How often do you visit other people's bases?

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New Member
Jul 29, 2019
I only ever play with friends though, so its never really been an issue.
Yep, but then theres the whole trolling thing :p(I don't mind a good troll).

@Lawbroken got me good today.


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
I like putting a single cicada in my friend's base on occasion. I also plan to fake out people using qcraft's viewer dependent blocks. Like replacing their floors and stuff with groups of blocks that will disapear when observed from the wrong direction.


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
I like putting a single cicada in my friend's base on occasion. I also plan to fake out people using qcraft's viewer dependent blocks. Like replacing their floors and stuff with groups of blocks that will disapear when observed from the wrong direction.
Oh dear, Cicadas are the worst.

Even worse is when @Lawbroken puts a timer and a howler alarm hidden in your floor :p


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
Oh dear, Cicadas are the worst.

Even worse is when @Lawbroken puts a timer and a howler alarm hidden in your floor :p

Thats pretty evil, my friends play with headsets. I just want to annoy them, not blow out their ear drums :). I did put poisonous bees in someone's base once. Hurts like hell but doesnt kill them. Sometimes I do server backups and setup something really wicked, like lightening bees.
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Bomb Bloke

New Member
Jul 29, 2019
I bred the energetic branch of bees (again) the other week; managed to clean forget about their lightning trait in the process.

The first strike hit within a few seconds of the new queen going in the apiary. I turned around to see my three-story house (made entirely out of wood) on fire. A second strike hit... somewhere... before I got the queen out.

I managed to extinguish the place before more then a few blocks caught, but not before the villager I'd trapped on the second floor noticed the newly formed gap in the balcony's fence. He leapt to his doom, while on fire.

Wish I could've recorded it really.


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
Yep, but then theres the whole trolling thing :p(I don't mind a good troll).

You mean pranking I think.[DOUBLEPOST=1391152295][/DOUBLEPOST]
Thats pretty evil, my friends play with headsets. I just want to annoy them, not blow out their ear drums :). I did put poisonous bees in someone's base once. Hurts like hell but doesnt kill them. Sometimes I do server backups and setup something really wicked, like lightening bees.

When buildcraft puts the builder back in, you won't need a server backup. You can blow their *@#$% up, but then rebuild it. With a builder hidden close to bedrock they will be even more confused...


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
I like putting a single cicada in my friend's base on occasion. I also plan to fake out people using qcraft's viewer dependent blocks. Like replacing their floors and stuff with groups of blocks that will disapear when observed from the wrong direction.
Note to self: Q-Craft sounds fun. It'll allow for a bridge of faith that only exists when you aren't looking at it. Or rather, while you look straight up. Fluid interaction sounds like a blast as well.

Anyway, when I played on Servers, I tend to visit other peoples places once in a while, check in, say hi, try to be polite and not be a bother. Always replant crops if I harvest any, and try to leave a gift if I can. I have on occasion grabbed a bite to eat from someones chest, but I never take things beyond the rough value of a stack of cobblestone in a iron chest full of the stuff unless offered. I mean, I built the community workshop myself, basically, but I used UUM from a guy's enderchest. Might seem evil, but trust me, he wouldn't have even noticed I had taken any unless he was actually counting the amount he had. Which is silly as he made so much he voided what he couldn't store in a public "private" ender chest. It's his frequency, but he had it just sitting for us in the unused and unfinished public workshop. So I took a couple stacks of UUM, made EVERYTHING I could, including all the upgrades for the Industrial Blast Furnace, all our Mekinism Ultimate Factories, and the missing sets of GT Machines. Then I took a few extra stacks to go build a house and buggered off. All in all, a pretty good day.
A backup is much faster for the level of destruction I am refering to.
Yeah, an Anti-Matter Explosive is pretty powerful. Unless you are counting actual radius, in which case, it's roughly as powerful as a Nuclear Explosive, just clean. But still, if you're doing backups, why use Anti-Matter and not a Nuclear Cluster Missile? One is badass, another is John McClane having a bad day.
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New Member
Jul 29, 2019
True, but in FTB, if one wants lots of rotten flesh for a build they tend not to go out and collect it like they would in regular MineCraft - they build something that'll generate so much of the stuff that they suddenly feel the need to build more disk drives or whatever to store it all.

That is to say, people tend to have insignificant amounts of items they don't care about, or more then they could ever use if they do. Middle ground's getting rarer, and so are items that even qualify as "rare" - MystCraft + Quarries + AE systems = everyone has everything accessible via one block within the first week.
So true. I needed a like a a stack of string, so I setup a cotton farm.
A day later...
Oops that barrel is already full...


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
I like playing on the same server as others, but am not a very easy person to build with (my girlfriend tried, multiple times, but it never worked out, we just had different priorities when it came down to how we play) But playing seperately on the same server? Perfect, I can see what others are doing if I want to and if I don't, I don't have to.
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New Member
Jul 29, 2019
(my girlfriend tried, multiple times, but it never worked out, we just had different priorities when it came down to how we play)
I know that feel. That actually killed the last server because I invited a friend on, and we all decided to live with each other. I had already been playing with another couple of friends for some weeks (one lived nearby, not with us), so we had some basic stuff. Every time I would hop on, I would see some gigantic improvement, well, improvement to them. He decided that we were going to use AE, built like 10 advanced mek solars, and got a full set of GT machines (yes, every single one). This all happened within week or so, and I just do not like powering through everything. People having different playstyles is fine, his was "get everything, automate everything, be able to make a full gravisuite in 10 seconds", mine is "have fun and do what I feel like doing".


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
I always try to run around and explore other people's bases on servers. I just never go in them unless they are around.
Last server I was on a had several good builders on it. And when the server was stated to get wiped a lot of us got together and toured every base on the server.
I was surprised though that I had seen everyone's base but nobody had ever visited my base. A group asked where my base was towards the middle of the tour and I took everyone there. I guess nobody ever looks for a glass domed city at the bottom of a quarried out ocean.

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New Member
Jul 29, 2019
I wonder if anyone has ever placed a turtle at max height above someone's base with a program to drop sand every real world day. "Damn endermen" they will say. Maybe they did it to me and I never noticed.