My problem is pretty complex. I played FTB a lot, my laptop is pretty weak, but with game booster, optifine and lowest settings i was able to play around 20 fps what is playable. Two days ago I accidentaly force updated and I wasnt able to connect to the server I play on and somehow couldnt change the version. So I deleted all FTB and reinstalled. Now my fps is 1-2 and if I install optifine as i always did, my client stop working before i get to the main menu(but even without optifine, my fps shouldnt be that crap). What is interesting, if I stay logged in for a few minutes and then disconnect even my main menu laggs like hell.
I contacted with FTB support, opened a ticket and they sent me to this thread : http://desk.feed-the-beast.com/index.php?/Knowledgebase/Article/View/9/0/basic-troubleshooting
I followed all steps, deleted everything they sad, whole FTB even in appdata, deleted java and reinstalled again, no change at all. Disabled my Eset Nod32 and did the whole thing again, no change.
Please help!
My problem is pretty complex. I played FTB a lot, my laptop is pretty weak, but with game booster, optifine and lowest settings i was able to play around 20 fps what is playable. Two days ago I accidentaly force updated and I wasnt able to connect to the server I play on and somehow couldnt change the version. So I deleted all FTB and reinstalled. Now my fps is 1-2 and if I install optifine as i always did, my client stop working before i get to the main menu(but even without optifine, my fps shouldnt be that crap). What is interesting, if I stay logged in for a few minutes and then disconnect even my main menu laggs like hell.
I contacted with FTB support, opened a ticket and they sent me to this thread : http://desk.feed-the-beast.com/index.php?/Knowledgebase/Article/View/9/0/basic-troubleshooting
I followed all steps, deleted everything they sad, whole FTB even in appdata, deleted java and reinstalled again, no change at all. Disabled my Eset Nod32 and did the whole thing again, no change.
Please help!