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New Member
Jul 29, 2019
Building bridges to where good sir? I usually quarry for it, then recycle all my Cobble, Fun Fact, did you know that you can get iridium via Platinum dust, which just happens to be result of recycling, as well as using a IND grinder on Iridium ore :)


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
Building bridges to where good sir? I usually quarry for it, then recycle all my Cobble, Fun Fact, did you know that you can get iridium via Platinum dust, which just happens to be result of recycling, as well as using a IND grinder on Iridium ore :)
Wasn't there Sheldonite in asteroids scattered around the emptiness of the End? I could have turtles building grids around the end between building and general resource acquisition.
Platinum Dust? like as a random result from scrap boxes?


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
Wasn't there Sheldonite in asteroids scattered around the emptiness of the End? I could have turtles building grids around the end between building and general resource acquisition.
Platinum Dust? like as a random result from scrap boxes?
Ah, i haven't played with sheldonite yet, so your guess is as good as mine XD and yeah, i have my setup as (Quarry)--(Sorting station)--(recyclers)--(autocrafting tables)--(ScrapBoxinator) :) works like a dream, as long as you remember to voidpipe all the wooden crap that you get. And minor correction you can get 1 tiny pile of platinum dust from a scrapbox.


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
4 Sheldonite + 4 Mercury (byproduct of centrifuging redstone) in the Industrial Grinder = 1 Iridium, 12 Platinum Dust, 4 Nickel dust. Replace the Mercury with water and platinum dust drops to 8, still good, considering that 8 platinum dust = 1 iridium in the centrifuge.

Also, Wolframium + Lithium in the fusion reactor = 1 iridium.


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
At the point of a fusion reactor, shouldn't you have enough UUM that you can just pump the stuff out like paper money? Maybe that's just the route i took, but still.


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
I'll just post this before people start turning 1 feather into 10 pre- v1.8 zombies.
Since this has left the premise of just being peoples opinions and has entered into more delicate matters.... can I ask why GregoriousT is so offensive to RichardG? I mean it is his mod he is butchering. Its nice that he asked Elo for her permission, and Sorym but did he ask RichardG? Did RichardG say yes? Why are they so anti each other when the mods have to tie so closely together?


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
I'd prefer to stay out of the RichardG versus Gregorious mess, but I will point out that RichardG did threaten to lock a thread on the IC2 forums, the one Gregorious uses both for distribution and discussion, over hearsay about plans Gregorious supposedly had/has/whatever about Redpower 2. Unless RichardG had a panic attack over that somehow being against the law and Eloraam suing the IC2 team (Anyone find that likely? No?), then one does have to scratch his head at why an interaction with Redpower 2 merits the locking of a thread and essential banning of a mod from the IC2 forums. Being offensive to an authority figure within their jurisdiction is foolish in any case, and is in general not a good thing, but considering the circumstances, I can't say I would be surprised. Honestly, I didn't pay enough attention to Gregorious' reply except to skim it and see the bit about asking permission, so I don't know how offensive he was.


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
Greg is treading all over the place with his mod and he's stepping on some feet.

At the point of a fusion reactor, shouldn't you have enough UUM that you can just pump the stuff out like paper money? Maybe that's just the route i took, but still.
It's nice to have a few extra Q-suits when the Vengeance Rust mobs from Infernal Mobs two-shot you through Gravi Chestplate. Hoping that was a bug, lol.

4 Sheldonite + 4 Mercury (byproduct of centrifuging redstone) in the Industrial Grinder = 1 Iridium, 12 Platinum Dust, 4 Nickel dust. Replace the Mercury with water and platinum dust drops to 8, still good, considering that 8 platinum dust = 1 iridium in the centrifuge.

Also, Wolframium + Lithium in the fusion reactor = 1 iridium.
Thanks. Any idea on how plentiful Sheldonite is on those asteroids?

Fusion reactor felt so out of reach even when I had a decent foothold in Tier IV x.x.


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
Since this has left the premise of just being peoples opinions and has entered into more delicate matters.... can I ask why GregoriousT is so offensive to RichardG? I mean it is his mod he is butchering. Its nice that he asked Elo for her permission, and Sorym but did he ask RichardG? Did RichardG say yes? Why are they so anti each other when the mods have to tie so closely together?

Industrialcraft is not RichardG's mod. The head of industrialcraft development is Alblaka, and thus it is Alblaka's mod.
Alblaka allows addons and modifications to his mod as long as some decent stuff is added. Alblaka's position on Gregtech is up to Alblaka himself to clarify on, but i am certain that he would have used his banhammer of doom long ago if he was not somewhat okay with it. (it would be his right to do so as defacto owner/uuberlord of said forum)
I dunno if Alblaka even reads the FTB forums, so if anyone want's to know his opinion then they better go ask him themselves.
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Well-Known Member
Nov 24, 2012
If I remember right, RichardG already blocked Greg's thread once on similar issue, but with XyCraft.


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
My opinion of GT is that it is too time consuming to be of any use. Its not so bad once you have a massfab going to make iridium but still it really needs to be toned down by making things faster to get by implementing overclockers or other means. Or require less resources/power.
I have everything automated and it still takes forever to make lower tier things like solar panels simply because various things cannot be sped up.


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
My opinion of GT is that it is too time consuming to be of any use. Its not so bad once you have a massfab going to make iridium but still it really needs to be toned down by making things faster to get by implementing overclockers or other means. Or require less resources/power.
I have everything automated and it still takes forever to make lower tier things like solar panels simply because various things cannot be sped up.

Well the reason for this is, is that Solar panels are Fire-and-forget power, you install them, and never have to worry in the slightest, makes them extremely powerful. not to mention the fact that photo voltaic plates are not makeable by hand :p
And yeah, it IS time consuming, that is the point of all games, is it not? If it is a problem, just go to the configs, and turn on the Cheaperrecipes, for solarpanels.


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
Well the reason for this is, is that Solar panels are Fire-and-forget power, you install them, and never have to worry in the slightest, makes them extremely powerful. not to mention the fact that photo voltaic plates are not makeable by hand :p
And yeah, it IS time consuming, that is the point of all games, is it not? If it is a problem, just go to the configs, and turn on the Cheaperrecipes, for solarpanels.
I guess what I'm most frustrated at is the fact that you cannot speed up things like the industrial centrifuge.


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
PS, Many recipes can use the industrial Electrolyzer in the update that we will be getting in circa 20-40 hours, which is about 10x faster. And yeah, that's part of the fun! Ind Centrifuges aren't too bad to automate, espescially with sandstone pipes (so they won't connect) or routers.


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
Concerning RichardG, it actually seems like he tolerates Greg until tries to mess with other people's mods, outside of IC. Seems to me that RichardG cares about Eloraam, Soaryn, and others, and is trying to protect their work.
I really don't see how someone can come in and 'fix' other people's work, and not expect a lot of backlash. At best, it is disrespectful. It smacks of the origins of Technic. "This what I am going to do with your mods, if you don't like it, too bad."


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
I guess what I'm most frustrated at is the fact that you cannot speed up things like the industrial centrifuge.

That takes some getting used to. Sort of like judging that you want to plop down coal coke ovens early on a new map, due to their speed and knowing where you want to end up resource-wise over a familiar period of time. The centrifuges are similar in that aspect - they can be slow (depending on the recipe), and therefore it's reasonable to plan for a decent-sized array of them, as early as possible. They certainly aren't a block you want to stand around and watch.
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New Member
Jul 29, 2019
Concerning RichardG, it actually seems like he tolerates Greg until tries to mess with other people's mods, outside of IC. Seems to me that RichardG cares about Eloraam, Soaryn, and others, and is trying to protect their work.
I really don't see how someone can come in and 'fix' other people's work, and not expect a lot of backlash. At best, it is disrespectful. It smacks of the origins of Technic. "This what I am going to do with your mods, if you don't like it, too bad."

Except you're forgetting that gregtech is in the ftb pack so obviously they have no problem with it and afaik he's gotten permission for every single one he's changed the recipes for(Which requires 0 of the original mods code), except for elo but he's obviously waiting for an answer to that and I hope elo doesn't mind, because gregtech has a good future, especially if it makes the mods balance more(EE2 springs to mind), and maybe even doing it dynamically at some point, where some balance fixes only go into effect when certain mods are both installed.


Well-Known Member
Nov 24, 2012
Greg does with other mods same, as TerraFirma does with vanilla. Result is not for everyone, but a lot of people found it fun. And as far as Alblaka and CovertJaguar don't mind Greg's OPTIONAL alteration, I see no problem.


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
PS, Many recipes can use the industrial Electrolyzer in the update that we will be getting in circa 20-40 hours, which is about 10x faster. And yeah, that's part of the fun! Ind Centrifuges aren't too bad to automate, espescially with sandstone pipes (so they won't connect) or routers.
Hmm... indy electros... indy grinder... indy blast furnace... this has me concerned. I have not planned out locations for these things in my base design. Am I reading the wikis wrong or they only take up to MV?


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
They need medium voltage to run in nearly all cases. some recipes will use less EU/t but you are better off with a constant 128 EU/t on the industrial electrolyzer, grinder, and blast furnace
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