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New Member
Jul 29, 2019
I'll just post this before people start turning 1 feather into 10 pre- v1.8 zombies.
This reminds me very directly of ChickenBones and NEI vs TMI.
You can see right in the first few paragraphs what I mean.

Incessant assumptions of being an asshat on the part of a mod maker without first seeing proof first kinda confuses me. A strange "guilty until proven innocent" sort of thing I suppose. Seeing a response from the maker of GT publicly stating he won't mess with RedPower without permission is nice to see.

I like GT and what it's attempting to do. The customizable config file he provides with it allows a wide range of tastes to be satisfied while still granting access to the interesting machines and options provided. One look at the config file should be all you need because it is so straightforward. If you are unwilling or unable to handle that minimal tweaking, you won't notice my swapping your diamonds for apatite. :p

In some ways, GT is like EVE Online. It's mostly locked into the love it or hate it state across the board. No sense in bashing something you don't have to use though. That part's just wonky. :eek:


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
I'm going to reiterate my post in the GT forums:

I think that honestly adding a configuration option to enable all hard mode recipes, which for some mods (not naming any ones cough cough) are off by default. I imagine it would look like this:

Hard Mode Recipes:
IC2 = Enabled
TE = Enabled
RP2 = Disabled
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New Member
Jul 29, 2019
This is starting to cross the line between contentious to just straight up ludicrous

As far as I understand it, RichardG is the guy behind IndustrialCraft or, at the very least, the front-man for the brigade of developers that keeps it updated and happily functioning through this MC update and that. He gets a guy like Gregorious running his fanclub out of the IC2 site and running his mouth at the same time and just lets it go on. And on and on and on. And all the fanboys gobbling up bandwidth on the IC2 dime are oh so quick to bash RichardG at every opportunity just because. Wow. If you came into my house with your arrogant pal and proceeded to bash me and sit around acting like you owned the place, I'd show you out by the belt loop. But here on the internets we don't know how to behave, and we'll gladly kiss the ass of an arrogant sycophant if he rubs our e-peens just right than think for ourselves and make our own decisions.

And now, mysteriy of mysteries, it's not a GregTech problem at all. It's those buffoons who don't edit the config just right. Damn you, buffoons. Don't you know how config to fix? Just passin' the buck all the damn way around...


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
If you think about the sudden explosion of people now aware of the existence of GregTech since its inclusion in FTB Beta A, I'd say all our reactions are normal. GregTech never really existed to me until it showed up in Beta A.

In some ways, GT is like EVE Online.
I get that feeling too o_O

It's those buffoons who don't edit the config just right. Damn you, buffoons. Don't you know how config to fix? Just passin' the buck all the damn way around...
Actually, with that private modpack stuff slow mentioned on the stream today, the issue is pretty much solved.


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
I'm going to reiterate my post in the GT forums:

I think that honestly adding a configuration option to enable all hard mode recipes, which for some mods (not naming any ones cough cough) are off by default. I imagine it would look like this:

Hard Mode Recipes:
IC2 = Enabled
TE = Enabled
RP2 = Disabled
That would be simple enough to please me also. It sucks having to sort through the whole config file to stop the gregtech changes. Great post.


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
TBH, i was able to change the configs without looking up any help, it's fairly self-explanatory in my opinion. If there is any confusion, i'm sure there will be many guides. Once i get my hands on the 1.4.6, i shall be playing mind-crack style, with all recipes on hard mode. I'm tired of getting end game after like 30 hours of game time.


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
Not sure how anyone gets the feeling GT is like EVE Online. Minecraft is a sandbox game. Gregtech is a linear set progression that attempts to change the rest of the game into the same linear type themepark gameplay rather than the sandbox Minecraft has always been. WOW now that I can see. That would be very easy for me to see how some could see GT as wow. Both are very easy, and think that following a very straight linear path of instructions of do this then get to this, now do this and get to this is somehow hard.
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New Member
Jul 29, 2019
The reactions are normal in that they are par for the course, but that doesn't mean they're appropriate. What I'm boggling about is why Gregorius or however you spell it is the target when it is the FTB team, not him, that is "forcing" his mod upon us.

I'll agree that config changes are not an appropriate solution usually due to SMP woes, but disabling GregTech for single player is so easy that there is no excuse, and for SMP, Slowpoke has said himself that servers will be able to generate a code corresponding to their server pack settings that they can pass on to their players. That doesn't eliminate the problem of finding a server that suits your tastes, but it does make it much, much easier for a server admin to remove a mod or change a bunch of config settings and have those changes coordinated with the server members.

I do not believe that invalidates requests to change the default configs, though. Not by a long shot. There are some config settings that I think just do not work well with FTB in general, for instance. But... at the end of the day, it's the FTB team deciding what those config settings are. Greg isn't making that decision. He's not the one to lash out at, attack, or whine at. Does that mean people should lash out at, attack, or whine at the FTB team? Short answer: No. Long answer: For what they do for us, that is neither deserved, nor quite frankly is it smart. So here's where my statement about appropriate reactions comes in. Would you react the same way directed towards the FTB team?


Well-Known Member
Nov 24, 2012
I think people hardcore enough to play hard mode GT are hardcore enough to install it manually. We arrogant buffoon fanboy pals (am I missing something?) need to be spoon-fed pre-configured modpack


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
And now we're reaching that point where every GregTech thread seems to eventually end up at, the unnecessary name-calling and sarcasm bit.


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
And now we're reaching that point where every GregTech thread seems to eventually end up at, the unnecessary name-calling and sarcasm bit.
Well, I think the lot of us are running out of anger at this point.

After not using it for a month, I found the "Import from FTB launcher" in MultiMC yesterday and combined with today's slowpoke stream, am quite satisfied with the available solutions.
I guess we can start formulating ways to progress up and through the newer versions of GT, since the guys running the MineCrack pack could benefit.


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
Personally, I quite like using just the centrifuge in GT. 20 Rubber for 8 sticky resin, and some plantballs and compressed plantballs are beautiful for my playstyle. I think it all boils down to your personal playstyle whether you like this mod or not. The fusion reactor looks cool, but I'm still playing with that in creative to see if it really fits in my playstyle.


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
Well, I think the lot of us are running out of anger at this point.

There is something in the water, I can't quite identify it, but the symptoms seem to be "long, angry diatribes about things which the offended party doesn't quite understand". It's not just GT, though that particular hatewagon appears to be overflowing and losing a wheel.

The analogy to EVE is cogent, as this disease is inevitable in most sandboxes where rules and gameplay are fluid enough to make the extremes of the community collide. We don't get to enjoy the freedoms of choice that the excellent modders and pack maintainers provide without it. But the other choice we have is how we express ourselves on matters of subjective taste that are a result of these freedoms. I can try to convince you all day long that Animals as Leaders is the best band since the Beatles .. but if you don't like heavy progressive instrumental Djent, why would I turn myself blue in the face trying to convince you otherwise? It's the same distillation of topic that turns into "you like ez mode / you like mindless tedium". People like different things. There is no correct choice.

But anger .. that's just wasted energy. I'm not even going to say step back and try to gain perspective (to either side of the extreme) since that sounds fairly condescending. But seriously, don't let yourself get angry. We're a community of people with a single thing in common, which is enjoyment of Minecraft. It's a "good thing". Most of us get enough negativity from work, relationships, life, whatever. It shouldn't carry over to the one place we all come to get away from it.

Oh, and .. on topic .. GT is awesome. EVE was awesome. Wurm Online was awesome. UO was awesome. You know what wasn't awesome? The Total Recall remake.


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
HOLY CRAP, What is this i see? A person that has intelligence enough to understand a config file? I love you sir, so many people fail to know about the simplicity of the config :D
It is simplistic - assuming you are playing SSP and know what you're doing.
When one is running a server, however, it is one thing to say "We're running FTB. Here's the download link. Here's the server IP.". It is quite another to say "We're running FTB. Here's the download link. Now open FTB for the first time and download the mods. Now close FTB, navigate into the config directory, open the..."


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
It is simplistic - assuming you are playing SSP and know what you're doing.
When one is running a server, however, it is one thing to say "We're running FTB. Here's the download link. Here's the server IP.". It is quite another to say "We're running FTB. Here's the download link. Now open FTB for the first time and download the mods. Now close FTB, navigate into the config directory, open the..."
I just got a great idea for a server application.

If one is unable to follow said simple instructions, maybe they aren't fit for the server!


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
I don't know what server you guys are on, but the one i play on lists all config changes, as well as the fact that this is indeed a beta pack, so certain things may not be as intended yet. (i believe that in the future server configs will also apply to user NEI operation).


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
Well, negative motions aside (I only mentioned it to try to break the thread)...

My group wants to keep GregTech, so I need to think about how I'm going to go about getting Iridium, since it spawning in the Nether was a bug. I'm thinking plain turtles to build out bridges in the End, since that seems like the intended main source. What's worked for you guys that updated your GT?
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