How to get Extra Irridium for GregTec

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With This In Mind Will You Give GregTech Another Chance?

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Honestly, I just change the config settings to drop the matterfab and re-enable the massfab. Although I've never really bothered with the massfab before, I might actually be tempted to try one out, just to help supplement my copper reserves I expend while trying to get the CRCS system perfected.

Some people just don't like change, so of course they're not going to like this mod. Some people just don't like the concept of changing other mod's recipes, so they won't like this mod either on those grounds. Some people don't like it because they didn't like it back in the FTB Beta, and despite the fact that it has changed significantly, they refuse to change their opinion no matter how much evidence is provided. Some are just contrary like that.

There's all kinds of reasons people might dislike GregTech. And they're entirely welcome and entitled to their opinion.

Personally, I don't see why anyone would dislike Thermal Expansion. But some people do. And again, they are welcome and entitled to that opinion as well.

They don't have to be rational on this topic, and you aren't going to change anyone's opinion.

Sharing a way to get more Iridium? Good. Claiming that this is the only thing people have against GregTech? Not so good.
I didn't say it's the only thing they have against it I just said its the main thing that I've noticed
I didn't say it's the only thing they have against it I just said its the main thing that I've noticed

O rly? I think you do buddy... I've read up on it and watched vids and this is mostly why...[DOUBLEPOST=1361737236][/DOUBLEPOST]
Come again?

In fact, that entire argument you had with Hoff is a prime example of what I am talking about. You assumed his problem with GregTech was the irridium thing. His statement that he couldn't stand the mod long enough to get that far in should have been an indication that you were wrong. Instead, you not only didn't get it, you belittled him for his perfectly valid opinion and asked him how would he know his own opinion if he didn't try your suggestion that has nothing to do with why he doesn't like the mod in the first place?

Seriously, go back and read this whole thread again. Please. Take a moment to objectively look at your posts, how they are aimed at others, and how it could come across to a neutral third party. Ask yourself... if you were a mod, would you hand out an infraction for that statement?

Look, people often do short-sided things when they get up on their feelings. It's basic human nature, god knows I've been guilty of it a time or two thousand. But I also think you should probably realize that this can happen, and that you might want to think a second time before posting something while irate. It might help you make your points in a more convincing manner. Because let's face it... if someone hates the mod, they are never going to change their opinion on it. Because humans are, in general, stubborn cusses. So the people you are actually pitching your viewpoint to are the undecided neutral parties. And if you come off as a reactionary jerk, none of them are going to want to listen to you, no matter how accurate your statements might be.

tl;dr: Take a chill pill, don't try to claim you never said something you did in a forum where people can throw your exact words back in your face, and let's try it again without the whole reactionary vibe to it... mmmkay?

Come again?

In fact, that entire argument you had with Hoff is a prime example of what I am talking about. You assumed his problem with GregTech was the irridium thing. His statement that he couldn't stand the mod long enough to get that far in should have been an indication that you were wrong. Instead, you not only didn't get it, you belittled him for his perfectly valid opinion and asked him how would he know his own opinion if he didn't try your suggestion that has nothing to do with why he doesn't like the mod in the first place?

Seriously, go back and read this whole thread again. Please. Take a moment to objectively look at your posts, how they are aimed at others, and how it could come across to a neutral third party. Ask yourself... if you were a mod, would you hand out an infraction for that statement?

Look, people often do short-sided things when they get up on their feelings. It's basic human nature, god knows I've been guilty of it a time or two thousand. But I also think you should probably realize that this can happen, and that you might want to think a second time before posting something while irate. It might help you make your points in a more convincing manner. Because let's face it... if someone hates the mod, they are never going to change their opinion on it. Because humans are, in general, stubborn cusses. So the people you are actually pitching your viewpoint to are the undecided neutral parties. And if you come off as a reactionary jerk, none of them are going to want to listen to you, no matter how accurate your statements might be.

tl;dr: Take a chill pill, don't try to claim you never said something you did in a forum where people can throw your exact words back in your face, and let's try it again without the whole reactionary vibe to it... mmmkay?
How come you're hating on me when all I said is my point of view?
As a rule if you post your point of view in public you have opened it up to be discussed and challenged. If you are not willing to discuss your point of view or have it be discussed, you shouldn't post it. There are minor exceptions but this is not one of them.

As someone who likes GregTech, I don't feel that having to install another mod to make the game enjoyable is a good sign regarding its quality nor it being worth my time to play; nevermind the fact that Mekanism is a pretty decent mod. To answer your question then, if I did not like GregTech, having to install Mekanism or another Platinum-seeding mod to make it playable would not convince me to retry the mod - in fact it would put me off even more.

Most of the stuff hiding behind the Iridium/Platinum resource wall is supposed to be a long-term goal anyway, so I wouldn't install something with the aim of circumventing that. In fact these days I feel that Iridium has been overnerfed in GregTech slightly, but enough to be annoying.
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As handy hints as they were for getting irridium GregTech is still an utter dick of a mod to get through.

As a stand alone mod it's fine, I could ignore it with ease.
But when it's included in to modbpacks like FTB it get really annoying to avoid.
Lucky SSP players can disable it at will or even toy with the incredibly annoying config (if you want to re-enable craftable iron blocks you also have to find the config option for doing the reverse, and you have to do this for EVERY block not just iron).
Sure, people can do this for SMP too but many servers either opt in to the hard mode stuff or in most cases bear with it becasue they are too lazy, dumb and or scared to toy with the config.

I'm always; "Ohh, Admin/ mod I see that you have the annoying GT steel tools on. Is this on purpose?"
Mod/admin; "Naa man, I'm not sure what that's about I remember tekkit made it with refined iron I guess they changed it"
Me; "ohh well... It's actually due to some annoying mod GregTech you can change it back to normal by config settings"
Admin; "Ohh really? umm... I dunno, you might wanna get used to it becasue I am really bad with that config stuff"
Me; *IRL facepalm* "OK then..." *puts up with slow ass gameplay for 3 weeks then quits to find a server that disables the steel tools*

I actually think GregTech would get a hell of a lot less hate if the hard mode recipes were not default and or had an in game mechanism for the settings. I mean just the stuff that affects standard IC2 despite the hate there are a lot a nifty things in GT.
Then again I do understand that pointless frustrating difficulty is the whole point of the mod. But thanks to mod packs like FTB it sort of complicates things for the creator the mod pack creators have to consider how adding certain mods will draw a lot of misguided players to the original modder. Usually with problems that arise when mods are mixed, like EE2's rod exploit back in the day.
Eh, IC2 tools are really not that important anymore.

These days, you're going to want a Fortune pick, probably Ruby/Sapphire/Green Sapphire one. Then upgrade to Thaumium with Fortune and Repair. Pickaxe of the Core really isn't necessary within the context of the mod pack, unless you want to use it as a divining rod. MPS also makes it mostly outdated, even if it is more resource-intensive.

Honestly, IC2 is starting to look like a mod which can be fun, but can also be skipped entirely. Most of the addon mods to IC2 are relevant to IC2 (Gtech, Compact/Advanced Solars...), with MFFS being the sole exception that I am aware of. And even then, MFFS can be run without needing IC2, since it can accept MJ. I believe it is still dependent on IC2 for materials and construction components, though.

Don't get me wrong, I'm not trying to bash IC2, it's a lot of fun to play around with. I'm one of the few nuclear engineers left on the IC2 forums. However, unlike in 1.2.5, it isn't absolutely super-critical or vital to have ASAP anymore. TE does a better job with ore processing, TC has better tools, and not needing to build a third energy infrastructure is a very attractive reason to simply not bother with it anymore.
can understand the people who want to reach everything in no time.
there was the exploit with platinum and rich slag a while ago, and im very happy that this is not possible anymore (i think its not possible)

Make super enchanted Nano Armor, Sword, and Bow with EXP from spawner.
it is possible to enchant the nano? o.O

so far i love gregtech for the hard recipes, especially for the hard solars.
i have got most of my iridum with ferrous ore and sheldonite.
the most annoying thing i have in gregtech is the long time with the industrial centrifuge, blast furnace etc.

Honestly, IC2 is starting to look like a mod which can be fun, but can also be skipped entirely.
yep. im using IC2 only for the energy network/storage, because it is compatible with most of the other mods.
(Electrical Engine for Buildcraft, all the UE stuff)
also im using the Macerator and co, just because its a habit. it could also be replaced with pulverizer and all these stuff.
also i loved IC2 for its nuclear reactor, but since it is a waste of ressources im using the UE reactors (also they look cooler and the uranium refinement is better)
IC2 tools are good for the beginning, now im using Vajra for fast digging, Wand of Ex. for long range digging, or a good fortune for coal, redstone, diamonds etc.
books? thats this possible with quantum/gravity stuff too?
something like fortune for my Vajra would be nice, thorns for my gravi etc
Yes it is very possible to enchant nano, you have to use books though :)

Actually it might not be, I remember being able to enchant my drill with the anvil. But I tried it again and it looked like it worked but the chant "fell off" the drill and returned the book but eating my exp.
Eh, IC2 tools are really not that important anymore.

These days, you're going to want a Fortune pick, probably Ruby/Sapphire/Green Sapphire one. Then upgrade to Thaumium with Fortune and Repair. Pickaxe of the Core really isn't necessary within the context of the mod pack, unless you want to use it as a divining rod. MPS also makes it mostly outdated, even if it is more resource-intensive.

Honestly, IC2 is starting to look like a mod which can be fun, but can also be skipped entirely. Most of the addon mods to IC2 are relevant to IC2 (Gtech, Compact/Advanced Solars...), with MFFS being the sole exception that I am aware of. And even then, MFFS can be run without needing IC2, since it can accept MJ. I believe it is still dependent on IC2 for materials and construction components, though.

Don't get me wrong, I'm not trying to bash IC2, it's a lot of fun to play around with. I'm one of the few nuclear engineers left on the IC2 forums. However, unlike in 1.2.5, it isn't absolutely super-critical or vital to have ASAP anymore. TE does a better job with ore processing, TC has better tools, and not needing to build a third energy infrastructure is a very attractive reason to simply not bother with it anymore.

Yeah you might be right, However setting up a system for producing and storing MJ is a pain in the ass (at least for me). Industrial engines and a decent boiler however makes it bearable. But storing the MJ is still a problem making that storage cube's a PITA... It's my only barrier to using TE a bit more really.
Yeah you might be right, However setting up a system for producing and storing MJ is a pain in the ass (at least for me). Industrial engines and a decent boiler however makes it bearable. But storing the MJ is still a problem making that storage cube's a PITA... It's my only barrier to using TE a bit more really.
The cube is not any more difficult to make than an MFE, which has comparable storage capacity. What exactly is so difficult about it?
Indeed, which is why adding platinum is silly when you can use ferrous ore to get platinum to make iridium.

One ferrous ore block will industrial grind into three nickel, one small pile of platinum dust, and one small pile of copper dust.

So that means it is four ferrous ore for one platinum dust pile, which is then worth two iridium nuggets. The matter fabricator takes four iridium ingots, which means you will need thirty-six iridium nuggets, so eighteen platinum dust piles, or seventy-two ferrous ore in total to make your matter fabricator.

It takes maybe two quarries at full size to get that much ferrous ore, which means a few hours of manual mining if you are unlucky.

So why do you need to make that even easier?

This is what i did weeks ago and it solved my iridium problem. i'd have tons more if i'd known about this on my first quarry.

BTW I HATE and LOVE Gregtech. So many just don't get the mod. forget the late game stuff. Thanks to Gregtech I learned the OTHER mods and steamrolled into IC2. Thermal Expansion took care of ore processing. Computercraft/Turtles took care of my mining. Thaumcraft took care of my farming. RedPower sorted everything. Forestry & Steve Carts got me unlimited fuel without the nether and lava!

THEN when I started into wanting a Quantum suit (the only thing i need from IC2) Gregtech HELPED me even with the ridiculous crafting. The semifluid generators run on biomass and produce the same EU/t as advanced solars... early IC2 energy problems solved. Getting the electrolyzer and blast furnace to refince bauxite into titanium was MY problem. But without the semifluid generators i wouldn't have been able to get there. I even started milking the nether because of the awesome Thermal generators.

I'm still struggling to generate EU in enough volume to make uu-matter quickly but I'm there. And I LOVE Gregtech. I've learned how to use the other mods now and I'm about 98% independent of IC2 in the process. Gregtech made me NOT use Gregtech so that when I did use Gregtech I was ready.

Thank you Greg!
This is what i did weeks ago and it solved my iridium problem. i'd have tons more if i'd known about this on my first quarry.

BTW I HATE and LOVE Gregtech. So many just don't get the mod. forget the late game stuff. Thanks to Gregtech I learned the OTHER mods and steamrolled into IC2. Thermal Expansion took care of ore processing. Computercraft/Turtles took care of my mining. Thaumcraft took care of my farming. RedPower sorted everything. Forestry & Steve Carts got me unlimited fuel without the nether and lava!

THEN when I started into wanting a Quantum suit (the only thing i need from IC2) Gregtech HELPED me even with the ridiculous crafting. The semifluid generators run on biomass and produce the same EU/t as advanced solars... early IC2 energy problems solved. Getting the electrolyzer and blast furnace to refince bauxite into titanium was MY problem. But without the semifluid generators i wouldn't have been able to get there. I even started milking the nether because of the awesome Thermal generators.

I'm still struggling to generate EU in enough volume to make uu-matter quickly but I'm there. And I LOVE Gregtech. I've learned how to use the other mods now and I'm about 98% independent of IC2 in the process. Gregtech made me NOT use Gregtech so that when I did use Gregtech I was ready.

Thank you Greg![/quotP
This is what i did weeks ago and it solved my iridium problem. i'd have tons more if i'd known about this on my first quarry.

BTW I HATE and LOVE Gregtech. So many just don't get the mod. forget the late game stuff. Thanks to Gregtech I learned the OTHER mods and steamrolled into IC2. Thermal Expansion took care of ore processing. Computercraft/Turtles took care of my mining. Thaumcraft took care of my farming. RedPower sorted everything. Forestry & Steve Carts got me unlimited fuel without the nether and lava!

THEN when I started into wanting a Quantum suit (the only thing i need from IC2) Gregtech HELPED me even with the ridiculous crafting. The semifluid generators run on biomass and produce the same EU/t as advanced solars... early IC2 energy problems solved. Getting the electrolyzer and blast furnace to refince bauxite into titanium was MY problem. But without the semifluid generators i wouldn't have been able to get there. I even started milking the nether because of the awesome Thermal generators.

I'm still struggling to generate EU in enough volume to make uu-matter quickly but I'm there. And I LOVE Gregtech. I've learned how to use the other mods now and I'm about 98% independent of IC2 in the process. Gregtech made me NOT use Gregtech so that when I did use Gregtech I was ready.

Thank you Greg!
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The cube is not any more difficult to make than an MFE, which has comparable storage capacity. What exactly is so difficult about it?

It's a bit finicky for my tastes. Too many extra machines are involved, you need an induction smelter for the hardened glass (which forces me to mine obsidian too, no) to make the frame. Then you need to melt the redstone in a magma crucible and transfer that liquid to a liquid transposer to fill the cube. You also already need a decent MJ setup to begin with to do this.

The only finicky thing about making an MFE is rubber production. Which requires a extractor well not really you can just cook the resin in a furnace. But once you have the mats you can make it all in a crafting table.

I find MJ's a little too difficult to store early game to be as reliable as I want it to be. If they added an MJ version of a bat box that can be made with nothing but a crafting table mebby I'd use it more. As it is now TE machines feel like mid level stuff.

I could also just be too used to EU.

That being said I do tend to use TE stuff when a server uses the hard mode macerator becasue TE becomes a hell of a lot less finicky in comparison and much more viable. But I do hate how difficult it is to store MJ without that cube, that and redstone pipes always blow up on me... I have a tendency to leave my engines on to come back to a nasty crater apparently stirlings explode... I get this problem with Forestry too, I've come home sometimes to find my lumber mill is now a crater.
@Azzanine For the obsidian, just make a GT electric breaker, it's another GT version of igneous extruder that convert redstone to obsidian (vanilla trick), put lava at the right side of the machine and water at the left side of it.
@Azzanine For the obsidian, just make a GT electric breaker, it's another GT version of igneous extruder that convert redstone to obsidian (vanilla trick), put lava at the right side of the machine and water at the left side of it.
Hmm, that's kind of handy I guess. But I was speaking in context of having TE REPLACE IC2 (and subsequently GregTech). As that's what Shneeky was talking about, IC2's possible obsolescence.
Hmm, that's kind of handy I guess. But I was speaking in context of having TE REPLACE IC2 (and subsequently GregTech). As that's what Shneeky was talking about, IC2's possible obsolescence.

It's just a suggestion from me for the obsidian. I made all TE processing machines just for the liquid tesseract which I use for oil gathering to energy and redstone conduit (because BC dev decided to destroy the conductive pipe) that's to power my XBee machines.

If only BC dev decided not to make BC conductive pipe exploding like crazy.. sigh..