have people around to ask for advice on complex builds and mods I'm not that familiar with too.
Why would you choose this server over any other server (give me a good 5-6 sentences explaining why): You have a proper application process which should help provide a good community, there's always a chance that someone won't be honest on an application but from reading the posts on this thread I'm confident that you would deal with anything like that if it happened. Rule 9, this is a game and there isn't much point if it isn't fun.
What exactly can you bring to this server, to improve it (give me a good 5-6 sentences explaining): I will be able to play for at least 3 hours most days, and I have no problems with contributing to community projects. I've been playing modded minecraft since beta 1.8 and although I wouldn't call myself an expert I have a good basic knowledge of most of the mods in the FTB pack, so I can provide advice to any less experienced players on the server.
Do you have any bans on record? If so, please list them and tell me why you were banned: None
Password: Well, it isn't GOD, but that's all anyone will ever get out of me as far as passwords go.
Bonus Questions (These are not necessary, but they will increase your chances of joining the server):
Which is worse, failing or trying?: Neither are particularly bad, (unless you blow your house up with a badly designed nuclear reactor of course). I'd much rather try something and fail than be scared of something new.
Would you break the national law to save someone you deeply love?: That kinda depends on the law in question, something minor then absolutely yes, if it's something as extreme as killing someone then I really wouldn't know unless it actually happened.
What is the difference between being alive and truly living?: Being alive is a state of being, (you breathe, eat, drink and so on), living is the way you choose to spend your time. Truly living would depend a lot on your outlook on life, for me it's trying new things to work out not only what I enjoy but what can benefit other people as well.
You see sixty cups on a table. If one comes off the table, then how many are left? (Do not take this question verbally. ;)): There are probably more valid answers, but I can think of 4 off the top of my head. 59, (60-1), 5, (6 tea cups - 1), 60, (the one is referring to oneself getting off the table rather than a cup) and 6 (6 tea cups and oneself). Sound like a "can you think outside the box" question to me.
Take 30, divide it by 1/2, then add the number 10 to the number. What number do you have now?: 70


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
I really don't want to do this. I really really don't want to do this, but... You only put 2 sentences for the most important parts of the application, it even very clearly states "give me a good 5-6 sentences explaining why" for each question. I don't want to sound rude or anything, and I'm really not trying to, but please at least put some effort into the application, I just don't understand why you can't follow what is so clearly said in bold and large font. I'm not calling you ignorant, or anything of the sort, it's just I don't understand why. Winn, I know you'll see this and I'm sorry for doing this. I just couldn't fight the urge to post this. I'm sorry :(
Well, if you really didn't want to post that, then you wouldn't have posted it. :p And let me make this clear. The 5-6 sentence requirement is a requirement, yes, but it is also a guideline. Some people who do not follow the requirement but really put effort and thought into sentences that maybe are less than 5-6 sentences, that is fine. I just put that guideline there to make the applicant think and actually put effort into his/her application. So yeah. Don't do my job for me. :p
Hey death, not as bad as this guy am I?
Quoting the above post, please don't criticize applications; that is for me to do. :)

I have chosen the 3 new members of the server! I will post the results in a few hours, due to the fact I will not have access to the Internet, a computer, or my iPad for a few hours. Thank you all for applying, I am looking forward to greeting the new members. :)



New Member
Jul 29, 2019
Main Details:
IGN (In-Game-Name): Follay
Teamspeak Nickname: Senior Follay
Age: 19
Why would you like to join this server (give me a good 5-6 sentences explaining why): I would like to join because I prefer small communities and getting to know everyone, I also love multiplayer servers as I find that single player gets boring especially for modpacks. I would also like to join because all mods are enabled with the possibility of EE3. I also like the teamspeak server that way I can interact with other people that I socialize with in game. The idea of the strict whitelist as well prevents griefers from slipping in so I can build to my full degree.
Why would you choose this server over any other server (give me a good 5-6 sentences explaining why): I would choose this server over the others because it's a strict whitelist preventing griefers and such from trespassing. This means I can build in the wide open as long as it isn't conflicting with the rest of the community. I also would choose this server because it is a 24/7 server meaning whenever I get on I can enjoy playing with others and discussing our future ideas to automate our facilities. Another reason I would join is due to the possibility of an early EE3, now I wouldn't abuse but cmon, tin is sooo rare in this game or atleast I'm just unlucky and can never find any. I would also choose this server because unlike most servers, all mods are enabled. Meaning I can just enjoy myself while building not having to think, "Oh dear, is this a banned item? I hope I don't get kicked for it."
What exactly can you bring to this server, to improve it (give me a good 5-6 sentences explaining): For this server I can bring an above average building architecture style. I can also bring a friendly atmosphere to the community. I will also help whoever I can and show them how to do stuff. Also depending on how much they like it, I love exchanging materials for trade. I also never spam chat and when I'm in teamspeak I have push to talk enabled so I don't have to worry about any sort of background noise annoying the people of the community. I can also bring unique ideas on how to do certain tasks for automating machinery.
Do you have any bans on record? If so, please list them and tell me why you were banned: I do have 1 ban, it was an assigned task by another player who had a dispute with another. I never played on the server so when I hopped on he asked and I said sure. I griefed this player and was banned the next day. Do I regret it. why yes I do. It almost got me kicked out of another server that I had been playing in.
Password: I couldn't find a password so I'm not sure what to put here... =p
Bonus Questions (These are not necessary, but they will increase your chances of joining the server):
Which is worse, failing or trying?: Neither, the only way to succeed is to try and fail, now if you try and succeed your first time, then congrats. I wish that would happen more often
Would you break the national law to save someone you deeply love?: Yes
What is the difference between being alive and truly living?: Being alive just references that you are breathing but truly living means that you are living life to it's full degree. Having fun with friends and doing dare devil stunts for some people. But for me, living life fully is sitting here waiting for the pizza delivery man and playing games.
You see sixty cups on a table. If one comes off the table, then how many are left? (Do not take this question verbally. ;)): Well, for this it could be referring to the ordinary grade 1 question which would be 60-1=59? It could also be like 6 tea cups (I'm drinking tea right now hehe) so 6-1 would equal 5. Now, the way this is quoted, "if one comes off a table". See if I were to right it and it actually had something to do with a cup, wouldn't say if one fell off? So possibly this is referring to someone who was sitting at the table, and hopping off to tinkle or eat. Not too sure. Another idea could be that it is still 60, since you never stated "how many are left on the (table)".
Take 30, divide it by 1/2, then add the number 10 to the number. What number do you have now?: well 30/.5 would equal 60+10 so 70, I'm pretty sure.