Yeah that rollercoaster is going to kill Direwolf and then turn him into a big puddle of "cool" and "awesome"
Also add - without destroying the endercrystals and you must shoot the dragon with a mining laser, and not miss once. And you must aggro ALL the endermen, and do the fight on the ground, while running from them.Needs more: "winning - kill a wither and the ender dragon solo without losing a heart of health due to high tech armour and throw some uu-matter at their corpses because you can." Then you're done.
Heh, I should almost never be taken seriously. Also, old school Nintendo is exactly what I was thinking of when I posted that.I'm not trying to do this Old-School Nintendo Hard, I'm trying to help a rookie. But I'll put it as "with some weaponary from mods"
To add to this a little, try Ultimate with easymode Gregtech before hardmode, you get to mess with all the gregtech stuff (disassembling things to their elements and making them into more valuable things) but with a lot less mining. If mining is your thing, go hardmode from the start, you'll be mining till your hair is grey.Here's my advice to you.
Start in the direwolf pack until you get all the basic stuff, then switch to Ultimate. Don't explore too far with direwolf, because Ultimate adds more ores and stuff like that. Also, gregtech makes everything much harder, so you probably won't be able to recraft most of your machines if they break. Get a nanosaber and hold onto it.
Once you have ultimate, open up NEI (all the items) and scroll through them, and see what you want, look at the recipes when applicable. After awhile you'll learn what everything does, and you should be able to combine them. You'll also learn the limitations by experimentation.
Bees and trees are how you evolve in FTB
Gravity gun? Works for me. Although I love it, I also hate it because I end up with a mess worse than a thousand endermen.Back in my day, getting stoned was not nearly as much fun.
Speaking of which, I'd really like to see me be able to throw cobblestone at enemies. Like, in a way that hurts them. I think that would make me smile.