How would you power a large player-run city without the use of Big Reactors and Tesseracts?

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New Member
Jul 29, 2019
More like this!



The Wouda pumping station, 1920.

Now forgive my tech-OT, presuming Railcraft will be used for steam production, it's boilers are fire-tube tipe ones (deduction based on their explosiveness), they are used to produe high volumes of steam at relatively low pressure and temperature, their use in the energy industry has ended almost 100 years ago, so I would stay around 1890-1900s buildings as examples, @Epidemia87 's favoutire style :D (Even though steam engines vould be more realistic)
I tend to be a perfectionist when it comes to that kind of buildings :p

Well I am working with the tools I am given, theres nothing in the game that looks quite like those machines (yet!) I dont need it to be 100 percent historically/scientifically accurate. Id say my factory design has the same atmosphere as the pictures you posted.


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
Magneticraft has awesome conveyor belts. Awesome because of the way they look and also because you cant accidentally pick up items from them, only the robotic arms that go along with the conveyors can. Lately it seems Magneticraft is all I can talk about.

Do they move faster than a turd goin down a hill covered in molasses? That's my primary problem with pretty much every other kind of conveyor belt available...especially MFR's belts.
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New Member
Jul 29, 2019
Do they move faster than a turd goin down a hill covered in molasses? That's my primary problem with pretty much every other kind of conveyor belt available...especially MFR's belts.

I havent really paid a lot of attention to the speed honestly, too busy gawking at the robots.


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
Do they move faster than a turd goin down a hill covered in molasses? That's my primary problem with pretty much every other kind of conveyor belt available...especially MFR's belts.
MFR allows you to apply redstone dust directly to a belt. You'll be surprised.

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New Member
Jul 29, 2019
Do they move faster than a turd goin down a hill covered in molasses? That's my primary problem with pretty much every other kind of conveyor belt available...especially MFR's belts.
Perhaps your expectations for how quickly item transport should work are just wrong.


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
Well I am working with the tools I am given, theres nothing in the game that looks quite like those machines (yet!) I dont need it to be 100 percent historically/scientifically accurate. Id say my factory design has the same atmosphere as the pictures you posted.

Yes, your buildings are perfectly fine, a little to crowded maybe, bit the style is perfect, accuracy in a game is just a personal preference, I won' t blame enyone for not placing flux ducts like three phase bus bars in their power plant :p

Perhaps your expectations for how quickly item transport should work are just wrong.
Correct, ore processing doesn' t need all that speed provided you provide enough buffer to void backlogging and items spilling all over tha place, all of the other machines or processes that I can think of will work perfectly fine if a constant stream of materials is transported, except MFR tree farms feeding boilers...
If only those conveyor belt were plain black and not Zebra-Like :p


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
I think he uses a custom modpack, the building blocks with the nice textures are from Chisel, diesel generators from Immersive Engeneering, boilers from Railcraft, turbines and power lines from Magneticraft and slope blocks from Carpenters Blocks. Probably you should check out FTB Infinity and add a couple of mods to it (Immersive integration/Magneticraft)
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Forum Addict
Jul 27, 2013
My answer would actually be a Forestry Tree Farm, and a BioFuel production base, then to run fuel trains to the basement of each building and power steam reactors down there. Small buildings get Steam Dynamos, big ones get a small turbine.
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New Member
Jul 29, 2019
My answer would actually be a Forestry Tree Farm, and a BioFuel production base, then to run fuel trains to the basement of each building and power steam reactors down there. Small buildings get Steam Dynamos, big ones get a small turbine.

That's...actually a pretty neat idea to run with. Instead of transporting the energy itself, transporting a thing that makes energy. ReactorCraft steam could also potentially work, as well, though you'd need a dedicated lube farm in addition to a reactor of some sort. Small houses only get a 1-2 stage turbine, but bigger ones could end up with larger ones in their basements. Combine that with ElectriCraft and an economy mod (not using real-world money, of course) and you could even sell different grades of battery and induction motors/generators to store your juice.
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New Member
Jul 29, 2019
My answer would actually be a Forestry Tree Farm, and a BioFuel production base, then to run fuel trains to the basement of each building and power steam reactors down there. Small buildings get Steam Dynamos, big ones get a small turbine.

Kicking it old school.
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New Member
Jul 29, 2019
This is kinda late, but I could not let this one go:

...The typical setup already requires the max amount of boilers (1 on front and 1 on back of absorber) to maintain stability IIRC.

Not even remotely close. I have put 120 boilers on a single active absorber. 5 absorbers tall ( You can use absorbers to transfer heat vertically. Only the 1 at the level of the reactor actually catches neutrons though ), and 5x5 around that of boilers, also 5 tall. For the task I had, this actually still wasn't enough. I had to use reflectors before the absorber to even out the neutron spikes before this became stable. The outer set rarely does anything, but when you do the things I do to the Tokamak, every little bit is needed.

Thanks to that, and some creativity in v6, I was able to make a Tokamak that probably could have produced in the 1-4TW range, if it didn't bring my FPS into the low single digits without even building any HPTs:( I forgot how many exactly, but I had gotten up to about 13-17 injectors on a single side.


Too Much Free Time
Dec 8, 2012
Lost as always
My answer would actually be a Forestry Tree Farm, and a BioFuel production base, then to run fuel trains to the basement of each building and power steam reactors down there. Small buildings get Steam Dynamos, big ones get a small turbine.
I would go with MFR's biofuel and biofuel reactors personally over this system. Same basic concept of transporting fluids around rather than trying to transport power in energy state. At 140/t per block, they've got a much higher energy density per block than the boilers, and don't have the obnoxious spin-up time.
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Forum Addict
Jul 27, 2013
Power up time is minimal with 1x1 boilers. Bigger boilers just get a local fuel buffer tank before being turned on.


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
I would go with MFR's biofuel and biofuel reactors personally over this system. Same basic concept of transporting fluids around rather than trying to transport power in energy state. At 140/t per block, they've got a much higher energy density per block than the boilers, and don't have the obnoxious spin-up time.

In the context of a big city build surely the aesthetics of the generation solution are important. As such arguing for a magic box solution seems counter productive in this case.
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