So, it seems as if my application was too short last time.... let me fix that.
In-game Name:
Have you fully read and understood the rules?:
Yes I have. I've been reading them for about twenty minutes collectively, just browsing for MindCrack Servers on normal.
Motivate us why we should whitelist you:
Why should you whitelist me? That's a tough question. I could start by saying I have about a years' experience in vanilla. I started around early 1.8, as many people did. I never really did any single-player, just multiplayer. I have almost a year an a half of online, multiplayer experience. I have played this time (In vanilla) on only one server, and have become a respected, experienced member. It was fun, but after I got bored of building, I found that the technical aspect of Minecraft was more invigorating then just building. About half a year ago, I started with mods. Mainly, tekkit. I stopped playing vanilla for a long time just played it on and off, and played a whole lot of tekkit. I gained a lot of experience in mods through that, and then I got bored. Luckily, around that time, Feed the Beast came out! So, this leads to about here, where I am writing this application to join your server.
Why do you want to join us?:
I want to join you guys because you have what seems to be very mature, and well-rounded members, judging by your application system. You could also say I want to join the server because I am looking for a relatively small server, with mature members, and limited drama. I don't want to come on everyday to see someone else being banned. I want to have that sort of "life" aspect in a server. For example, living in a town, with active members always working to better the town, and none ever leaving. I also want a helpful community, as I am new to most of these mods. (I'll list my experience in the proper area) I also want an experience I won't forget. I also want a server that won't shutdown the next day. I think we've all seen enough of those for me not to explain this.
Do you have any previous bans?:
Nope, my record is clean!
If answered yes, how come?:
Well, if I was banned, I could give you a reason, but instead, I'll make one up for fun. I was banned because I had too many resources on a server, so they banned my and took all my stuff. XD
Do you have any experience with the mods?:
Yes, I have experience with some of the mods. Namely: Buildcraft, Industrialcraft, Thaumcraft, Soul Shards, Thermal Expansion, MFFS, and The Portal Gun mod.
P.S Why do you get kicked every 2hrs?:
Well, I believe the server shutdown every two hours so, it kicks us to avoid any player data loss.
What is your secret code?:
I hope this application is more up to your standards. Thank you for looking through both of mine. Best of luck with the server issues you seem to be having!