Whitelist Server GrayCraft Relaunched Whitelist/PvE/Mindcrack/Mature/Survival/Mystcraft Installed

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Your Minecraft Name: minecraftbfhpro
How long you've played: 1 year
Have you ever been banned before and if so why were you: on my friends server reason my friend likes to troll my
How old are you: 12
Do you have access to and the willingness to use a headset/microphone on a VOIP client: no srry
Do you want to participate in the community build: yeah and in wilderniss need so many room
Can we get some decent apps please? The age limit and request for more than one word or phrase answers is there for a reason. If you'd like to be whitelisted check some of the accepted applications to get an idea of what you should be basing it from.
Your Minecraft Name:
How long you've played:
I have been playing for about 6 months now.
Have you ever been banned before and if so why were you:
Never been banned.
How old are you:
Do you have access to and the willingness to use a headset/microphone on a VOIP client:
Yes, I have Skype, TS3, and can host a mumble server.
Do you want to participate in the community build:
Yes. ( reason I am applying.)
More about me:
Your Minecraft Name:
Foodoholic, is the name.
How long you've played:
About 6 months now. Started my own ssp world in vanilla, but got lonely in the vast nature of Minecraft. Found a server to play on and have been hooked on smp since then. I began playing FTB a few weeks ago, started late in Beta Pack and now playing the MindCrack pack, and it really completes the Minecraft game for me. Being able to progress from a measly cobble furnace to a furnace that spits out stuff faster then you can refill it!
Have you ever been banned before and if so why were you:
Never. I'm not the kind to make trouble.
How old are you:
23 years old, but sometimes I feel 50.
Do you have access to and the willingness to use a headset/microphone on a VOIP client:
Yes, if you have the willingness to listen to my horrible accent? I'm Danish, but I understand and speak english very well, the accent I can't do much about.
Do you want to participate in the community build:
I would love to! I like being part a a community, creating things together, sharing ideas and helping each other.
Additional information:
I'm a pretty relaxed guy. I like using my humor and making people laugh, but I also know when to be serious. The last thing you can expect from me is greifing or stealing, I might take a peek in a chest to see whats in it, but that's it.
I'm just looking to have fun with other people and having a good time while playing.

P.S. I suck at application, but at least I stuck to the no one words/phrase answer request... Kinda!
Your Minecraft Name: Steal1996
How long you've played: I've played minecraft since February 2012. I recently began playing Feed The Beast and i was brought into mindcrack. I have extensive knowledge of tekkit and buildcraft however.
Have you ever been banned before and if so why were you: No i have not been banned before from any server.
How old are you: I am 16 years old but I've been told that I am mature for my age.
Do you have access to and the willingness to use a headset/microphone on a VOIP client: I am not sure what VOIP means but I have a microphone and skype.
Do you want to participate in the community build: I tend to be a loner but i will do my best to contribute resources to the build to better enhance its production. ( I intend to be far from spawn but I will come frequently to trade.)
Your Minecraft Name:
How long you've played:
i don't know, the first time i experienced minecraft was before the nether update, when i started seeing videos of a youtuber playing minecraft alpha called. I've been watching minecraft videos for a long time since that time (maybe a year and a half, maybe more) but i was just able to buy it maybe 5/6 months ago..
Have you ever been banned before and if so why were you:
Never happened, what may happen is i can argue with someone on the chat if that person only asks for stuff or if i see that some grieffing is happening, that kind of stuff, but i'm a person that likes to follow the rules and just have fun with a nice group of people =)
How old are you:
16 years old. I do understand that you aren't that interested on people that are less than 18 years old, but i do consider myself someone quite mature and who knows how to behave in a community. i also am aware that, without knowing me, most people would just think that i'm too young to even know what is a mature person.
Do you have access to and the willingness to use a headset/microphone on a VOIP client:
i do not have a microphone, but i wouldn't mind to create an account and join you guys and everytime i'd need to talk i'd just write it on the chat. my native language isn't english, but i can understand it quite well. My accent isn't that great and i'm not really fluent while talking, but that wouldn't be a big deal (atleast for now) because i can't really buy a mic in like the next week or so.
Do you want to participate in the community build:
Yes i would like to participate in the one that you show us in the thread and also in others as well, such as farms and stuff like that and which help improving a lot the server and helps everyone on the server. i'm a really bad builder, but i'm pretty efficient at doing some stuff that other ppl ask me to do, so in case someone needs an extra pair of hands, i'd definitely love to help everyone =)
Additional information: Well, i'm portuguese and, as i already said, i'm 16 years old. usually i like to join someone else to live with me when i'm playing multiplayer because i really love to see what other ppl can build and their playing style. before starting playing with mods, i usually take some hours mining and gathering a lot of resources, which allows me to build whatever i want without having to ask for resources, which is something i do not like to do. i really like the stuff that forestry adds to the game, as well as buildcraft, factorization and redpower (i actually am really bad with redstone and i'm really interested in learning all the cool features that redpower adds). I'd also love to know how to programm my own stuff in computercraft, but unfortunately i had a hard time just trying to understand the basic stuff.. Just to finish, i have a basic knowledge of most mods from FTB but i never dived deep into each of them so that's another reason why i like to live with someone else, because that person may know stuff that i don't know and vice-versa. That way we can help eachother and mess with a bigger amount of mods =) i'd like to share some more stuff about myself because i feel like i've talked a lot about my experience in minecraft but i didn't really talk a lot about myself, but i'm not really sure what can i add. i'd answear any questions that someone has though =) thx for reading the comment and hope that you accept me in your server =)
Your Minecraft Name:
How long you've played:
Since before the first Halloween update (Alpha 1.1) I've been playing minecraft on a regular basis since then.
Have you ever been banned before and if so why were you:
I have but that was because of my friends just messing around and banning me to make me mad, I've never been banned for a actual reason.
How old are you:
15, I will be 16 in July. I hope you can see past my age and see me for myself and not the typical under 18 minecrafter.
Do you have access to and the willingness to use a headset/microphone on a VOIP client:
I don't have mic at the moment, mine has recently broken. I'm looking to get one very soon. I'm also willing to be in VOIP, even if I don't have a mic at the moment, I usually am in one for the game I'm playing so people can talk to me and I can just type back.
Do you want to participate in the community build:
I love participating in community builds, I'm one to be always at community events and helping.
Additional note:
I'm a American gamer, I play anything from CoD to Red Alert, Minecraft is one of my favorite games of all tho.
I play equal amounts of Pc and Xbox gaming. There's not a lot around me in a distance where I can just get up and go to, so I usually have a lot of leisure time to spend on gaming.Most of the time when I play minecraft it is online with friends and also modded. I spent a lot of time on tekkit, I have recently moved to FTB, where I plan to learn all that I need to from BigBass1997. Him and I usually work together online. We also play other games, but half the time its some version of minecraft. I have helped plenty of servers myself over the past 2 years or so I've been playing, most servers I've worked with bass on because we make a great team on most games. Him the brains, me the not so much bronze but more doing stuff that somehow contributes to us winning.
IGN: Michionlion
How long you've played: I've played Minecraft since just before beta, though I'm relatively new to FTB - nothing I can't learn, though. I have played with IC2 and BC before - though with Gregtech it may be different.
Have you ever been banned before and if so why were you: Nope, never have been banned.
How old are you: 16, birthday is in March.
Do you have access to and the willingness to use a headset/microphone on a VOIP client: I have a headset+mic, however it probably won't be on all the time - I do like my privacy.
Do you want to participate in the community build: I'm not sure, but I can definitely donate materials and other such things. Having a community to rely on, and helping others who are just getting started, is what makes Minecraft such a good game.
Your Minecraft Name: Matthias893

How long you've played: I've been playing since around beta 1.3, tech mods since beta 1.8. I watch all the direwolf20 videos and that's really what got me into Feed the Beast. Played the regular, insanity and insanity bonus challenge maps.

Have you ever been banned before and if so why were you: nope, never banned.

How old are you: 26, I'm in my final year of college, not many classes this semester either so plenty of time to play.

Do you have access to and the willingness to use a headset/microphone on a VOIP client: I have a headset/mic but I'm not a talkative person in general, it really depends on how long I've known the people I'm chatting with.

Do you want to participate in the community build: I'm not opposed to helping out. I'm really just looking for a chill place to play and relax. I'd probably start off by going off away from spawn but would be happy to trade/contribute resources to any type of community build.
I'd like to apply for 3 players: Me, my husband and his best friend (application in exactly this order):

Your Minecraft Name: WeatherChanging / Umyc / Ciproflox
How long you've played: on and off for 2 years, mostly at Orcworm
Have you ever been banned before and if so why were you: no, never
How old are you: 52, 33, 32
Do you have access to and the willingness to use a headset/microphone on a VOIP client: no / yes / yes
Do you want to participate in the community build: yes /maybe /maybe
Umyc (my husband) has been playing around with several mod-packs (which Ciproflox and I have not) for the last months and now managed to convince us to start up playing Minecraft again. He also was the one to chose this server and clubbed us into this application (only joking, he's watching, yaknow?) When we were with Orcworm, we were builders mostly (fun projects like gigantic pyramids of obsidian and snow). The three of us are located in Germany but we manage English, so we should be good. We can be reached via Skype as suul79. We apply as a group because we have been sticking together in several online-games (helping/protecting each other) and it wouldn't make sense for us to send an application each because we want to keep the gang together.
The Application
Your Minecraft Name: Syk0m0nk3y
How long you've played: since Beta 0.5 about
Have you ever been banned before and if so why were you: No
How old are you: 31
Do you have access to and the willingness to use a headset/microphone on a VOIP client: Yes Mumble, TS3, Ventrilo skype you name it I've used it (and probably have it installed)
Do you want to participate in the community build: Hell yes.

Your Minecraft Name: unixndata
How long you've played: over 2 years
Have you ever been banned before and if so why were you: nil
How old are you: 30
Do you have access to and the willingness to use a headset/microphone on a VOIP client: Yes
Do you want to participate in the community build: I'm a coder by day and use computercraft and turtles like its no ones business. Willing to setup a community network and share my code to help people mine and get there machines running to there peak.
Your Minecraft Name: Willhami2
How long you've played: FTB: More than a month, MC: 2-3 years now
Have you ever been banned before and if so why were you: I have never been banned as I am new to multiplayer minecraft
How old are you:16
Do you have access to and the willingness to use a headset/microphone on a VOIP client: Yes, I have both skype and Teamspeak.
Do you want to participate in the community build: Yes I'd love to work together with other members of the server in a community themed town and contribute many machines and systems for others to use.
Thank you for taking the time to consider my application. My skype is mcwillhami2 if you would like to get in touch with me