how to reach that divine FPS

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New Member
Jul 29, 2019
you sometimes see people post screenshots with an insanely high FPS, both vanilla and modded minecraft, but I always wondered, what did they do to get such a high FPS?

I don't really have a bad computer, but I get about 200FPS at max, but there are people who can go well over 600FPS. did they spend insane amount of money on a monster computer, or did they overclock their whole system or did they do something else that I'm missing?


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
why do you bother having FPS higher than 60 in the first place?

Some monitors/tvs have higher refresh rates. Plasma lays claim to 600, but it turns out that's just a quirk of needing to be that fast to properly handle luminance.


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
Vanilla Fresh generated Flatlands with minimum settings (tiny, no smooth lightning, all fast), look up + optifine. There you go 400 fps shown.


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
so is mine, but difference between 60 and 60+ so small that it's almost negligible. i do understand need going higher than 30 but higher than 60 not so much.
I've used a 120hz monitor before and I can definitely tell the difference between 60 and 120fps, but like you said, if the FPS is above refresh rate, there's no point needing to go any higher as your only monitor can only display as many frames per second as your refresh rate (120hz = 120fps max, 60hz = 60fps max, you get the idea)


Jul 24, 2013
Actually, a higher FPS indicates that your hardware isn't being bogged down by calculating new video data.

Granted, we can only see what our monitors can show us, which is determined by the monitor refresh rate, but a higher FPS indicates your system is capable of providing that number of frames smoothly.

As far as not being able to see more than 60 FPS, that's nonsense. The original reason that 60Hz refresh was chosen for TV was to be cheap... In the US 60Hz happens to be the (highly regulated) frequency of the AC power delivered to our home wall outlets and therefore a ready source to easily synchronize to. In fact, 60Hz refresh in TV is really 30 FPS, since each frame originally took two cycles to fully transmit. This is called "Interlace".

Other places in the world like the UK use 50Hz as their AC frequency, therefor their TVs had a 50Hz refresh. Nobody there is claiming that 50FPS is the most you can see, are they? Also, since film-based cinema (until very recently) universally uses 24 FPS, UK TV was closer to a cinematic experience as the FPS of a 50Hz interlaced signal is 25FPS, 1 frame different.


Well-Known Member
Jul 10, 2013
the problem is when trying to find a solution to unplayable fps (10>) is that everybody tells you 10 billion different things to do. Is there anyone that is actually knowledgeable on this topic? Mine starts at 26 which is fine with me and then degrades within a minute. Is there someone that's technical support here at ftb that I could talk with?[DOUBLEPOST=1390765583][/DOUBLEPOST]What info would be helpful in someone to help me troubleshoot my progressivly bad fps.


Well-Known Member
Jul 10, 2013
Actually not sure why I never tried the support forums. Hopefully eye's sticked thread is all the answer I've needed.


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
A few tips when buying a system for games:
1: Never buy computers at your local supermarket or discount stores.
2: Consult people who actually know something about computers.
3: Never trust the staff at your hardware store. They are usually instructed to sell a specific system.
4: If possible, build your own computer.
5: Never buy a laptop for gaming. (There is no such thing as a laptop for serious gaming)

Once you got a powerful system, you need to maintain it.
  • Do not install various small free programs.
  • Do not install tools like search bars or drive cleaner/checker/patcher/updater/booster/dishwasher/toiletflusher or whatever.
  • Never just click "Next" "Next" "Next" when installing programs. A lot of these will add other unnecessary features.
  • A bunch of programs has the option to "Launch on start up" Do not use that feature unless you really need that program to start up every single time.
  • Keep your OS, Drivers and programs updated.
Take good care of your computer and you will be able to reach those "Divine FPS" ;)


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
1. Build your own computer with not-shitty hardware.
2. See step 1.
3. Install what you need and not any programs that claim to speed up a computer. There is no such thing.


Popular Member
Feb 17, 2013
Um, do you mean 20 and 60?
5: Never buy a laptop for gaming. (There is no such thing as a laptop for serious gaming)

Not true. I have a gaming laptop and it does, indeed, do serious gaming. No, it doesn't have the power of the top-of-of-the-line desktop, but it has enough to run anything you throw at it at max setting or nearly max settings. It certainly runs Minecraft very well.

Mind, it was expensive. As a general rule of thumb, you'll pay two or three times as much for a laptop as you will pay for an equivalent desktop PC. And weight and battery life are issues. Finding a laptop bag to carry mine was fun, mine exceeds the maximum size of most of them.


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
I get 20 lmao (laptop) , my pc got 120 though power pack is blown now I can't afford a new one.


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
The key to buying a good computer is knowing what is expected of it and building to that expectation.