Thermal Expansion also has a recipe for packed ice, though I believe it's more expensive than Botania's.
Perfect, thanksSnowball + destabilized redstone in the fluid transposer
Extra utils lava generators...
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Custom modpack..I was under the impression that those were nerfed to near uselessness. Besides, if you have that much Lava, there are ways to net more obscene amounts of power with it.
Custom modpack..that is still in testing and modpacking phase... not using FTB pack
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Hmmm... really? A couple x64 lava generators. Has powered my AE system which needs 4kRF for it to run :/ (vut that is just my test world)Perhaps I was unclear. I thought the XU Dev decided those and the Pink Generators were OP and hit them hard with the Nerfhammer. Last time I played with an XU Lava Generator it wasn't worth the materials, as they would have been better spent on any other form of power gen. That said, it has been a while...
I generate my power from steam using mfrs steam boilers and turbines.
The steam boilers are fed Pyrotheum dust produced from a renewable factory. The factory starts with an mfr tree farm that is fed oak saplings to produce apples, logs, and more saplings. The apples are crushed (in a crushing factory) into mekanism bio fuel and fed into a bio-reactor to fuel just the planter and harvester.View attachment 28914 View attachment 28911The logs from the tree farm are sent into a Thermal Expansion powered furnace to produce charcoal. The charcoal is sent to a cyclic assembler(TE) to produce torches. The torches are piped into a precision sawmill from mekanism to produce 1 coal and 1 stick per 4 torches. This process converts logs into coal at the cost some power at a ratio of 1:1. The stick is sent back to the cyclic assembler for more torches. The cyclic assembler will never overflow with sticks as the sawmill does not duplicate sticks.(4 torches to 1 stick) View attachment 28920
[the hopper contains logs and the iron chest contains coal]The coal from the charcoal converter is pulverized into coal dust in a pulverizer(TE) with a chance of producing excess Sulfur(TE) that can be used to craft Pyrotheum dust but currently I am just storing it because it is not being produced fast enough. The pulverized coal(TE) is sent to a final cyclic assembler to be crafted into pyrotheum dust.
The cyclic assembler is also being fed redstone dust from a witch farm and blaze powder from a blaze farm. The crafting recipe for Pyrotheum dust also requires sulfur which I get from a cobble gen.
Cobblestone is generated using an igneous extruder(TE) that feeds into a pulverizer(TE) to produce sand that is sent into a cyclic assembler and gravel that is sent into a trash can. The cyclic assembler produces sandstone an feeds it into a pulveriser(TE) with secondary output upgrades to produce niter. The excess sand is scrapped and the niter is sent into an Enrichment Chamber from mekanism. The enrichment chamber produces gunpowder from the niter and the gunpowder is sent into an Industrialcraft 2 Extractor to produce sulfur(IC2) that is sent into the last cyclic assembler to produce pyrotheum dust. This system fuels 320 steam boilers(MFR) that produce steam for 768 steam turbines(MFR) to produce a maximum of 122,880 rf/t of self sustained power.View attachment 28935 View attachment 28936 View attachment 28939 View attachment 28941
Honestly I always feel guilty for using big reactors so I try to do things however to work around it. Also I was stress testing my auto-crafting system with making stacks of boilers, turbines, and vibrant capacitor banks.I enjoy the system you have running here, if only for its pure convolution. I've never found Pyrotheum Dust to be worth the effort of using for fuel, but I like that you built it nonetheless. Are you using the Sulfer from your Blaze farm to supplement your production as well? I was always stuffed with Sulfer when I had my Blaze farms running full tilt (was using the Blaze Rods as solid fuel).
Is Big Reactors in your pack? 768 Steam Boilers could run 153 max sized BR Turbines with steam to spare. At ~27kRF/t each, that comes out to well over 4.13 million RF/t using your existing Steam Boilers and fuel setup. Not too shabby. That said, if you can find a use for 4MRF/t that isn't just an assload of Laser Drills, you're my hero.